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Posts posted by Glen-i

  1. Dude Typhlosion was superior and you know it. :awesome:


    Feraligatr's on the actual team I use right now, so nope.


    Also, you're not gonna convince me to go with Typhlosion when there's a bipedal alligator with fists right near it. Because that's a fight you're just not going to win. My reptile bias knows no bounds!


    At least you didn't say Meganium though.

  2. Those Alola forms, while cool, are starting to smack of Gen 1 pandering. I really hope other gens get a look in. Because it'll be a real shame if they go down the X/Y route again...


    I'm also curious about the lack of new mega Evolutions shown so far. I kinda really want my Mega Feraligatr. You can't give Gen 1 and Gen 3 starters megas and then ignore 2. That's just teasing!

  3. What do you have to be smug about exactly? Pokemon Go is a phenomenon. The popularity of Red and Blue are nothing compared to this.


    I said "if". Very key word there.

    I'd be totally OK with the popularity if GO! was even half as much a game as the originals, but they're really not. They're a prime example of the things I hate about gaming these days. Shallow experiences that people get mostly because they're free and on mobile. Despite the bugginess, despite the poor quality of the visuals and despite the nickel-and-dime nature of said F2P games (Especially so with this update).


    What's to stop TPC from going to Game Freak and saying "Look at how popular GO was, we want you to put microtransactions in your new NX Pokemon game as well, it'd make a lot more money."?

    That's what frightens me. The possibility of the actual Pokemon games getting cheapened because of this. Sun/Moon may have dodged that bullet, but what happens after?

    Maybe those games get their capture rates halved in order to justify said microtransactions? What? Never gonna happen? Well, it just did here, you prove to me that there isn't some kind of chance.

  4. If things aren't sorted it's going to go down as an amazing example of how to ruin one of the most popular things on the planet in the space of a couple of weeks. It also doesn't help the Pokemon brand image either. Baffling stuff.


    Just gonna go on the record and say this is exactly what I was afraid of the moment GO was revealed.

    If this does end up having a negative effect on the brand, I'm going to be in the most bitter "Smug Mode" I've ever been in.

  5. I'm sure the characters will be memorable, the writing funny, the controls responsive and all that. I just don't think the game looks that fun. It feels like a relic from when 3D platformers were still in their infancy and could get away with basic gameplay like this.


    You really need to play Banjo-Kazooie. If you ever get the opportunity, take it. The amount of maneuvers the two could pull off were enough to make Mario 64 blush.

    And Banjo-Tooie took it to new heights with an entire mechanic around splitting the pair up, which opened up even more moves to use. Banjo's backpack got some serious mileage in that game, being used to traverse hazardous terrain, fit into tight spaces, or even as a sleeping bag to recover health. There were well over 30 actions you could do by the time you got to the final boss. Which, by the way, is spectacular.

    Call them whatever you like, but they are most certainly not basic.


    It also doesn't have tutorials every 5 minutes like this seems to.


    Now this is only going by previous Banjo experience (I'm sure Yooka-Laylee will do the same thing), but every single tutorial was skippable just by pressing B. Even the entire tutorial section in the first game could be skipped with a selection in the first conversation.

    And even if you need to read them, they tend to have a few carefully placed insults/gags to provide a little bit of humour.


    Having watched the above I have to say I just don't get the appeal. I love platformers but I just don't see what's so fun or interesting about this. It looks like a shallow collect-a-thon. The whole thing just seems very dated to me and I suspect will rely pretty much excusively on nostalgia for good reviews. Obviously it's only a tech demo sandbox, but I was bored after about three minutes, so will probably give this game a miss.


    The game boasts tight controls (Seriously feels good just running around), good old British humour, fantastic character designs, a stonkingly good soundtrack, multiplayer games, some kind of co-op mode and if the first two Banjo games are anything to go by, It'll probably have some spectacular bosses, some silly mini-games and more than a few tricks up it's figurative sleeves. Not actual sleeves though, Yooka and Laylee are naked, after all.


