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  1. I'd go with my N64, through Mario Kart and Goldeneye their multiplayer antics in my shared accommodation gave us plenty of larfs
  2. I'm not too sure what they can and can't do legally, but Rare did mention trying not to put too much Goldeneye (the game) content in Perfect Dark so as not to tread on licensing toes.
  3. Nah, I no longer emote over splashes of bovine excretions on the floor Just wondering why they did it, perhaps they could have had a Perfect Dark sequel as a launch title for the Revolution?
  4. Just wondering, why did Nintendo let go of their share in Rare? Would they not want a share in whatever games Rare created for the Xbox 360 for the Revolution? The shares were probably worth a shed load, but were they worth that much?
  5. Indeed, Kong was poop and the only good thing I got out of its purchase was an expansion pack. Conversely, I think Mario Kart 64 got a lot of unnecessary grief and has a much better battle mode than its Gamecube counterpart but keeps the four player actions. Surprised noone mentioned Pikmin, excellent action puzzler
  6. NES GB (x2) SNES N64 GC (x2) I'm not sure why I started on the path to Ninty ownership, but it may have been to do with the zapper gun I got with my NES. My Gameboy was bought after it was out for about a year in the UK, to be honest no other cartridge I have for it has been played even a quater as much as Tetris. For a one trick horse, its one hell of a trick The SNES came the September after Starwing came out, I was an avowed Ninty fan after that but a demo of Starwing in Dixons won me over to get one sooner than later. So an N64 was an easy purchase to make with some thoroughly splendid games. Then a Gamecube followed not long after it was released in the UK. BTW, I have 2 Gameboys after the LCD screen for one was, um, damaged after a stressful game of Tetris then my first Cube just basically died on me. Strange that I have no problems with my Cube discs, only the cube itself whereas it seems to be the carts for my other consoles that prove troublesome :wink:
  7. Is it intended that online multiplayer will be included in most games that would include a multiplayer on one machine? Or is there a "killer" game in the same vein as Halo 2 expected? Its something that may intice me to buy one sooner than I did my other Ninty consoles (which were second hand or bought months and months after an official UK release) I remember being disappointed that something as fun as F-Zero-X wouldn't even support a 2 player GP like Mario Kart did (or at least I don't remember it doing so!)
  8. Really? I played the level for the first time in what must be months just today and couldn't remember if it was a (drunken) Halo 2 inspired memory or if I just couldn't remember the controls to ride them. If you would be so kind, please remind me how to ride them, all I seem to be able to do is walk over and push them around with the B button
  9. I've been converted to a bit of an XBox fan by many sessions of Halo 2 online. Perhaps not as good as Metroid in single player, its a heck of a larf online. Will the online connectivity go beyond downloading games to playing them as easily as I might plug a few more pads into my Gamecube?
  10. One or two of them pop up in the Area 51 levels, can they be used as vehicles or just pushed around?
  11. Yeah, that third site Athena Astronautics wouldn't work for me either. A news site I found through Google mentioned they thought a password would be released after MP2 was released but nothing else.
  12. I have a Gamecube question. When MP2 was being marketed, a few "fake" websites were put up that were seemingly innocuous but were in fact clever advertising for the game, see here. Now, one of these sites pretended to be a real life military contractor offering services that included having soldiers roll up into armoured balls (see the link now? ) and there's a login for more info on the site. I just thought as its a Gamecube game I might ask here, does anyone know anything further about one of these marketing websites; Orbis Labs and its "Government Official Login"? My last thread on the subject got canned so I'm explaining in more detail :wink:
  13. I've googled for a login to Orbis Labs but to no avail. I'm sure its not meant to be a secret but googling doesn't help
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