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Everything posted by triforcemario

  1. The Old Curiosity Shop. Incredibly good. Fantastic acting from Derek Jacobi and the rest of the cast, and incredibly atmospheric sets. T'was quite depressing, if I may add. 9/10.
  2. Rate the last film you saw

    Actually I felt that the pasing was pretty much perfect, although it did start to drag on a little at the end, that didn't ruin the experience, due to all the pretty eye candy, awesome voice acting and exciting moments and such .
  3. Rate the last film you saw

    Steamboy. An incredibly spectacular anime (most expensive ever made at around 22 million euros/2.4 billion yen), with a very good english dub (2 of the main characters are voiced by no other than Alfred Molina and Patrick Stewart), and some of the finest animation since Akira (t'was done by the same director/studio). 10/10.
  4. User Image Gallery

    Me and my xmas pressies:
  5. Merry Christmas, Wii-ners!

    -Insert generic Christmas greeting here-
  6. What you got list

    Okay, Chrimbo is here, and my gifts... -AHEM- *The Orange Box - PC *Wii Zapper - Wii (what a suprise) *Cthulhu: A Celebration Of THe Mythos - Book *300 - Book (SPARTA!) *Mysterious aftershave *CHOCOLATE! *Mr Hartson's Most Excellent Encyclopedia Of Useless Information (from my bro ) *100 euros (from my mental gran) *20 euros (from some Norwegian friends of my parents.) *2 fancy pens (from my Austrian relatives).
  7. Rate the last film you saw

    The Call Of Cthulhu (2005) Now here's a movie I bet not many people around here have heard of. It's an adaptation of the short story "The Call Of Cthulhu", by H.P Lovecraft, and it's been done to mimic old silent movies (B&W, no audio besides music, all dialoge appears in text form like in old silent movies, not very long (45 minutes, to be precise) uses minitures and stop motion for special effect), and it is really a fantastic film. Easily the best adaptation of any of Lovecraft's works to date. Highly recommended. However, it's only avalible for purchase on the internet. or via torrent lololol 10/10.
  8. User Image Gallery

    I rarely smile Even for photos, or for friends, or anything. Not until I get myself a lass or two anyway Edit: And another pic of me, from the same night:
  9. User Image Gallery

    Okay, after around 2 years of not showing my mug around here, I've finally decided to go and show it. Here goes...
  10. What do you associate forum users with?

    Woo! Hellfire: Winnage, Portuguese, Mafioso, and... something. Jordan: Cum Jar. Letty: Jordan's future slave. Rokhed00:...
  11. If my life was a manga........

    God forbid if it was Tentacle Hentai
  12. The West Memphis 3

    I personally blame Tetris. How those blocks fall down and evaporate rows of blocks is just horrifying, and Nintendo shouldn't be forcing little children into playing it.
  13. According to Myheritage, I look like Heath Ledger :S
  14. good film?

    300! Also, Pulp Fiction, Gojira (Godzilla, make sure it's the Japanese original with English subs, since the english dub is dire), Sin City, One Flew Over The Cuccoo's Nest, the Back To The Future trilogy, A Clockwork Orange, and Sin City.
  16. Super Mario Galaxy

    No problem, man.
  17. Super Mario Galaxy

    When you start flying with the petal, don't shake the controller until it starts to vibrate, then shake it, that'll make you go higher. Also, try and time it just correctly (and practise a little as well).
  18. How was your day?

    Discovered today that I failed history, but to be perfectly honest, it's the only subject this year that I really could not give a flying fuck about, especially since I'm gonna be studying technological sciences, which does not requiere knowledge of when Martin Luther (the creator of Lutherism, not "I HAVE A DREAM!" chappie) tripped over his right shoe lace on his left foot.
  19. Think they will send us anything for Christmas?

    If we don't get a gift this year, I intend on stopping buying all Nintendo products, and I will also make sure everyone I know stops buying Nintendo stuff.
  20. Pokemon Battle Revolution

    Tell me everyone, does this game work without a copy of Pokémon Diamond or Pearl? (I recently sold my copy, since I was getting bored of it)
  21. Ghostbusters Wii

    Personally, I prefer the art style of the Wii version to the 360/PS3/PC versions, since I feel that they just look too serious (almost like from a horror movie or something), and don't suit the franchise it's based on, while a cartoony style can work quite easily (See Real Ghostbusters and Extreme Ghostbusters).
  22. Ghostbusters Wii

    Guys, this is sounding just too awesome
  23. Strange Food Combinations

    Blender + Acid?