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Posts posted by Fresh

  1. I've no biggie with anyone holding hands or kisses.


    ...but attempting to insert your tongue into your boyfriend/girlfriends' rectum via the mouth is where I draw the line.




    While jogging around the park opposite my house I saw a guy and his girlfriend borderline eating each others face off on a bench. There must have been at least 6 children within clear eyesight of them. Found the whole situation rather inappropriate. As someone in a minority couple I do find that I do have to be careful to not offend/aggravate certain people. There seems to be more looks simply because of my boyfriend being of mixed race, even disapproval from the gay community, a community that itself should know the effects of being marginalized.

  2. How does N-Europe feel about PDA (Public display of affection)? I noticed today that while holding hands my mr on the bus nobody seemed to care. I know Sydney is very liberal comparded to where I'm from back in the UK and I got a few looks when we kissed goodbye but nothing out of the ordinary. I've never been too fond of PDA, I don't mind seeing a little but nothing too excessive.

  3. I don't appreciate your condescension. I seem to recall you going on at length about how you got wasted and bagged some dude at a bar. Chill the fuck aht. Besides, there's fuck all do do in London without being sufficiently intoxicated; Its a boring ass city.


    Chill? Excuse me? Oh, this is just a strange mixture of pity/dejection. I was merely expressing my opinion.


    Also please recall how I went about "at length" about that, I made one sub 100 word post hinting at said activity, at no point did I claim to "bang some dude at a bar". So before you fire off again I suggest you do some research kitten, either that or don't bother at all. I give my own time and effort to help this place and I'd appreciate a little more courtesy.


    As well as this; I'm from Hull. Tiger, so there is no way you can make the ludicrous statement that London is boring.


    Aside from this, I have a date today with "some dude I banged at a bar". Looking forward to it.

  4. How was my day?


    Well my day was f-ing fantastic. I went out last night on what was only meant to be a few quiet drinks with a new friend. Well that didn't happen! Went out, met him in a fancy bar and had a few drinks, we talked almost non-stop and were really hitting it off. Then we decided to go to another bar where we had even more drinks and started dancing. Lets just say Fresh did not sleep alone last night, not that there was much sleeping done.

  5. This led me to meet this guy who I've never seen before, and who isn't necessarily hot, but he's one of those people I instantly find wildly attractive. I didn't catch his name, but we shook hands, and for the rest of the night we caught eyes. I was outside when he was leaving, and thanks to the alcohol I stopped him and asked him if he'd like to go for a drink sometime. He said yeah, and I got his number. I still don't know his name though, which is awkward. I'll text him tomorrow, after I analyse.


    YEY! :bouncy:

    That's fantasic Chair! I hope you guys hit it off, I love the whole catching eye contact thing, I've kind of developed my own rule about it. I catch eye contact with a guy who I find attractive, then I turn away and talk to my friends for a tiny bit, nothing too long you want him to keep looking. Then look back, catch eye contact again and smile. Hopefully if he smiles back then you know something is there. 9/10 times if he's interested after the smile as you turn back you might see out of the corner of your eye him walking towards you. This is when the fun starts.


    In other more Fresh news I went shopping today, walked almost the entire length of Oxford Street (just a note; Chair you would LOVE Oxford Street, it's so you!) then back up to Sydney tower to go to Pitt Street Mall trying to find some nice clothes. Feel in love with a shirt in G-Star but it was $180 and there is no way I'm paying that but was very tempted. In the end got a shirt and a v-neck from Country Road which is very, very nice. All this is for Friday night when I'm meeting a very handsome guy for drinks. Sooo excited/nervous but will be fine at the time.

  6. Hmm, is Cesc the player that Barcelona really need? I still for the life of me can't figure out why they traded in Eto'o and so much money for Ibra. They could have done with him against Inter. It was also fitting how Eto'o put in a great shift against Barcelona at the Nou Camp. It showed them exactly what they were missing.


    I like Ibra, but I think Barca will be looking for something else upfront in addition to him. The rumours of Villa going there seem to fit, in my opinion. He should be a success there.


    What will happen to Ibra is Villa does join Barca? Think he might move on? Is there any club where his ego could fit in? Wouldn't surprise me that if Chelsea don't managed to get Torres they will look at Ibra.

  7. Personally I'm vaguely suspicious of the phrase "kind of". That tends to mean either nothing happened that a nun wouldn't be able to tolerate or things got freaky as shit.


    Same, how can you "kind of" have an orgy? Either you did or you didn't. If they just sat around flicking their own beans then I'm sorry, not really an orgy.

  8. That's my understanding of it, I could be wrong.


    That's perfect. Think of it as your camera usually sacrifices detail in the extremities to achieve a more balanced picture. By isolating the different ranges you can achieve a picture that, upon merging with two or more pictures, has a higher range; A High Dynamic Range (HDR) picture.

  9. It's alright, in the end it was hims that made a fool of himself. If it was frape then I suppose as long as you did not respond everything should be fine.


    In other news my head is a bit messed up. I've met this one guy who is sweet and really likes me but the problem is, and I know this is somewhat of a cliche, I'm just not that into him. There is not one thing that I really dislike, it's just the whole package seems not for me. He really wants to meet me again though, I don't have the heart to tell him I'm not that interested.


    As well as this the guy I mentioned a few posts ago (lets call him Mr. M) just keeps getting more appealing, every bit of sense in me tells me not to follow it but that fucking annoying muscle in the middle of my chest says to. He's so sweet, smart and handsome but he's with someone (who I may have persuaded him to be breaking up with on Sunday) but I'm still not 100% sure if he likes me or not. The guy he is with is a complete dick, he no way deserves someone like Mr. M. I really hope I've not slipped into the grey "friend zone".

  10. Hi peeps :blush:


    I'm new. :red:

    So Hello! Nice to meet you! :grin:


    Needing a little advice

    please could you help me?!?

    I am ashamed to admit I'm usually a PC gamer :sad: and I have only recently ventured into the world of Nintendo consoles.


    I now own a Wii and soon a DS!!!


    I was wondering if you could advise me on recommended game for Wii. As all I hear about are daft games like 'Cockin Mama' or Wii fit and its many dribblesome derivitives... I'm simply not interested.::shrug:


    Thanks fellow forumers :D


    While I'm sure plenty of people are about to jump in screaming "SMASH BROS YARP?" and "mARI00 GaL4xY", which admittedly both great games, lets just take a second and say; welcome, nice to have you on board. If there a particular genre of game you like? What do you enjoy on the PC?


    Oh, and there is shame in liking PC games soldier! I only play them at the moment, haven't touched my Wii in around 10 months... mostly because it is still on the other side of the planet.
