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Everything posted by SuperTrunksZ

  1. Sorry if this has been asked again,but i need to know.Do you know if N replaces broken WIIMOTES caused by problematic strap? (launch batch).Is there any official announcement about that?Or is there an official european forum that i can ask?I sent them an email but i got no answer.I cannot call to the headquarters because i am from Greece,and the local representative company (3rd party) did not give me a straight answer.
  2. Well,there is no point.I just used the scenes that could fit.Nevertheless,i wanted a FFVIII resemblance,that's why i kept the water+land (and the poem too)
  3. LOL.It's the amiga booting screen.You propably didn't own one.
  4. Is it still online?I can't open it.
  5. 7/10.Beautiful but i dont know what is it!!!Is it a star shaped candle?
  6. I am waiting for your comments.Yes,i know it has some out of place scenes,but i couldn't continue the project without them. Here you are: Mirror (better quality) http://www.gametrailers.com/player/usermovies/95714.html
  7. I just want to make a question to someone thas owns the game...The sword fighting is like this: "When you move your wiimote verticaly link slashes it verticaly,when you move it horizontaly link moves it horizontaly etc..." or even if you just shake the wiimote link makes the 3 preconstructed moves in a row (vertical,horizontal,thrust) ?????? Because i played the E3 version of the game in the Athens Wii Event and saddly I discovered I was playing with just shakking the controler :(
  8. Even more gaming of Wii sports - boxing... After a very exausting but pleasing day... Non-gamers parade (this is all about,isn't it?) Closeups of the Hardware: It's my own...my love...my precious.... The lucky guy of the day: More Wii ambasandors: Random photos... VIDEO:
  9. Between the 19th and the 21 of November,at the Athens Hilton Hotel,took place te promotional event of Nintendo Wii. 20 Wiis were running,with the following games: Twilight Princess Wii Sports Wii Play Rayman Ravin Rabbids Wario Ware Excite Truck Cars Red Steel(only the 1st day because they had a very buggy version) Metroid Prime 3 All the photos are clickable Entering Hilton,special signs point the place of the event... ...although it is needless,'cause we figure exactly whom we should follow... A HUGE floor screen gives a hint for what is inside the room[:p] We also see the advertising sign The first Wii ambassandor we face Here is the first ownage i got in Wii sports My brother and I in a very deep test drive of Metroid Prime 3 Wii Ambassandors... The event room... A Wii show of by ur beloved ambassandors...
  10. Off topic,but i want to tell you of my idea...wouldn't it be great,if while playing online bowling,yu could watch in the other bowling corridors other online matches taking place? know...lag..but still...
  11. For me,the c+c franchise died the day Westwood was bought by EA...
  12. LOL.Great post...The Super Backtracking and the Twilight Princess copy made my day:bowdown: :awesome:
  13. Great!In the beggining i thought it was the classic start-with-venom-suit trailer but this one is a fresh one!Is it the same that was played in the comic con?
  14. Nice thread!!!Keep them coming!
  15. You really think so?Thanks...
  16. Hello everybody!This is my first trailer made for the game Red Steel,using the theme of an anime (Monster - song name "Grain")I used some scenes from the original trailer and some artwork i found on various websites.Well,give me some feedback,but try to be nice,because the only material i had to work on,was just one trailer. PS:I dont know why,propably a fault of my video render program,but the playback in some scenes has very poor framerate... Keep the comments coming! youtube.com/watch?v=Ytm4m56EXBQ
  17. Niiiice.....
  18. You're great...thanks
  19. It's from the Anime series Hellsing Ultimate and it is called Gradus Vita.
  20. Thank you guys!!!
  21. You just click on the "free" option,and on the next page you have your download ready (or sometimes have to wait for some seconds - there is a countdown)
  22. Hi to all!!First of all I'd like to say that it's good to be posting again after a long time of absence (what happened to my old account anyway?). Now,to the main event.I have created this trailer for the Twilight Princess Zelda game: http://rapidshare.de/files/14266528/zelda.WMV.html I'm waiting for your opinions!!!
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