Imho, also The Legend of Zelda series could be adapted to make a MMRPG, but it would be very different from the MMRPGs as we know them (and that I don't like, by the way... real time battles forever! ^^ )
I can already see the races among which you'll have to choose your pg:
-Koroks (?)
-Deku (why not? )
... and many others! there are lots of Zelda games for ispiration, and they could create new races, too.
About jobs, they could be:
-Knight (rides horses and is a sword master)
-Adventurer (uses many different weapons)
-Sage (a white mage who can cure too)
-Sheikah (a black mage with some ninja-like abilities)
and maybe others, I'm not an expert of MMRPGs (since I don't play them), so I can't think of other jobs right now.
What do you think? Could a Zelda MMRPG be possible?
After all, Miyamoto said that "Twilight Princess" is going to be the last Zelda game "like we know it".
Was he only talking about the new Revolution controller, which will provide a different gameplay with Zelda games, or was he talking about a radical change in the series?
I would really like to know your opinions about this matter.