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Everything posted by ShadowV7

  1. 3DS Console Discussion

    One thing I thought of yesterday was if you carry your 3DS around with you, and you want to show it to others, what would be a good way to actually demonstrate it? I mean if you're out, no AR cards, Face Raiders is fun but doesn't really show 3D, and the game you have with you might not be interesting to them. But if you have like demos as a different apps, even if it's for a limited time, you essentially have a handy promotion device to display to friends/family and cater to different tastes. It can only be good to convince nay sayers. That can be one of my dreams from E3
  2. 3DS Console Discussion

    Even though we have details now, anyone feel that they're holding back something? I mean we are getting this on the day that their conference is on. That can't be a coincedence surely? Give downloadable demos, so when you close the 3DS in sleep mode the stuff you're downloading will keep doing so till it's done and notify you via LED.
  3. This post amuses me. Also I want to add: NO VOICES = DOOMED!!! And short? What? I say less guessing and more facts when we know more than a bland trailer. I'll say this again, people aren't all that hyped, myself included because the announcement and initial trailer for this did nothing. It showed nothing. Go on and compare the TP trailer and this. It was a bad trailer followed by a bad stage demo. But I know it's going to turn out good because it's Zelda. So not fussed.
  4. Heroes of Ruin 3DS ( S-E+N-Space )

    From Nintendo Power Freaking YES! This is what online on the 3DS should be.
  5. People aren't as 'Wowed' because of first impressions/look of the game. Twilight Princess had a lot of hype, and had awesome trailers. This... not so much.
  6. Or how about being the first to give a release date for this already. We always get messed about when it comes to homeconsole Zelda's.
  7. Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D

    Awww. That's just fail. What good is pre-set message in an action/shooting game. Expected more from Capcom.
  8. Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D

    Just got my 4th 3DS game, eShop in a couple of weeks, OoT in 4 weeks, Resi 2 weeks after, then StarFox same month and if it makes it, Kid Icarus just after summer. Busy times. But I really hope that this has voice chat. It's really called for here.
  9. 3DS Console Discussion

    I'm paying the same price for 3DS games as DS games so far, so i'm good and wondering where you buy your games But the RRP prices are a bit of a joke. I'll never pay £39.99 for a game, never mind handheld.
  10. Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D

    Add Len in already! I already have an interest in this already, but adding him in would out my interest up so much. Also, online co-op!
  11. 3DS Console Discussion

    I had that a week or so ago, seemed a duplicate of the latest update.
  12. Starfox 64 3D

    Battles were always fun and got some good memories of some awesome fights. Have a picture of your Mii as a picture for when you use voice chat, add some new maps/on foot sections. Not to mention a co-op mode. Lots they could've done for it if they actually put in the effort. Starfox: Assault has fun multiplayer, could've even added something similiar. No reason to keep it single player only, especially when they added in local wireless play.
  13. Starfox 64 3D

    Urgh Nintendo. This is just lazy. And with the game having been finished for a bit, they've had time to add it in. No reason why they couldn't. Makes me wonder if they're holding off their online games for a better online system. But I doubt that though
  14. 3DS Console Discussion

    Got my AR T-Shirt there. Shame about it being a Large. And having a bit of big text on the back declaring "Registrant No. 2175" (my number in applying for one) I'm not sure how many folk this'll actually fit
  15. Super Mario 3D Land

    Can easily move the console around and still see the 3D though. I've never had an issue with it.
  16. Assassin's Creed: Revelations

    What exactly warrants you to missing out this as opposed to AC III, out of curiousity?
  17. Chuck

    NBC didn't take syndication or worldwide sales of 'Heroes' into consideration. So that doesn't exactly fill me with much hope.
  18. Assassin's Creed: Revelations

    Also, virtual cookie of a teaser having Ezio/Altair standing back to back like the double headed eagle. Altair with his hidden blade and Ezio with the Piece of Eden. Also, the Greek Orthodox Church has a double headed eagle. Crete/Cyprus has been creeping up a lot.
  19. Assassin's Creed: Revelations

    France was a fairly popular theory for the next setting, but going by what's being teased so far, it doesn't look like London or France. There's been heavy referencing to Altair, Ezio, and some suggestion of Giovanni and Crete(And Subject 16 to a lesser extent). Lots of things kicking about, very little sense. But then again, I full expect a huge curveball, this is AC after all. Nothing is true, everything is permitted
  20. Phantasy Star Online 2

    My first impression is the one on the right being a FOmar. If it is then that'll be my class likely sorted again. Also i'm gonna speculate that the guage that's remained at 0% during gameplay is the Mag PB meter. I want my mags back.
  21. 3DS Console Discussion

    There was a small article in the paper in the Metro up here about the console not reacing the 4 million mark and spoke about how about dizzyness, vomiting and 'black screens of death' was the/part of the cause.
  22. Phantasy Star Online 2

    That was awesome, noticed a few little touches in the HQ version. Made me look forward to this even more.
  23. 3DS Console Discussion

    Okay you lot, if you would suggest a game, PilotWings Or Nintendogs? I'll likely be picking up one of these but no idea what one to go for. Never played Pilotwings, I know its short but I don't mind trying to get perfects etc, or go with Nintendogs even though I had it on the DS, does it still take you in, any new differences that makes it worth playing over Pilotwings?
  24. I've got Skyward Sword, Xenoblade and The Last Story to purchase still. I'm sorted.
  25. Phantasy Star Online 2

    I played a fair bit of Ep 4, maybe around the 100 hour mark. I loved the story of Ep 1 and 2 and how parts tied together. Was really fun, gave you that sense that you were reall investigating into what happened. Would be lovely for this to be the same. I would, and it's what I wanted since last year. But that's just cause I really want another form of PSO to play. And Ep 3 was great :< But i'll be more than happy with PSO 2 if it is as good as it looks.