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Everything posted by Dedede

  1. @Magnus Peterson Are you saying you were at the bar last night?
  2. @Magnus Peterson what were you up to last night?
  3. @Marcamillian I was implying that perhaps you requested the lady in red to obtain the wallet and the information therein. @DuD I was not after the wallet. I was unaware of what exactly this suspicious man had obtained until informed by his own admissions.
  4. So, about that wallet, did you find it in in the bar? If I was minded to get some info on a guy, a beautiful lady would be a perfect distraction.
  5. I also swung by the bar last night just before the barman opened up. Not too long after this it would appear that Marc, a suspicious looking young fellow I might add, met with a stunning female in a red dress. When they left together, he was carrying an object...what it was exactly I can not be sure.
  6. Vote: No Lynch
  7. Sign me up
  8. It was quite well advertised when the shit was going to go down, not too surprising I'm here really
  9. Vote: Sheikah
  10. My targets were: N1: Nintendohnut N2: Yvnonne N3: Eevilmurray
  11. Vote: No Lynch
  12. Damn, this thing has gone on round the clock! I had a quick look yesterday at things before going to the pub. My thoughts were similar to Diageo, I didn't have anything constructive to contribute to the 'logic vs logic' battle (and I didn't have time to read the whole thing properly either). I got to my target successfully last night.
  13. As I've already said in my posts, I reached Yvonne and that was my target.
  14. I targeted Yvonne, how about ye?
  15. I reached my target last night, I'm not electrical. No other info to report for now.
  16. ...yeah the game, otherwise I got nothing.
  17. I was successful last night.
  18. Still in for this
  19. What are we at, 7?
  20. I wouldn't mind a bit of protection as well.
  21. All Nintendohnut has done so far is thank people for posts he's been mentioned in...has he been silenced perhaps or is it something to do with his role?
  22. Yes, it specifically mentions that Jonnas is good.
  23. The info I got said you are Good (or MI6). I have the info on you because Marc reached his target: Jonnas.
  24. Does anyone else actually want to say anything about what they did/found out last night while we wait for Nintendohnut to comment on Jonnas?
  25. You say 'might as well tell the truth', were you intending on lying at some point? That's like when people say 'to be honest' or 'truth be told'...usually means they're lying.
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