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Everything posted by mario_jr

  1. Graphics aren't important? Bullsh*t

    yes it does. Whats the point of making great graphincs if they're going to be put on SD. Great graphincs look better on HD. Its like painting the Last Supper on a piece of newsprint, no one is going to care much, theres not enough space for the detail. They were when they came out in the late 70's early 80's, you can't call them Next Gen now.
  2. Wii Hardware Discussion

  3. Funny videos, flash games, etc

    Your right it doesn't work.
  4. Graphics aren't important? Bullsh*t

    Well Nintendo didn't go Online last Gen cause they said it wasn't that big a deal and now it is, so they're going Online. This Gen they said that they didn't want to go the way of HD, and instead chose to go this route of innovative game play, and that next next Gen they will focus more on graphics. Unless they can figure some new way to innovate our game play.......Megat0n:laughing:
  5. Wii Hardware Discussion

    MSG4 will sell alot. BUT we're not comparing SSBB with MSG4, you said that SSBB could not compete with PS3 in Europe. SEE its right here
  6. HDTV to go with Xbox360

    new generation plasmas last longer, up to 30 years with out getting image burn. And LCDs and Plasmas are about the same now in performance and price, but the Plasma can put out better Blacks than the LCD.
  7. Wii Hardware Discussion

    with online, yes it will
  8. My custom build

    doesn't the Opetron come out april of next year. I'd wait for this, AMD > pentium:hehe:
  9. Funny videos, flash games, etc

    OMG!! my sides hurt from so much laughing: peace:
  10. maybe its noticeable because you have a crappy sound system.
  11. N-Europe Hall of Fame.

    Any "More" than frequent poster IMO really, because they are so committed to this site, and because they never let a "fanboy" site get out of hand with the "Fanboyism": peace:
  12. what do you think of this...

    I would go with the 7th, 11th, and 21st down, wait did you mean what is on the screen or the screen itself?
  13. I need a jacket (aka clothing thread)

    yeah upon closer inspection I see that it can easily be taken off.
  14. Frank Millers 300

    Looks very good
  15. I need a jacket (aka clothing thread)

    OMG that jacket style is awesome, BTW what style is it? Where can I get one without the IM (not that I'm not a fan) logo just plain black.
  16. Picture fight! (56K Warning)

    Your lack of Grammar outshines your post.:horse: But my lack of a picture defeats the purpose of my post. shit too late, maybe I need a time traveling machine
  17. If Wii has more power than an Xbox...

    I think you just put an end to all this ranting, thanks Pedro. hopefuly Pedro offers you his protectionVOTE VOR PEDRO:horse:
  18. Funny videos, flash games, etc

    Oh man I have been waiting for this. Its so funny me and my little bros were watching this, but it was hard to watch being all bunched up around the screen, can't wait for the Wii so we can watch funny stuff from YouTube on a biger screen and a comfy couch.
  19. Raven Blade Is Back!

    Seems like DMC, but with out guns and transformation or very cool very big sword.
  20. next gen discs

    yeah but you will have to use some sort of sony based program that will probably cost alot.
  21. Will the Wii suffer from gaming Lag

    Why would the Wii lag? How do you know?.?. "Because its not powerful enough." :horse:
  22. Definitive Wii speculation/rumour thread

    Yeah its like "Oh steal some more ok, this is getting boring", and I know that some people will say "Its the same formula for Zelda's side quests". Well yes it is, but atleast there is a story behind the side quest that brings you closer to the character you are helping.
  23. next gen discs

    In the end HD-DVD will win just because people will be able to use HD-DVDRW. Heck I know I would like to be able to store "Massive" amounts of "Data"(no not just Pr0n:shakehead ) without having to have all these disk lying around.
  24. DVD footage to my hard drive?

    :horse: My friend Emailed it to me. Maybe I can do the same. Its just a small exe.