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Posts posted by Wesley

  1. Kinda creepy...


    Has all this emotional music and looking at all the cars on the track like it's all important and shit...


    And then there's no one inside the cars or any hands.


    It's like they're ghost cars.


    But it actually looks pretty awesome.

  2. Personally, I'm quite surprised people are only just having their feathers ruffled by this and that N-E has only just posted about it, it's been going on for a couple of weeks.


    I think it's obviously ridiculous, youtube, gaming sites etc would be torn down over it all, having people who don't really use the internet to decide what happens to it seems strange to me.


    This along with NDAA have been going on for quite a while without any mainstream coverage.


    It's good to see people finally take note and now it looks like it's going to be shot down.


    Unlike NDAA which no one gave a shit about.


    "You can detain me indefinitely, but don't take away my torrents!"

  3. ...and completely missing the point of why we have protests and strikes in a democratic society to boot. Great.


    Great quote I found on the outlandish and disproportionate response that would occur under SOPA


    Oh fuck that's amazing.


    That's the sort of fact that would make regular non-internet folk think twice.

  4. I've got a grey patch on the back of my head.


    I'm trying to encourage it to grow.


    I would like to be completely grey by the end of the year.


    In fact that was my New Year's resolution.

  5. It's the way the colour hair:


    They apply the colour/bleach onto the hair and fold your hair into a neat Tin foil like rectangle shape.


    Oh you used to have it coloured blonde, but have now reverted back.


    I get'cha.


    I didn't buy anything today.


    But I did sell my iPhone 3G 8GB for 70 quid.


    CEX wouldn't take it because the case is so fecked, but CashGenerator was fine with it.

  6. Finally started back at the gym yesterday.


    Was very good and enjoyed it.


    Decided to make a few changes to what I wear/bring to gym to make myself fit in more.


    I know that sounds odd but it's hard to exercise in the gym if you're dressed in a Mario costume and you know people are looking at you.

  7. I think I expressed an interest in it as I was doing the whole animation thing (or I may have been trying to do a specific thing) but I don't think I ever said "I AM GOING TO LEARN MEL" with my hands on my hips and my chin thrust skyward.


    But that's how I imagine you saying everything.