    You seem really focused on this "Collect-a-thon" thing, but the games aren't really as bad as that. It's just a way of encouraging and rewarding exploration. As you go along, Yooka and Laylee will learn new moves that open up new possibilities. (I remember one of the trailers showing off an ability for Yooka to blend into the enviroment)

    It's also a subtle way of providing a difficulty curve, stuff is easy to find in the first few worlds, but as you progress, I guarantee things will get placed in more hidden or perilous places. (On that note, anyone remember Rusty Bucket Bay? That's one that'll put manly hairs on your chest)


    Sure, old Rare have misstepped with making too many collectibles. Donkey Kong 64 was definitely not the way to do it. In fact, they mentioned that on their website, stating they're making sure not to let that guy go too mental.


    You're gonna be missing out by just dismissing this game. It's been a long time since we've had a game like this that has the potential to be truly great.


    If you haven't already, give their website a read, they're not above poking fun at themselves. Especially their team bios, which includes...


    His background as a journalist means he brings a unique critical perspective to the team. If we put too many eyes on things, he tells us.


    This amber-maned testosterone machine is known not just for his ability to melt bean tins using just his magnificent tan, but also decades of classic game characters


    Young Lockwood is an Australian. He’s also done some game design, apparently,


    Apparently he does all his motion capture without crash mats, because he’s well ‘ard.

  7. Now we have a GPS powered game that doesn't let you track Pokemon with the GPS! Woohoo!


    Best news I've had in the past few weeks.

    I have no sympathy for any of you. Not one tiny iota.

    I knew they'd lower the capture rate. It's exactly the kind of scummy practice I was totally expecting.

  8. Naturally, I had to give it a go.


    It really does feel like a Banjo game. Right down to the blatant Talon Trot knock off! It is really strange that it runs at a silky smooth framerate, I've played the N64 games so much that the concept of a 60 FPS Banjo game feels really bizarre!


    There's a few kinks to work out, of course. The cameras a bit iffy at times. But there was so much in there that made me grin like an idiot. From Yooka's very posh voice, to the lack of Toybox budget meaning we couldn't read repeat dialogue, also the Wifi there sucks.


    The animation is top notch too, there's small touches like Yooka tilting his head when changing direction which gives the feeling of weight behind doing so. Even walking slowly got a good chuckle out of me, because for some mental reason, they decided to give him one hell of a swaggy walk.

    They don't say a damn word throughout and yet both of them just ooze character.

    Special props go to the fall damage animation which not once failed to make me smile. Not sure encouraging players to fall from high places is the way to go, but I'm cool with it.


    I seriously can't wait for this game!

  9. For the selling to the masses, I must admit the Wii and DS adverts with the celebs were good.


    This is 100% fact.

    It may have been incredibly cringeworthy, but no-one can deny that those adverts did their job.



    I always struggle to believe that any of them actually play games...


    I have a soft spot for the "So bad, it's good" ad though. And Ninty did more than a few of those. The Link to the Past Japanese advert is far more memorable than all of the celebrity Wii/DS adverts combined.



    You gotta admit, they're pretty damn good!


    Why do I remember them doing another rap advert for Link Between Worlds?

    Could someone check that for me? I don't have time right now.


    EDIT: Oh, and here's one of my favourites.


    If only because it's all sorts of "WTF?"

  10. @Glen\-i & Co., are you going to be hunting after the MK League tonight? :)

    I may pop on for a couple of pre-MK hunts too, at around 6.


    Loved that moment yesterday when I used the hammer spin on Glen-i at the end of a quest, and launched him with pinpoint precision (completely by accident :heh:) toward a Jaggi, which he then KO'd with an aerial attack! :cool:


    Some of the best MH moments often happen right at the end of a quest, such a shame Capcom still obscure the freeze-frame shot with all the item/rewards stuff. :nono:


    Seriously, some of those pics are fantastic. It's such a shame they can't be viewed properly, or better yet saved somewhere.

    A MH scrapbook feature that automatically collected all of those shots (for viewing/posting to Miiverse) would be amazing.


    Why yes, I will be. Suppose I'll join you for those pre-kart hunts as well.


    I always thought Tri Force Heroes did that screenshot thing really well. Letting you take a picture whenever you were playing online and then letting you post them later on.


    Right, so after Mario Kart is done, I will no doubt want to take my anger out on some cute innocent monsters.


