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Everything posted by ShadowV7

  1. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3DS

    I'll make a post later about the stuff, can't remember everything that got cut/got left in code so i'm re-investigating just now so I get most of it. I wouldn't say not much, since there was fair bit that got redone/removed, but perhaps not as drastic as WW. We all know the outcome of that one.
  2. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3DS

    Yeah. Would rather just have a portable OoT And they can do the same with OoT.
  3. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3DS

    Nah, would rather have OoT. Just can't beat a homeconsole Zelda (despite irony of this is that it's on a handheld) But yeah, too soon. I want more OoT /bias Also, i'm never normally hyped for the portable Zelda titles.
  4. 3DS Console Discussion

    I think it starts at 3 Central European time, so 2pm for us.
  5. 3DS Console Discussion

    I demand we put a ban on speculation for everything regarding the 3DS until next Wednesday. It's causing so many issues
  6. Why No General Chit-Chat, Guys?

    But it's a big scary world over in Gen Chit Chat. I'M JUST NOT READY FOR IT!!! Nah but really, dunno why it's so divided into two different sections. Just assume that the 'community' where folk know each other get along and don't have a need/interest in the gaming ones, and the ones in gaming are just here to talk about games.
  7. 3DS Console Discussion

    That's just GAME to be honest. Raise the prices where you can.
  8. 3DS Console Discussion

    There's so much I want to quote and contribute too, but I can't really be bothered. But with Scoop & Debug Mode anyway. Dunno why they're pretty much giving folk the middle finger. If they are going to be so bold as to do this, i'd really hope they would actually release games everywhere and in a more timely manner, instead of forcing region locking for areas that are getting region specific games. But with each region getting their sales, does each region warrant that extra little bit of sales that the minority of gamers decided to import cause of long waits. I don't really feel really feel like waiting a year+ for a game, not when they can do better. And is sales really going to make much difference in each region? The only gamers who will be importing will be the 'hardcore' gamers, and even then, it's not like their profits/revenue is going to change much from that. And besides, you could for example say for instance, sales could even go down for some games. Atlus is a prime example. They barely release games here at all. Only Japan and the US. For instance, people will import some games from America, but will lose out due to region locking, same with Japan only games. I just don't see how this is a good thing. It'll be hard to judge what I said, due to lack of sales data, but restricting gamers i'd say is bad.
  9. 3DS Console Discussion

    I'm going to assume the going by the info, the code in the console and game will have to match, like both set to 'EU'. So if that's the case, i'd imagine the DS games won't have such code so it can't be blocked, so will play fine. But some clarification will be good.
  10. 3DS Console Discussion

    I dunno why people joke about it, but i'd fooking love a console with an inbuilt toaster. Instant purchase. But on topic now, this has really annoyed me. Greatly. If they're going to go and region lock it, then Nintendo and the rest of the publishers can go pull their finger out, stop the QQ, and release games outside of America/Japan. Cause i'm gonna want to buy several titles from America(RPGs), and not be able play them. I can name publishers right now who will end up doing this. So if they're actually going to do this, good going for promoting more piracy, but I for one will be instantly downloading homebrew when it is available. Freaking stupid reason for reasons posted and more. I'd understand it if it was for the download service, but this? C'mon. This has instantly given me doubts about the 3DS. They better have a good launch line up for Europe...
  11. 3DS Console Discussion

    Seeing as this was only a display to the public, no news was really going to come from this anyway. News is coming on the 19th as they've already said. All the weekend was, nothing more, nothing less.
  12. 3DS Console Discussion

    We'll be finding out new details come the 19th anyway, so i'd assume we'll be told a bit more about the online around then. But give a console friend code instead of the naff games. Was it EA or some 3rd party that said they were using that for the 3DS? SO fingers crossed it's just like that all round.
  13. 3DS Console Discussion

    I'm positive the launch line up is going to be a bit different from what Japan has, although it is a bit weak. But the battery won't be terribly better in future redesigns, and it's roughly the same size as a DSlite.
  14. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3DS

    Always with kid Link so far... Makes me wonder (hope) that they're hiding something. Like a directors cut for the intended stuff that got removed...
  15. 3DS Console Discussion

    On max brightness yeah, but are you honestly thinking that a redesign is going to give much more battery life? They said from the start that it was always going to be lower.
  16. Xenoblade Chronicles (Aug 19th)

    Guess I best get the ol' homebrew back again. I don't wanna go missing out on this, and I still need to get Arc Rise Fantasia and if it is true, Talse of Graces. This just reminds me of PSO, so I really want to give this a play. Guess I best get the ol' homebrew back again. I don't wanna go missing out on this, and I still need to get Arc Rise Fantasia and if it is true, Tales of Graces. This just reminds me of PSO, so I really want to give this a play.
  17. The Last Story (24th February)

    Still, could atleast mention the other territories instead of completely blanking us. Still that's America not getting it *pats Disaster box*
  18. Exactly. ONLINE CO-OP!!!! Would've made IX the perfect game for me.
  19. Donkey Kong Country Returns

    This game is just awesome. Totally loving it. Had a few hours on it just there and done the first world and went around trying to get KONG and the Jigsaw pieces. Now working on 1-K I think it is. Gonna have many good times on this methinks!
  20. The Last Story (24th February)

    And I still see no release date for out of Japan from that event Srsly, c'mon already.
  21. Cataclysm: World of Warcraft

    Grats on the 85. Takes a little trek to get there. Didn't think the exp jumps would be so vast. I had to read twice when I say the amount to get to 85.
  22. Festive Names!

    Freaking ace names, really good
  23. Pro, knew it wouldn't be cancelled. Hell dunno what i'm saying, i'm still a kid in DQ V.
  24. Cataclysm: World of Warcraft

    Sent an invite there. Hopefully it'll work
  25. Cataclysm: World of Warcraft

    I haven't gotten any invites from you so far, what's your battle.net address?