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Everything posted by red'

  1. does anyone else get pissed off at that word 'doohickey' .. he is such an idiot.. he doesnt seem to know much about the market does he? he hasnt had a chance to see the wii? erm.. okay.
  2. oh my god this thread is great.. go sony! (riiiiiiidge racer!)
  3. didnt it say somewhere that they werent gonna release resi 5 on the wii? and that the guy that made re4 is making the one for the wii and re5? this was rumor, by the way, so its got no credibility. it would be good for the wii to have its own exclusive resi game though just think how re4 was before it got ported badly on to the ps2. plus it would be using the wiimote in its own inventive ways.. like maybe changing the grip you use for different types of guns or hand weapons?
  4. those stages in this game look class :p even better than the ssbm ones, and thats saying something. its got a mighty reputation to be living up to hasnt it? ssbm was a perfect game imho. i still play it now, and ive had it for a good 3 and a half years.
  5. WOW. gc has amazing graphics, and this console is 5 years later, just imagine what its gonna be like.....
  6. brothers in arms 3 nice graphics..
  7. E3...mmmm...just another month...
  8. imagine shooting your friend in the head in multiplayer matches....
  9. wahah those rev screens look awesome. good find... what happens if you hit yourself with the revmote :p
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