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Everything posted by Nucleus
Alright thanks guys. I'm looking into getting a keyboard and Ill find out more regarding Cubase. : peace:
Creating would probably be my best best due to lack of proper input devices.
Hi all I'm genuinely interested in producing music on the PC. Problem is, I have no idea how to go about it. I have a professional mic for voice recording but thats about it. I'm a novice piano player but that is what I'd love to record. Any suggestions on beginner keyboard (not too large...not too expensive ) or the like (or even if it is necessary - I'd be happy to not use a midi input device if it would save me money - at first of course. I also have no idea what software to get. I once tried fruity loops but it confused the hell out of me and Im not sure it was the right software for me either. Sorry for the rather convoluted post...I'm tired... Any musicians here that could lend me a hand? Just general suggestions or recommendations would be amazing. Thanks, Nucleus
Hi all. Just attempting to render some video in Adobe Premiere Pro CS3. One of the main parts of the video is a slideshow accompanied by music. I am having a bit of trouble in that when I render the video, on watching it I find that timings between frame changes are off. One of the main focuses of this slideshow is that the images change in time with the music and after working so painstakingly on the timeline to get these changes right, it seems that post-render, all my hard work is down the tubes. Any idea how I can rectify this problem? Thanks Nucleus
Thanks so much. That question has been bugging me for ages.
Quick question! The Bohr Shift in the blood occur s as a result of the increased acidity of the blood. This happens because increased levels of CO2 during periods of high respiration form H+ cations. However, at the same time, CO3- anions are being produced. The equation is as follows: CO2+ H2O <--> H+ + HCO3− Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems like equal molar concentrations of acidic H+ and alkaline HCO3- are being produced. If this is the case, why does the blood become more acidic. Shouldn't it remain the same as the two products cancel each other out?
Hi all, Sorry, I didn't catch the actual stop code on the BSOD. I assume that the information below is the stop code anyway. Any ideas what it means? Thanks Nucleus
I've been a bit busy with exams at the moment, so i've put everything on hold. I did however remove the card so my brother could hopefully use his new computer... Taking it out worked. The PC now works fine. Tommorow when i'm free I will replace the PSU with a spare I have lying around and put the card back in. Its not the best in the world - 500W but by a company called Magna... If that doesn't work, I'll try your suggestion of reinstalling XP. Thanks for all the help guys - I really appreciate it. : peace:
That explains the original crash. But why does it continue to happen? Windows won't load, yet it worked fine after installing the card.
Hi all My brother just got a new PC (HP Compaq DX2300) yesterday. I just upgraded it with a new graphics card (Asus 512mb EN8600GT Magic) and installed the appropriate drivers. Afterwards, I installed Oblivion with all of the expansion packs and patches. He began to play but we had to go out for a bit. On returning, the PC had completely frozen and the image on screen was normal except for a number of boxy sections (can't really desribe it that well). I thought it was strange and assumed I had a driver issue. I restarted it for him and left the room. He called me back sounding worried and I saw the normal "Windows did not start successfully. Open in safe mode, last previous working config. etc..." Except the entire screen was littered with $ signs. I waited for the count down to finish; wanting to see what happened. The windows loading screen came on for 2-3 seconds, then a sudden flash of the BSOD and then a restart back to the screen with the $ signs. What on earth could be the problem? As I typed this I suddenly thought about the power supply. I've checked the spec online and it says it is only 250W. Might this be the problem? Is it too low for the graphics card? Wierd thing is, the computer was working fine earlier, he was enjoying a game of BF2 perfectly well. Anyway, I hope you guys can help. Thanks, Nucleus
Bump (sorry).
Sorry for the late reply for this; I've been busy and this thread slipped my mind. Thanks for the posts so far. As for a budget, I'm not quite sure what the range for a setup like this would be. Could you perhaps provide a range (i.e. min and max) figure for a home setup? Sorry I can't be more specific. I spoke to my Dad and he said maybe £300. This is more of a ballpark figure however; it is not a definate max cost as, like I said, I have no idea about the sort of costs involved with a project like this. As for speakers, I believe that the primary use for the living room sound system would be for movies. However, any future speakers around the house would most likely be for movies (yet as I said, this is something for the future). I'd heard of Apple TV previously but never actually knew what it was. It looks quite interesting. I'll definately consider it as a possibility.
