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Everything posted by munnawar

  1. EVERYONE HAS TO WATCH SHAMAN KING i aint sure if its manga or anime.... but it aint got the girls but it is lik one awesome tooon,,,,, pretty short but for wat its worth u will enjoy it the firs 10-15 eps aint tht great but wen it gets going its awesome,,.. ITS THE BEST THING ONE JETIX i was into onepiece on toonami but the voiceovers and the lack blood and things i jus cant watch this horrible 4kids version,... i jus wish dbz would come back :'(
  2. skies of arcadia is cooooooooooooooooool gosh man and i think the voice of lloyd is tht dude robin from teen titans
  3. this thread i hav so many complaints 1, PIKMIN ROCKS i got it with my GC and smash bros melee(glad no ones mentioned tht) and i absolutely hated pikmin but knowing me i either had to sel it for £17 which woulda been the biggest mistake ever or 6 months later actually play it past the 2nd level. I regretted monkey ball about after the first week and thn 2 years later im loving it again its jus so damn good, ill agree with most peoiple who said billy hatcher and those who said FZero GX well there not really good at games. I regret selling banjo kazooie:( and regret buying any james bond game this gen cos goldeneye set a standerd almost 10 years ago and these games tht EA spits out are mediocre:(.
  4. I am great with Captain falcon but i jus got bored using him years ago i mean the guy has a gun and doesnt use it (wtf??:S). mario is soo fun with his cape i never use his fireballs or tht little tornado attack but my game says tht young link is used most seeing as my little brother uses him loads hes good for beginners very fast and hes jus very cool but just for fun u should all be using KIRBY:D ps hw do we get those pictures on the side??
  5. of topic but how do u lot get those little piuctures up the side there??? (avatars???) thnx for the advice, i forgot how little there worth but our teachers stupidly over pressure us. This is the end.... my only...... no more posts??:'( i complain too muhc
  6. WOW that maths paper doesnt look difficult at all ur rite it doesnt look lik maths at all... i had some of that in my science mock ... im only in year ten but the coursework is piling on mostly cos i cant be bothered english i do bother doing cos i went from a level 6 in year 8 to a level 4 in year 9 ive been getting steady b's and a's in english the mock exam we had was horrible it wasnt hard just i wish heyd allow me to bring my ds or sumthing or a little book but they are really a suspisious bunch. That ict mock was very easy and everyone finished in under half hour except one girl but she takes her time on everything outta 300 students she was the only one left. The first ict cw i found easy and got A* but now the spreadsheet and database ones i dunno wat to do .... im in higher for science but im failing these modules i kno this is lik the worst excuse but i swear its my teachers we hav two teachers for science biology and the other ones in one teachers subjects im getting B's and in anothers im getting E's (u decide if my excuse is valid) and does anyone know how many modules there are all together??? Thnx:hmm:
  7. the choices the choices the choices ermm here goes 1.Goldeneye- when i first put this game in my n64 the intro blew me away the game stunned me further and kiling baron samedi for the last time jus put a smile on my face a perfect end to a perfect game. 2.Perfect Dark- speaking of perfect this game was the reason too own an expansion pak. Killing elvis was also good for a laugh. 3.Skies of arcadia legends- a hidden gem anyone with a gamecube get this in now. This is the ultimate final fantasy beater. 4. golden sun- what an engrossing rpg with a rich story and graphics tht push the gba to its limits with an unforgettable soundtrack this goes right up there with the best. 5. Tales of symphonia- This game has the best story eveer!!!!!! with voiceovers with what i believe is robin from the teen titans as lloyd. Story leaves u guessing until the end(im on the dark temple and i kno who kratos is) with my guesse being spot on. A unique battle system will keep u playing again and again.
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