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Everything posted by soag

  1. Why you hate GAME

    Glad to to be of service Ahh i thought you meant belfast city center, I been in the Forestside game once, was playing god awful hip hop music i could only stand it for 5 minutes lol. But in the HMV next to it have awesome staff . Was served by some guy who seemed to be stond out of his mind lol.
  2. N.I joins the no smoking brigade

    Happy days Now the smokers can go kill themselves in their own homes, I cant stand smokers and cant wait til they all kill them selves :p
  3. Why you hate GAME

    The staff in game in belfast have always been friendly to me, maybe they just think your ugly :p.
  4. Ammo Crates = Kick Ass Cabinets

    My mate got a small ammo case of ebay and is currently makining it into a laptop. If he ever gets it finished it would be so kick ass
  5. 007 Daniel Craig

    OMG Platty changed his sig shocker *grabs heart and dies* :p
  6. Killer7...What the Hell???

    Killer 7 is one of the greatest games I have ever played, I loved it to bits and I highly recommand it to anyone. Controls are spot on, stoyline confusing but awesome (i like to be confused ). If you aint got it then why the fuck not. Go buy it now you wont regret it
  7. Underrated Inventions?

    The lightbulb without it at the mo, id be in the dark, the lamp for the lightbulb to fit into and of course electricity to run the lamp. The shoe without it we'd have sore feet. The coaster without it we'd all have stained funiture.
  8. 007 Daniel Craig

    Ermm theres only one bond movie rated higher than a 12, so your news is like 40 odd years late :p.
  9. 007 Daniel Craig

    HAHAHAHA I love it when people say Bond is English :p Bond is not English and I will repeat Bond is not English. Quoted from wikipedia.org James Bond is the son of a Scottish father, Andrew Bond, and a Swiss mother, Monique Delacroix, both of whom died in a mountain climbing accident in the Aiguilles Rouges, when Bond was 11 years old. James went to live with his Aunt, Miss Charmian Bond, in Kent. Bond's family motto, which was later adopted by James Bond during "Operation Corona" in the novel On Her Majesty's Secret Service is Orbis non sufficit (Latin for "The world is not enough"). It must hurt to know that one of the greatest Englishmen on film is actually a Scot :p.
  10. 007 Daniel Craig

    ermm a reason why the newest bond movies have been so wank is cos of those bloody gadgets so less of them is excellent . Just thinking if its a prequel I guess its going to be shot like its back in the 60's, if its shot in the modern day I really will crack up.
  11. The world in your hands

    love my country :p and want the rest of the world to see how beautiful it can be when its not geting bombed that is :p
  12. 007 Daniel Craig

    The only book that wasnt an actually bond film is Casnio Royale, though the name was used for a comedy bond move starring the late David Niven and Woody Allen. Even though all the book names have been used for the names of the books, most of the story lines are completely different. I have all the bond movies and books as Im a huge fan. But today looks a bad day for us bond fans :'(
  13. The world in your hands

    Been on it befe, N.Ireland looks like shit, get your act together google and show us in all our glory.
  14. Dogs Trust

    Only when hes not drunk, which is ermmm never :p
  15. What did you get in the post today?

    Today I got a pay slip and this... MEGADETH - SYMPHONY OF DESTRUCTION - CD SINGLE - RARE
  16. Rambo 2 and 3 are 2 of the worst movies I have ever seen, Rambo one was ace though . I didnt think Rocky 5 was that bad, wished they kept the orginal ending where he was killed by Tommy Gunn.
  17. Clubber Lang is in it, not as a fighter but as a boxing announcer.
  18. This news is sooooooooooooooo old it's starting to grow grey hairs.
  19. So I passed my driving theory...

    I should proberely do the same, but meh im lazy :p
  20. S.O.A.D. fan, rejoice!

    W00t This album is number 1 on my must buy cd list at the mo. Cant wait for it
  21. What did you get in the post today?

    I got some thing from SKY tv about getting a SKY credit card... ... it went in the bin
  22. What did you get in the post today?

    Today I got.... QUEEN a night at the opera (yep it finally came) QUEEN Hot Space Tour'82 OFFICIAL PROGRAMME IRON MAIDEN - 1983 WORLD PIECE TOUR PROGRAMME oh and some letter from the bank.
  23. What did you get in the post today?

    Damn right its addictive, I only started collecting vinals but sofar i have a nice wee collection which includes... Michael Jackson - Bad (Album) - Mint Condition Queen - A Night At The Oprea (Album) - Badly Damaged Megadeth - Symphony of Destruction (Single) - LTD Edition, Mint Condition Metallicia - (Boxset) - Only 5000 Worldwide, Mint Condition Nirvana - All Apoligies (Single) - Mint Condition I have a Mint Condition copy of Queen - A Night At The Oprea coming in the post Today I got... AC/DC Hells Bells World Tour 1980 ACDC Programme Tour Programme Use Your Illusion Tour MEGADETH - HIDDEN TREASURES - US EDITION OF CD V/AThe Beavis & Butthead Experience (CD 1993)
  24. Death

    I belive in an afterlife, god an all that but I dont want to get into a discussion about it, thats my beliefs and Im not going to try to brainwash you into beliving my beliefs. At my funeral I want either November Rain, Dony Cry by Guns and roses or Mad world by michael andrewa played.