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Everything posted by LavaTwilight

  1. So we have two interests and neither from Bristol, haha! Based on previous comments I would've thought there was loads of interest for Bristol? I have one mate who would def go and another who might but I still sense I'm fighting a losing battle here. I might just have to settle for Cardiff...
  2. It'd always be weekend, it'd probably be like the others, once a month or every 6weeks or summat. It'd probably be central based too. That or Cribbs Causeway. I'm not hearing a lot of support yet though...
  3. OK so I'm thinking seriously about setting up a Streetpass meetup thing for Bristol UK if there's enough interest on this site. I'll probably do it via Facebook so it's 'official'. Anyone interested?
  4. Well if you want great organisational skills, then that'll be me! As for leadership skills forget it, I'll send us all off to different gameshops and quest around the city but we'll end up in a nursing home somewhere learning how to knit scarfs before we realised where we were!
  5. I believe it resets itself every night at midnight... meaning you can only pass each Mii once per day. Unless you can modify the times to make the 3DS think it's midnight... I haven't tried that though Plus I've noticed a lot of people here are from Bristol, UK. Is there any Streetpass meetups like they have in London and Cardiff? Maybe someone should organise one, like someone who works at Game or something...
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