    So RedShell and I will be doing a few hunts at 9pm if @S\.C\.G, @Deathjam, @Kaepora_Gaebora or @Vileplume2000 want in.


    Just not that USJ Glavenus event quest. Hits a tad too hard for 100-ish defense. But hey! Live and learn, right? Or die and run away or something.

  11. Instead of chasing new ways to play - why not focus on what has timelessly always appealed to home console gamers - powerful hardware, third parties, online connectivity...


    Because history shows that just doesn't work for Ninty.


    Gamecube was more powerful than PS2. And it didn't help one damn bit.

    You say powerful hardware, but that comes at a price and releasing a console as expensive as PS4/XBone when those consoles have been out for quite a while now is potential suicide!


    The average home console gamer is not gonna give a damn about a powerful console, because they already have that. Why buy another?

  12. I understand there are people who would enjoy the feature, especially people who buy handhelds. But I would say base home console users simply want a stationary, full scale home experience and don't want to be dealing with home console games as if they were pick up and play handheld games.


    Therefore I will assume this feature won't convince the latter types and basing the whole gimmick on something not entirely necessary is risking the biscuit, again. And the ardent home console users will note that the home console experience is dumbed down to accommodate for the portability.




    Considering that handhelds are definitely one of the biggest sources of income for Nintendo. I'm not sure the business savvy would agree with that.

    If they go along with making a direct competitor to Sony/Microsoft, do you really think they'd come up smelling of roses. Even with the same kind of power?


    Because I don't think it'll be quite as simple as that.

    Dumbed down is a terrible choice of words, by the way. It gives the impression that portable games are somehow inferior because they are portable. It's that kind of attitude that really annoys me. I would class the 3DS library as better than the WiiU one, in fact, it's not even close.

  13. If they wanted to port something like Pokémon Go then they definitely need to have 3G/4G. That game would be pointless if you could only play it at WiFi hotspots!


    I'd argue that it was pretty pointless anyway, but that's not for here.

    Also, yadda, yadda, yadda, not made by Nintendo so it might not even get ported, etc.


    But who will find it appealing to play something as epic as Breath of the Wild on the go on a small screen? (who on earth wants to play Just Dance on a phone!?).


    Someone who wants to play it on the go? You know, someone like me.

  14. But it's SUPPOSED to take up a lot of space... You're really struggling to justify this. You prefer two screens, fine, a lot of people don't think it's a huge loss. Just accept it. Your weak arguments and images aren't going to sway anyone.


    Well, yeah. On a massive TV, it doesn't matter so much.

    For a portable though, it really does. But fine, we'll see how weak my argument is when you get stuff like Xenoblade Chronicles 3D.

  15. They don't seem that different to me. Sure the map's a bit big but there's not much difference other than that.


    I've heard many complaints about the Assassin's Creed HUD's getting in the way. Particularly when multiple objectives happen at one time.



    This is a better example of the point I'm trying to make.

  16. C'mon you cant choose Japanese games. The country can do many great things, but UI is not one of them ;)


    I raise you Nintendo games.



    That HUD is customisable as well! Thanks, second screen.


    This is the thing I don't understand. People seem to insist that these things need to have massive and unique features to be justified. Why is that? That logic doesn't fly. Why aren't QoL improvements good enough for it?


    Oh my daze! So much this!

  17. It's always possible that handheld play might be a single screen affair, while the home console experience uses two screens in tandem (ALA Wii U). The report did say that the "brain" of the unit would connect to the dock; that doesn't necessarily mean that the screen itself would have to be... Perhaps the "brain" is actually a unit that can be disconnected from the screen itself, and when you do, the screen just becomes a dumb terminal that streams video from the base unit, like the Wii U Gamepad.


    Perhaps the screen can be used as a Wii U Gamepad when playing on TV, while disconnecting activates "Off TV" play? Iwata did say that the NX was supposed to absorb the Wii U archtecture after all...


    That's the complete opposite of what I would like...

  18. If the screen is big enough you can split the screen for backwards compatibility or just have the hud on screen - i've never had an issue with my Vita ever, or even the WiiU screen


    The WiiU screen is hardly portable.


    And yet, I wouldn't call the Vita screen big enough to handle anything close to a complex HUD.
