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Everything posted by Bider

  1. Yeah, yeah... well it is not meant to be a serious idea. It was just a bit of a joke between me and a friend that I brought to life.
  2. Check it out! hope you enjoy!
  3. Good read, hope it comes true. I loved this part "This video, however, convinces me perhaps not of the ultimate utility of the Revolution controller, but of the potential." Looks like i converted at least one.
  4. Bider

    I'm Back

    2 Exclusives! sweet-ness. ubisoft generally made high quality games!
  5. lol, that could be tricky!
  6. I would buy it! i would like a shotgun one that you could reload with though.
  7. Hopefully more third parties will let their games be avalible for download. That will boost sales!
  8. star fox video, also made the controller abit more detailed. http://files.filefront.com/Starfoxwmv/;4476598;;/fileinfo.html
  9. maybe an animal crossing game?
  10. lol, "completely ruined their own plausibility". Because the controller wasn't tilted back or something? It was just a simple demo of how it might work.
  11. Maybe, i was thinking of doing a star fox one.
  12. ...and because i love you 2 more. Dual wield: http://files.filefront.com/Dualwieldrar/;4448427;;/fileinfo.html F-Zero: http://files.filefront.com/F_Zero_revwmv/;4449148;;/fileinfo.html
  13. It appears I can't stop myself from making another one. This video shows how fun it would be to cut stuff up. http://files.filefront.com/FPzelda_cloth2rar/;4444762;;/fileinfo.html
  14. If only my modelling skills were that good...
  15. Probably my last one unless i get requests Mario wall jumping with a twist at the end... http://download.filefront.com/4435263;0493449bc3448d39dea0793166284db5205f66b0f5881b3e284b46fcc7e15eba41ddd83ba4820786
  16. I created another one, First Person Zelda! I put alot more effort into this one. http://download.filefront.com/4435455;0493449bc3448d39dea0793166284db5205f66b0f5881b3e284b46fcc7e15eba41ddd83ba4820786
  17. It's not too much work, I modelled the controller before (in cinema 4D). took about 2 days i think. the biggest problem is timing the controllers movements with the video clip. thats why all the videos are short. I think the next zelda for rev will be in first person perspective (assuming the controller is used for swinging the sword). Can you see it working in 3rd person? http://www.revolutionreport.com/articles/read/211 Interesting article...
  18. Another demo: of the mario doing 3 jumps. Instead of clicking where you want to jump, you flick the controller up. This seems to be what nintendo are planning judging from the controller promo video of the girl flicking the controller... nunchuk for movement. http://download.filefront.com/4430359;0493449bc3448d39dea0793166284db5205f66b0f5881b3e284b46fcc7e15eba41ddd83ba4820786
  19. Fighting demo. Point and click on enemy to attack. "nunchuk" for movement, Z1 - punch, Z2 - Kick. (depending on where you clicked it will be high or low) Might do another one with: Special moves(powerfull attack, jump, etc) with "Pointer" Z-trigger or Big A, D-pad. http://download.filefront.com/4430004;0493449bc3448d39dea0793166284db5205f66b0f5881b3e284b46fcc7e15eba41ddd83ba4820786
  20. They are zipped files (.rar). read post 9.
  21. ^while you are correct i dont think it will change the end result...
  22. RTS demo, i can't wait for starcraft on rev... http://download.filefront.com/4427619;0493449bc3448d39dea0793166284db5205f66b0f5881b3e284b46fcc7e15eba41ddd83ba4820786
  23. It is a zipped file (.rar). you need winrar or stuffit to extract them. http://www.rarlab.com/download.htm
  24. true...but i can't wait that long for real stuff!
  25. Here is another simple movie of how a platformer might be done. I was worried that future mario games might not be much good with the new controller, but now i think it could be quite cool. although getting a good camera angle will be hard to pull off... http://download.filefront.com/4427093;0493449bc3448d39dea0793166284db5205f66b0f5881b3e284b46fcc7e15eba41ddd83ba4820786
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