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About mikel

  • Birthday 12/24/1991

Personal Information

  • Location
    ashtead. surrey, england
  • Interests
    football, gc, squash tennis n stuffs alike
  • Occupation
    void, im 14 -.-


  • Nintendo Systems Owned
    ds, gamcube, gba, gbp, gb
  • Other Systems Owned
    psp, ps1, sega mega drive, super nintendo, had dreamcast but meh aaannd....comp :P
  • Favourite Game?
    legend of zelda : ocarina of time
  • Favourite Video Game Character?
    angel forge - time splitters: future perfect
  • Gender

Game Info

  • Nintendo Wi-Fi Friend Codes
    mario cart friends code - 369434091311
    animal crossing code - 2234-0550-3510

mikel's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)

  1. hahha ]
  2. hahha ok ok
  3. nah its like the pope and his advisor have been conspiriting...(im dumb) with some terrorists, im gonna watch on monday
  4. any1 seen the 1 about the pope and the terrorists?
  5. fine postman pat? ur just getting silly now jungle book?
  6. ok then if we are doing them, hermes song from futuram episode - when hermes requestes his grooov back or something
  7. hitch hikersguideto the galaxy im 14. not a nerd at all andi knew the story by heartages b4 it came out on film film = big let down but like theme
  8. ooo happy day!!! the song, im not just recolecting the old days any1 remember that? classy
  9. ooo saved by the bell, havnt heard in ages but rocks
  10. yea but u gotta love scrubs, every1 about it whoops but lol theme tunes gd but the randomness just makes it stupidly funny which is gewd if ur a weirdo so i love it personally
  11. ahh that rocks, but scrubs still better
  12. but we all know panic at the disco would be a kwler theme dont me ramar
  13. lol games take u away from the troubles of reality, even if ur standing there doing nothing it is still compelling to play i mean im play mc ds, using psp internet and playing runescape at same time even thought standing there talking on rs and looking up videos on psp its still compelling
  14. ahhh spirit ze might boosh, watched yesterday but was a letdown to the big hype ur sis made, pretty funny naanbread bit though themes kwler and american dads rocks too
  15. black fox I hate to be a spoilsport but gorillas don't use 'diapers'. o yes they do, ill send u a pic if u really want demonmike04 erm, if you could detect sarcasm, you would of realised i was joking. The only female is Kong's mate, which apprently has a 'Mysterious fate'. bet he ate her and then him and his some bombed new york in a stolen plane that he stole while on top that building and u r a spoilsport blackfox :'( stop ruining my childhood
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