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Everything posted by Nintendork

  1. You are wrong, but carry on hoping- I'd love you to stay up all night refreshing in the hopes that Street Fighter comes out. That is it, we got gyped.
  2. UK Game Academy

    People who do game design degrees are just cogs. You will regret it. If you love games, and want to make one- then study something else, whilst making games in your free time. Obviously you need either artistic or technical skill but these hybrids that Universities are pumping out are just cogs and will have insignificant lives in the games industry. Study something else, bring something diverse to a games company. Show initiative not the quick fix.
  3. Sonic And The Secret Rings

    I hereby coin the term: Sonic: train simulator. Thank you, I can have my nobel prize on Monday.
  4. 0.5m in 24 hours, 1 a second or so. A better example would be the new Doom game, it's essentially the same as old dooms with a graphical makeover- run around shoot some shit and collect a key. It's true to the original and still underwhelmed many fans.
  5. The Angry Video Game Nerd

    See i'm not sure if he is drinking to look cool. He is clearly a total geek- he probably works in a cubicle and has put his penis in his NES slot at some point in his life to try and emulate a female. I think he just does it to loosen up a bit and act a little more confident on camera- it makes for amusing viewing. He would just be Nintendo nerd if he didn't drink. We have enough of those thank you very much. I really should do a vlog.
  6. I would be up for it, but even if Goldeneye was given the graphical makeover as it is in source- pretty much authentically. Will it be a hit? Well it's hard to say. It's the same game on every level except graphically and by controls with 36 people multiplayer. Part of me thinks it will bomb, even with the faithful modernisation and huge Steam install base.
  7. You miss my point, some of the games that were godly 10 years ago wouldn't stand up in today's gaming market. You will defend them because you remember them as godly- which is fair enough. But different from the point I was trying to make. By playing them again Hero, you are evoking a memory of enjoyment. I am seriously considering hypnotherapy to try and erase my memory of old games to see just what I would think now (maybe i'll write a diary before I go under the hypnosis and then look back upon it.) It could be a cool experiment providing that hypnotherapy isn't just a product of hollywood.
  8. Rare's sole aim is to diversify Microsoft's lineup. On Nintendo their games always sold because there was a market for them.. they had an identity that was perfectly in sync with the company fanbase. With Microsoft they are selling to a new crowd, it's like getting middle aged women to try on the wonder bra- they all want to but they just wont. They all want their FPS games. Banjo will be a turning point but I get the faint smell of dictatorship crushing their creativity. Banjo is make or break point- it's familiar territory, they probably wont be forced to innovate too much because 360 has no platformers. I will also note that it has been 10 years since the N64 days, you need to consider that you have changed, just as the company and the gaming ecosystem. What you enjoyed 10 years ago will not be so enjoyable today- standards change and so do tastes. I'm sick of RPGs now, had FFVII been released last week I would have spat on it- but that doesn't detract from the experience I hold of it at that point in my life.
  9. Most likely Microsoft forcing requirements of XBOX Live on Rare and their games that they don't want to use or are not ready to use. However they should be expected to do so (in the eyes of Microsoft's first party studio) to set a good standard for third party developpers. Even though they lack experience in the department maybe they're not ready- maybe they are simply skeptical about Live downloadable content etc.. If Ubisoft sees Rare not meeting XBL requirements they're gonna be like "well fuck this, we don't want to do downloadable skins and maps- they don't so neither will we" It is a huge problem at Rare. Viva Pinata lacks almost any live features and Banjo won't either.
  10. New Year Resolutions.

    Get a life.
  11. The Legend of Zelda:Twilight Princess

    Okay perhaps sidequests have been exagerated as a component in the game, I was aware that this kind of junk added significantly more. But I've been in for about 10-15 hours and I'm only up to the third dungeon.
  12. The Legend of Zelda:Twilight Princess

    Many of your problems Motion are either for artistic effect, or atmosphere. Kakariko, Castle Town, Hyrule field. Two or three of your problems fail to consider that Twilight Princess is not your first Zelda- 70 hours wasn't promised by Nintendo JP- it was hype mongering exagerated from something someone's brother's aunt said in a review. With all the sidequests I'm sure there is closer to 70 hours, most certainly for newbies. I haven't finished it but in your long list of pop shots you appear to have a couple of valid points.
  13. Official Bitch about Twilight Princess Thread!

