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Everything posted by Glen-i

  1. Wii U General Discussion

    You're the one who posted here about Bravely Default being nominated in the first place!
  2. Are you trying to say Cambridge is wrong? http://dictionary.cambridge.org/pronunciation/british/omega-3
  3. Wii U General Discussion

    Oh yeah, I'm not trying to defend that. It could have been handled better. I still loved playing it. I enjoyed the battle system too much to let that put a dampener on it. That finale was totally awesome though...
  4. Wii U General Discussion

    I know the majority of people here hate Bravely Default. I've played it through 4 times since launch, still enjoyed it. Opinions, you know. The battle system is fantastic in my view. And I was OK with the second half. You don't have to do the optional stuff. You can make that part go by pretty quickly if you know what you're doing. Some of the late game optional fights are pretty brutal as well, even on Level 99. Shame almost no-one tried it.
  5. I know the voice is cringe-worthy, but stick with it to the end. You will not be sorry.
  6. Wii U VC

    Somehow, the picture in your sig makes that sentence so bloody funny. It's probably the facial expression.
  7. Super Smash Bros. 3DS / Wii U

    Oh god, WHAT DOES THIS MEAN!? Maybe after his second post, he was sucked into Smash Bros WiiU, never to be seen again!
  8. 3DS Console Discussion

    Oh, you snob. Some people might prefer playing it on the 3DS. Some people without internet access. Some people like me.
  9. Hyrule Warriors

    DOMINION ROD!? DOMINION ROD! TAKE ALL MY MONEY! Oh wait, they already have... Great! I feel stupid for not thinking of the Dominion Rod. And hooray for more weapons for Zelda! Link is getting too many anyway. That adventure map makes me very excite. Lots of silly new items to use! Pretty much confirrms that the Spinner is Amiibo exclusive though. There aren't enough weapon icons. 2 for 5 minutes of screen time Midna's weapon upgrades. 2 for Zelda's Dominion Rod upgrades 1 for Ganny's keys And one more mystery one. No sign of any bronze weapon icons either, which is where brand new weapons normally are. Costumes are great as well! Are... Are they both for Link? I literally can't tell if that's Link or Zelda sporting the Ilia (Is that her name?) clothes. Damn you and your feminine looks, Link! 10 outta 10 for awesome! (It's sad that I'm more excited for this then Omega Ruby.)
  10. Super Smash Bros. 3DS / Wii U

    Who the hell is MIKEYBEAR?
  11. Wii U General Discussion

    Bravo to Bravely Default! I don't care what anyone says. That game was an utter joy to play! I remember someone describing it as "The best Final Fantasy in a decade" and I think that's quite apt. Doesn't stand a chance against Smash though.
  12. Defensive, definitely defensive. It seems like it would make a decent mixed attacker. So... More Def/Sp.Def, less Speed? That's what I went for. As for moves, definitely keep Diamond Storm. It's Stone Edge without the crap accuracy. Has a 50% chance of raising Defense too. Very nice. Moonblast is always nice. Stealth Rock, Toxic, etc. Just don't be expecting to go first with it...
  13. Wii U General Discussion

    What is this? The 90's? It's a grey logo now.
  14. Super Smash Bros. 3DS / Wii U

    Basically, Ridley being a boss is as close as it's ever going to get? Any sensible person could have guessed that.
  15. Wait, Platinum had the 5 facility Battle Frontier? Man, I remember so little about that game... Fair enough, my bad. Still hugely disappointed about this though. I'm officially not even remotely hyped about this remake now. I wanted to tackle all those facilities with an actual knowledge of EV and IV training.
  16. Bugger... I'm not really one for battling online, so that wasn't what I was hoping for. I'm starting to get the impression that this remake may not have gotten as much care put into it as HG/SS did...
  17. Super Smash Bros. 3DS / Wii U

    It's a shame, but considering how replays actually work in the 3DS version, it was inevitable. (It records button inputs, not the actual match) @Dcubed and I had a replay of 3 Wario's on Gaur Plains. I actually hurt myself a bit from laughing so hard during it. Constant bike riding, eating items/Warios/other bikes, farting and the odd time where Wario-Man would activate followed by constant back-air and Up-air attacks to slowly rise up in that ridiculous way he does. All culminating in an amazing accidental meteor Smash with Wario-Man's down-air. Possibly one of the greatest Smashes I've ever had! Trust me, if you ever play locally. Suggest an all Wario match on Gaur Plains with items on. You will not regret it!
  18. Super Smash Bros. 3DS / Wii U

    I'm just happy there's an actual UK advert! Sick of seeing "This is for the players" every time I switch on the TV. (It's a good slogan, but I've seen it so many times, I've gotten tired) Kinda wish they nicked the "Settle it in Smash" from America, but eh... (Mind you, I haven't actually heard the advert, I've only seen it. So I might be hilariously wrong)
  19. See, I'd give the original Ruby/Sapphire the same kind of score. Two of the reasons for that being the god-awful surfing and battle animation speed. But "Too much water" is just dumb, (I am assuming that the surf speed is the same as X/Y, mind). One thing the reviewer points out baffles me more. They didn't like the amount of water Pokemon in the game. Too many water Pokemon... in Alpha Sapphire... That said, one certain quote caught my eye there. @Debug Mode, sounds... kinda promising. But for all I know it could just be referring to Episode Delta and the whole bunch of Legendaries from other games. It just seems mad to leave the Battle Frontier out considering HG/SS had all the Crystal content. Anyway, I've just seen the Pokemon themes we're getting tomorrow. Beautiful! I love how Kyogre is nowhere to be seen unless you start scrolling! It's perfect for me! All my folders are in one area, so I never scroll anyway! It's exactly what I've always hoped for.
  20. Hyrule Warriors

    Yeah, I saw the direct. What I meant was if it was exclusive to Amiibo or not. I'm fully expecting it to not be.
  21. Hyrule Warriors

    It's only a costume, it's not gonna give any new weapons. I'd be very surprised if the Spinner wasn't one of the weapons featured in this pack, considering it's one of the more memorable TP items. Then again, they made the Twilight Mirror a weapon, so who knows?
  22. Out of interest, which version did you get? Sapphire or the one with this little mofo? Yep, I'm shamelessly advertising a picture I drew on a kinda related drawing app. And what?
  23. Hyrule Warriors

    Personally, I would have picked Telma. Not even Link can resist having a peek. EDIT: Actually, I just remembered another character I'd rather have! SECOND EDIT: OH! What if the costume is based off him? That'd be cool. Probably not though. I'm still cool with 5-minute of screen time Midna though.
  24. Super Smash Bros. 3DS / Wii U

    Oh great... They nerfed Greninja... His Up smash takes longer to finish. I knew I was going to hate this update... I'm so relieved that I pulled off the 9.0 run before he was hit by that. On the plus side, it seems like Shulk does more damage all around. I'm still bitter though. But that's exactly why you should play it! Or at least, watch the 4 minute speed run of it on Speed Demos Archive.
  25. Bayonetta 2