Hey all, My Dad and I were browsing through PC World (I know, I know...) yesterday and I started to describe to him the "wonders of modern media entertainment". I have been listening for a while now, as I'm sure have many of you, about the next generation of home cinema/music/internet and how everything is becoming linked together - what with video/music streaming through the house, home servers to store all your media, Windows Media Centre, wireless shit everywhere...We're pretty baffled here. Here's what we're looking to do. The TV in the living room downstairs has a DVD player and Sky Plus. We also have a Hi-Fi in there, connected to some big speakers round the room (this thing is quite old: cassette player, cables connect to speakers via screws which trap the wires in place - unless that’s common place. I'm not sure...). We're looking to buy a new Hi-Fi and speaker system (5.1) and it would be great if the TV could connect to the speakers as well (wireless speakers?). Now, I’m not sure about having a PC downstairs. Is this necessary? I don't really understand the concept of having a PC connected to the TV. Is it better to just connect it to speakers rather than having a separate Hi-Fi? Is there a choice between this and having streaming from the computers upstairs? As for music, we are looking to stream round the house, i.e. kitchen, living room, bedrooms. This seems to be a bit of an unnecessary pipe-dream though. However, we are certain that we want to stream to the living room (possibly adding speakers in other rooms at a later date). How would this work? Would you need to stream the same music to all of the speakers or could you have it set up to produce different music in various rooms? - Streaming video would be a nice touch as well (living room only of course). We're looking to buy a few digital photo frames to display around the house. I know that you can buy ones which accept streaming from your PC but as with everything else, it must be compatible. I'm sorry to unload this onto all of you and I hope it isn't too cheeky, but I'm really confused with all the different setups. I would really like to attempt this myself without calling a professional but I need a basic layout first. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks guys. Nucleus.
I'm almost certain that it does take composite, simply because i'm pretty damn sure that the composite to s-video cable I told you about came with the card itself. And I can't seem to find any blog post on the subject.
Hi all, I just got a new computer with a lovely new screen (along with some other lovely goodies). My room is pretty much pimped out except - *gasp* No console! Now the Wii is situated downstairs and I cant be arsed to unplug it all (besides, its set up perfectly). However, the GC has been left all alone in the cupboard for a few months now. I thought it would be the perfect time to pull it out. My PC has a x1950 pro graphics card which has an s-video port. Upon further research, this is apparently both S-video in AND S-video out (correct me if i'm wrong). My Cube has both digital and analog AV outs. I am also the owner of a component (female) to S-video (male). Unfortunately, my GC AV cable is analog to scart (the three cables, not the single box scart). SO... Any ideas on what I should do next? Is this mini-project possible? Thanks guys!
Hi all, I'm getting a new laptop for school and have narrowed it down to three seperate laptops. I'm trying to narrow them down further through pros and cons etc. but I am a little lost on the graphics cards (just because its for work, doesn't mean I don't want to game ) . I have a choice between the ATI Mobility Radeon X2300, ATI X1450 128mb with Hyper Memory, NVidia GeForce Go7300 128mb with TurboCache and the NVIDIA Geforce 8400M G, External 128MB GDDR2 VRAM. The games i'm looking to play are pretty varied (BF2, Act of War, Civ 4, Sims 2, AOEIII, Guildwars etc.), however, nothing too new is necessary (e.g. Bioshock, Crysis etc.). Could anyone give me an idea of how the graphics cards rank against each other and whether I could play games such as the ones above? Thanks
I'm such a retard. I was reading the wrong question . Sorry, my desk is covered in sheets. The question was - "The geostationary orbit is at a radius of 424000 km. Calculate the centripetal acceleration for this orbit".
Last GCSE tommorow - Physics Seperate Science. I'm looking at a past paper and cannot for the life of me figure out this question: The mass of the satellite is 1000kg. Calculate its weight in this orbit. Any ideas? edit: Oh, its a geostationary satellite so it takes 24 hours to fully orbit the globe.
Creepy...I thought my dreams were strange.
