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About Rocket_Executive

  • Birthday 09/18/1987

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  • Interests
    Games. Art. Sewing..n stuff.
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  • Nintendo Systems Owned
    n64, Cube, DS.
  • Other Systems Owned
    Does a pc count?
  • Favourite Game?
    Jet Force Gemini/ Zelda OOT
  • Favourite Video Game Character?
    Princess Peach
  • Gender

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Newbie (1/14)

  1. I saw only the end of the second half, i completely forgot it was on. So i saw pretty much nothing :/
  2. I'd like to cook Japanese food, but my target is something a little more useful; the language itself.
  3. Iv'e never gone abroard in my life. The most tropical iv'e ever got is Blackpool. But i enjoy British weather; none of that sun and sand nonsense.
  4. Dear god no more BB. Please. Don't people have anything better to do with their time? Like watch paint dry?
  5. That must be it. Mother used to feed me whisky and milk at 5 years old. Its good, you should try it.
  6. Second one; it's sorta more personal. Anyone can make the top one.
  7. I gave my mum The alien quadrilogy, her bf 10th kingdom box set, and dad some dvd about the ashes and 28 days later. Got Skarmachild nothing...:P
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