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Everything posted by Cerulean

  1. Revolution will have 20 games for launch

    I don't really remember how many launch games the Cube had, all I know is that none of them were really great... (or was Eternal Darkness a launch game? Cos then I take my words back )
  2. ODama

    Haven't found any reviews yet... Movies look kinda cool actually.
  3. Pikmin or Pikmin 2?

    I really love the multiplayer of Pikmin 2, so if multiplayer is important to you, take Pikmin 2 cos the first one doesn't have any MP at all.
  4. Which Graphic Card

    I'm looking at some auctions on Ebay, what should be a decent second hand price for the 7800?
  5. what do you guys think

    That's very well done, thumbs up.
  6. User Bars

    Eh, who wants en 'emo kid' bar anyway...