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  • Favourite Game?
    Legend of Zelda (all of them)
  • Favourite Video Game Character?
    Link, Leon S. Kennedy
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Newbie (1/14)

  1. Looking at this really beautfiul graphic... Do you think there is a possibility, that Square will release Final Fantasy VII (and its sequels) on the DS?
  2. Vaan´s face is a bit silly, but his body is dreeeeeeeeeeeamy
  3. In that case, ask your questions, and Dr. Draculette will answer
  4. Actually I don´t mind talking about "those" topics, but I guess, children could be reading, right? :wink:
  5. It´s not the size that matters, it´s the technique... or so I heard
  6. Depends on the fact if the revo-controller will have force-feedback. Oh, boy, I didn´t know that I was going to be lured into these kinds of conversations here
  7. Attachements made of plastic won´t get me excited in that way, that´s for sure I think that Nintendo should not bother to develop games just for girls. I think games should have a broad appeal. Most games are bought by or for guys, so it would be illogical to develop games this part of the players are not interested in.
  8. What is it what most girls are for you?
  9. Well, if I could get Samus, I wouldn´t mind becoming a lesbian :p Nah, just kidding but I wonder why all these dreamy boys like the guys from the FF-games are supposed to be gay. Just because they are looking better than average?
  10. I totally agree Blair Witch is one of the scariest movies I´ve ever seen. It loses some of its thrills on TV, though. Other good horror movies are - The Haunting (the old version) - Uninvited - Saw
  11. - The Big Lebowski Best. Movie. Ever.
  12. I think, plastic surgery can be a blessing if you have deep issues with parts of your body (say, your nose). But I think it´s really idiotic to enlarge your boobs or get you fat sucked out of your body just to look more like the current most popular trend. I am a bit overweighed, so what? If people don´t like me the way I am: Screw them!
  13. I beg to differ I hugely enjoyed Pikmin 1 + 2, and I think Mario Party games are nice just for about two to three sessions, then they get really boring.
  14. Well, I enjoyed AC on the GC very much and hope to do so on my DS
  15. So far, I have played I + II on the GBA, V and VI on the SNES and Crystal Chronicles. Being a huge Secret of Mana fan I have to admit that I prefer the real-time battles in CC to the turn-based ones in the main-series. I have not gotten very far in I + II, but I find the lack of a really compelling story very tiresome.
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