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Everything posted by Glen-i

  1. Mario Kart 8

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't this hit the frame rate? I'd rather have 60 FPS for a racing game. TV's are big enough these days to accomadate vertical 2 player split screen comfortably.
  2. Mario Kart 8

    I vaguely remember that... I never actually did any of them though. Were they along the lines of the DS ones? (Collect coins on a track, defeat bosses, etc.) I still wouldn't say it counts, mind. It's not exactly a "mode", is it? It was only temporary.
  3. Mario Kart 8

    You mean that one-off mode in Mario Kart DS? That's been missing for quite a while now. I've given up on Battle Mode ever being great again. But that's what the older games are for. (Then again, I've always preferred racing to battles, so... *shrugs*)
  4. Wii Sports Club

    You know full well that's EXACTLY what's going to happen.
  5. Mario Kart 8

    I still find it amazing that the option to jump into a friend's online game via the Friend List is so unused. What a wasted feature...
  6. Super Smash Bros. 3DS / Wii U

    It's a new visual effect for her Down B. She dodges with the power of crazy motion blur! This is my favourite Assist Trophy, ever! So wonderfully inspired!
  7. Xenoblade Chronicles X (4th Dec)

    All this pessimism can bum out a guy, you know? Can't I just have my Christmas release please?
  8. Xenoblade Chronicles X (4th Dec)

    Was that due to a delay? Because if not, then surely that's bald-faced lies on their part? Then again, I do interpret March as Spring. Seasons can be confusing when it comes to release dates.
  9. Mario Kart 8

    Baby Rosalina is the one of the few things I absolutely hate about the roster. (And Pink-Gold Peach, that's like Honey Queen levels of dumb) Is not that I have nothing against the baby characters, but Baby Rosalina sticks out to me especially because if someone had just given it a little more thought, they would have realised that if you were going down the "Younger Rosalina" route, this would have been a far more inspired choice! You look me in the eye and say you wouldn't rather see that!
  10. Xenoblade Chronicles X (4th Dec)

    Double checked the direct. It definitely does say "Winter 2014"
  11. Xenoblade Chronicles X (4th Dec)

    I know it's possible, but the Direct did say Winter 2014. I'm optimistic about this one. Anyway, should kinda get back on topic... I'm also in the "English Voices > Japanese voices" group, mainly because of Reyn and the other voices are just fine. Plus some Americans can't understand some of the characters, which is always funny.
  12. I laughed. Makes me appreciate that I can't get my WiiU online reliably where I live. The rare moments I do get my WiiU online, I spend most of my gaming making posts. Don't buy the Autumn release date one bit.
  13. Xenoblade Chronicles X (4th Dec)

    Fire Emblem X SMT is still a thing!? Seriously, how long was it since that was announced? If X comes out this year, I don't think I could cope with the stress. I'm too poor for all this awesome! Still getting Smash first though. But I'll regret any game I have to put on hold...
  14. The Band of Thieves & 1000 Pokémon (3DS)

    Why bother translating stuff if we're not gonna pay for it? Thinking about Flipnote 3D makes me feel awfully bitter...
  15. Nintendo Financials Q&A

    Yeah, I could have put that clearer... Sorry. But, I disagree with Iwata. I don't think that one game can change a console's fate that dramatically anymore.
  16. Nintendo Financials Q&A

    Call me pessimistic, but I get the feeling fresh and unexpected normally gets a response of poor sales these days. I'm sure most gamers are satisfied playing the same thing over and over. Were Pokemon to be introduced today, western gamers would not eat it up as much as they did back then. At least that's what I think.
  17. Nintendo Financials Q&A

    Mario Kart and Smash Bros. is mentioned quite a bit. I know they said that E3 will show more new titles, but I don't think they can count on those two to be as influential as Pokemon was for the Game Boy.
  18. This and Revelations are the only Resi Evil games I actually enjoyed. The Wii version will always be the definitive version to me. Those controls make the game so much fun to run through. Especially with a Chicago Typewriter. That and the corny dialogue makes me smile every time. ("Your right hand comes off?") I never was that much of a fan of the Mercenaries mode. I'm not quite sure why, I loved Mercenaries 3D. It's probably because of the lack of co-op.
  19. Super Smash Bros. 3DS / Wii U

    Recoil damage? So Charizard is the new Pichu? I can't be the only one who's sick to death of Mega Charizard X, surely? It's everywhere! I'm gonna miss that "It's Super Effective!" text box...
  20. The Band of Thieves & 1000 Pokémon (3DS)

    Um... OK? From what I can see, it looks nicer than Pokemon Rumble. Somehow, it being free makes me not expect this getting out of Japan.
  21. That cave was in a place where you had to dive underwater in order to get into. It had to get out of the cave somehow.
  22. Maybe it knows Thunder Punch? Knocking out a Kyogre with one Thunder Punch is always funny and satisfying. I hope that thing about every legendary having at least 3 perfect IV's carries over though. Having a Groudon with perfect speed feels underwhelming in X and Y.
  23. Pokémon Art Academy (3DS)

    I suppose so. Although, considering that the lessons are not the main reason I'm buying this, perhaps the Japanese one is more accurate for me.
  24. Pokémon Art Academy (3DS)

    Hmmm... Not sure how to feel about that box art. It seems a bit too cluttered compared to the Japanese one. Although I'm downloading it, so complaining seems a bit pointless.
  25. Nope! If there was any chance of a cut-scene featuring the legendaries, that was what they were going to show. I love how the footage is literally "Here's the bit where Groudon is awakened" and then straight after, "And here's the same thing with a less cool Pokemon"