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About muckers

  • Birthday 03/05/1989

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  • Location
    Rugby, UK
  • Interests
    Gaming and music


  • Nintendo Systems Owned
    GBA, GC, N64, SNES and DS.
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  • Favourite Game?
    Conker's BFD
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  • Nintendo Wi-Fi Friend Codes
    Mario Kart:5197-5106-8315

    Animal Crossing: 0344-2159-3401

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Newbie (1/14)

  1. I don't. gamesTM for the win.
  2. Hmm...well, this was confirmed quite a while ago. Before Christmas, even. Since it's a new publishing house, it was unlikely that any of the NOM team were going to stay with the mag. They technically worked for EMAP, and Nintendo chose a different publishing house for a reason. They obviously thought the mag needed a change, and if you keep the same writers, then you won't get a change. Rob sent me a PM on Total Games Network, along with the press release of the changeover, that they were all getting the boot on the 23rd December. Lovely Xmas gift. Though according to Dean, it was on the cards for a while. Some are moving to other magazines, some don't know what to do. Anyone remember Chandra from CUBE? He's the assistant editor for the new NOM, which is called Official Nintendo Magazine. ONM. Doesn't roll of the tongue as well, does it. :p
  3. Cheat! :wink: I must admit, I used the Rare Candy cheat to complete my Pokedex (to evolve the ones I'd caught low level) - but my team was proper trained lv. 100! Did elite four so many times to get my team all raised.
  4. Yep, if this were terrorism, they'd do it on a Monday morning during rush hour or something. 6am on a Sunday morning is hardly going to maximise their kill for Allah. It's quite possible it's an accident. Even the smallest ignition could send something like that up in flames. Sounds like it all went up at the same time - like a progressive explosion of all (or most of) the fuel, one after the other. It's all different types of fuel as well, isn't it? Some is aviation fuel (which as we've seen with 9/11 can have devistating effects) and some is oil, some is petrol etc. so all of that together would probably have made things worse. Been watching it on the news for the past hour - some of that amateur footage is crazy! The fire is mah-hoosive, and so is that plume of smoke. The Hemel Hempstead hospital has been saying none of the admissions as a result of the explosion have been truly serious - mainly just minor cuts and injuries - so that's somewhat of a relief (ie. no-one's dead). Hope your Uncle's not one of those admitted, Ramar.
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