    You think wrong. It lacks depth on every level- it is just raw sounds. You think wrong again, it is possible. Movies do it all the time. It costs a lot more, it requires more time and effort- something that Nintendo had plenty off which increases the tedium for many gamers. I am/used to be a musiciain and I distinctly notice the different between shit and the shit. Just because your ears are not trained/cleaned to appreciate it does not mean that MIDI, a super primitive form of music production is better.
  14. Wii save- Mario 64

    It seems the US/JP saves are not compatible with the PAL region save files. There may be a little code fix- but it seems Nintendo has gone out of their way to encrypt it differently- I've tried using US save files on the VC and Wii with no luck. Would anyone test out my PAL save for Mario 64? Also if you have any decent saves please upload them for other PAL users. http://www.wiisave.com/index.php?dlid=133 You download the .bin, implant it in a series of folders private>wii>blahablaha (see the FAQ) NAAP is the code i think. if it copies from your SD and reckognises it please let me know. Ta.
  15. Wii save- Mario 64

    ^ Gigggity. Thanks for confirming.
  16. Captions 2.0 (56k)

    Rules. worth a read. 1. Contest lasts 48 hours. 2. One entry per person 3. Winner of the contest decides on the image for the next day's contest. Previous winner decides on the winner of the next competition. 4. Previous winner may not enter a caption for their own image. 5. Nothing too dirty, racist or otherwise below the belt. 6. Prizes are that you get to say in your signature "I'm pro" etc.. and I will make some kind of badge in photoshop. 7. Judges decision is final. 8. Use http://imageshack.us/ please Images will be PMed to me in a timely fashion for 'quality' control. Otherwise I will decide on another image and another winner. You snooze you lose. Picking your friends as winners does not get you respect or glory. Photoshop should be used to compliment the comedy if at all. I think this will be one of the few threads that takes advantage of the 'banned from specific thread' feature recently implemented. So don't be an ass or you will lose out. --- Hall of Fame (click for winning image) 1. Fresh 2. Mr_Odwin 3. Substeinar 4. Mr_Odwin --- Current caption closes Wednesday afternoon.
  17. The Angry Video Game Nerd

    You can play bible stories on vNES, it's easily as bad as he makes it out to be. But the poor emulator amplifies that.
  18. Official Bitch about Twilight Princess Thread!

    In real life you can't put people in different threads. This is what makes you weak freaks. Get some tolerance skills.
  19. cool new site for wii codes

    [...] On another note isn't the point of WiFi to play against real life friends by swapping codes and strangers using the search feature? This just seems like a whole lot of work to meet people who you could play by clicking random match.
  20. A Secret

    You're fucking good at keeping secrets aren't ya dickhead.
  21. Wiimote batteries

    Alright defence force, you must have some sand in your vagina or something. Basically when you press the home button there's a manual.
  22. Wiimote batteries

    Blatantly a joke thread. AAAHAHAHAH such a parody of typical members arond here. Castlevania wont work 3 pages later Oh you have to assign buttons in the menu My Wii wont turn on. 3 pages later Oh it's not plugged in..
  23. If One Saw A Wiimake on the Shelf...

    Aahhahahahaha next they'll be going on about GTA Wii city stories. Using the Miis as in game characters and the like. Okay I would buy a 'Wiimake' as you put it, if it is competitively priced against the GameCube pre-owned market. I know this wouldn't happeb because they would want to charge £35 for them so no. If they reprinted GameCube games in Wii boxes again I would only consider them over the original if they were very competitively priced.
  24. Yoshi's Island Wii

    ^ someone with some fucking sense. 3 words. three dimensional castlevania.
  25. The Angry Video Game Nerd

    That's my alt. Be sure to check out the Christmas special from my buddy angry gamer, care of the baby Jesus.