I hate it when that happens. I can never wake up either. Its horrible. I remember walking down a corridor in this haunted house and seeing two stone dogs either side of a door at the end or it. Being my dream-self, I knew that when I walked close, they were going to spring to life and give me a shock. I really wanted to get out at this point so I tried getting slowly closer and lurching out with my hand and shouting to try and get them to come to life, forcing me out of the dream. It ended up that my dream suddenly changed and I was somewhere else. Of course I didn't realise this until I had woken up. There was also a time where I was in another haunted house with loads of friends and I tripped into a huge pit. I was holding on to the edge and said to my friends, "Don't worry. It's just a dream. I'm going to fall down and when I hit the bottom I'll wake up." I let go and everything went all 3rd person on me. I saw myself fall and hit the bottom, but when I landed it looked like a weak spotlight was on me and I was being held down by an invisible force - ghosts or something. Then, like before, I had a scene change and somehow ended up skateboarding with Bart Simpson.
It is strange, but I guess I'm slightly used to it. I agree with you about the deep sleep thing...I just wish I could lucid dream. It's happened once or twice before, as in I have realised i'm dreaming, but I havn't been able to control things perfectly. For example, never in my life have I had a dream where i've been able to fly. I realise that i'm dreaming; try and jump but it never really works. I used to be able to jump and glide down hills but never actually fly. The same type of thing happened another time where I remember having a dream about me hanging out with everyone from Dragon Ball Z , and at the beginning, I knew that I had super powers, but I could never get anything to work. It was very disapointing... Last night was immensly strange though. I dreamt that me and my family were at this old dock/resort place. There was a guy selling underwater tours. We all wore scuba kit and then got into one of those rollercoaster carriages where your legs hang down. It was attached to a boat on the water which managed to drag us along. When I woke up, I had the strangest sense of deja-vu and was wandering if it was a memory of real life...then I woke up and realised it wasn't possible. Maybe I've dreamt about it before. Has anyone ever had a dream where you try to punch someone but its really akward for you to do so, as if your punches are REALLY weak? I've never actually been able to have a real in-dream fight thanks to this.
Yeah, and the strange thing is, it isn't the first time i've felt things like that in a dream. When I was about 4, I was having a dream based around my house. I don't remember exactely what happened for most of it, but I do remember occasionally being chased around by a little black box on wheels with an antenna sticking out of it, that I knew I shouldn't let touch me . Eventually I got pissed off at it and tried to hold it back. I pushed part of a thin, netted curtain against it, but I felt something strange and pulled my hand back. When I looked at it, all of the skin on my palm had been shredded and it felt like a cold burn, not painful though, just strange. The feeling of pressure happens to me occasionally though. For example, once I was bitten in the neck by this vampire/monster thing. I felt the teeth go in, and when I woke up, my head was pushed against my shoulder (the side I had been bitten) and as before, I couldn't really move it for a minute or so, almost as if my body didn't want to incase my head being held down was stopping any blood from coming out:blank:. I guess because I was so groggy, tired and confused, I couldn't really force my neck to move.
I've had too many wierd ones to count. These ones are from a few years ago. Once, near the end of a dream, I somehow ended up on the top of an open-topped doubledecker bus with loads of people from school, going through a totally empty, long tunnel sort of like something from Half Life 2. We were all having a laugh and I started looking over the back of the bus. Suddenly everyone pushed me off and I fell onto the ground. As I hit the ground loads of alarms and lights started to go off and the bus continued into the distance around a shallow corner. As soon as I hit the ground I knew that I was "going to die" ! I didn't know what was going to happen so I just rolled into a ball and prepared for the worst. A second or two later, a spike just shot out of the ground and went straight through me... The worst part was when I woke up. I had really felt it happening (the pressure, not pain) during the dream and when I woke, I couldn't move because of the strange, tense feeling left behind in my stomach. :wtf: Another nightmare was the result of a Scooby Doo episode . I wasn't scared of it as such, but the bad guy had obviously stayed in my mind. It had been some guy dressed up like some sort of Glam Rock ghoul with wild hair and makeup. In the dream I was in some sort of room which reminded me of the control room in Facility of Golden Eye on the N64. It was me and a couple of other people when suddenly I knew that something was about to burst through the door at the top of this ledge and frighten the hell out of everyone. I got ready and counted down from 10 to 0 but nothing happened. I began to relax when suddenly the door slammed open and this guy I mentioned earlier was there and gave off this massive blood curdling scream. I screamed and woke up. It was the scariest nightmare I'd ever had - just the shock and noise. I have a messed up imagination...
Rationalise the Surd: 2/(4+sqroot5) Help plzzz.
ah...I've been googling for the last 3 days to find the answer. Didn't even think of going to the website