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Everything posted by The-Ironflame

  1. Official Issues and Problems Thread

    I saw those cables but they wouldn't sell it to me as I didn't pre-order there.
  2. Official Issues and Problems Thread

    There's an article about the difference between the cables on gamespot. It seems to be a massive improvement on Zelda at least. From the images I've seen comparing them Component seems less blurry, more colourful and bright.
  3. European Wii Preorders

    I couldn't sleep at all last night. I was hyped up as it's my first time buying a console at launch plus Zelda is my favourite game series ever. I picked it up this morning with Wii play, Monkey ball and Zelda. Though unfortunately GAME ran out of nunchuks so I had buy one from WHSmiths. I had to carry a bloody heavy bag round town while I searched for any sign of Official Component cables for nothing.
  4. European Wii Preorders

    Just rung my GAME and it's confirmed that I can pick up on Friday. Apparently the component cable is delayed by a week though.
  5. The european Wii launch is looking to be a MESS

    GAME have changed the date back to December 8th..
  6. The european Wii launch is looking to be a MESS

    I'm gonna be getting a HDTV soon as my Widescreen CRT died last weekend by chance (no really). I'll be happy with any TV better than the 10 year old I have at the moment. I think I'll import one if I can though.
  7. Two Weeks To Go

    Can't wait myself although hoping my parents replace the broken Widescreen CRT TV we have at the moment as it has gone, in time for the Wii release. Using a 10 year old normal TV which can't even do widescreen and does 16:9 in letterbox mode. Going to be getting a LCD HDTV and some component cables for some extra eye candy!
  8. what five GC games would you keep?

    Wind Waker Resi 4 Tales Of Symphonia Smash Bros. Beyond good and Evil
  9. Gamespot gave zelda a 8.8

    Diddy Kong Racing got a 6.6 from the same guy.
  10. The Reviews Thread

    So I've been hearing of this 10/10 review for THPS3 this Jeff bloke did and I was amazed to see it with my own eyes.
  11. The Reviews Thread

    I haven't see any Red steel reviews around yet.
  12. Final Fantasy Official Thread

    Well 1Up gave Final Fantasy 3 a 8/10. Should be winging it's way to me soon. Can't wait. Just received a mail saying it just shipped from videogamesplus!
  13. Final Fantasy Official Thread

    Actually it got a massive 9/10. Compared to IV though this is a full remake, a bit like what they did with III but obviously they didn't remake V in full 3D. IV was mostly a Wonderswan port+. I must say I'm temped but with FF 3 out so soon I don't know. From the Video footage from 5 the battle theme isn't as good as 4 or 6.
  14. Final Fantasy Official Thread

    Final Fantasy V Advance Official site up: http://ffv.nintendo.com/launch/
  15. Football Season 2006/2007

    We were absolutely awful. Started the game well and defended well for most of the match then he brings on Flamini for hoyte for no reason, Eboue bombs forward and gets caught upfield and they score.
  16. GAME balls up preorders

    This thread scared the crap out of me. I received a GAME envelope today and after reading this I feared for the worse. Turned out it was a GAME catalogue though "The Next Level" indeed..
  17. Final Fantasy Official Thread

    Final Fantasy 5 for GBA is out soon in the US aswell Monday infact.
  18. MS Windows Vista Box Shot

    If it weren't for their DX 10 'exclusivity' what would be the point in upgrading so soon? I can't see developers taking advantage of DX 10 until after the summer next year, heck they're still patching and find security holes in XP. And then there's the price of course. I've never bought an OS ever apart from the ones that come with the PC.
  19. Pro Evolution Soccer 6

    Arsenal still has Cygan somehow..
  20. Pro Evolution Soccer 6

    Konami since the old ISS N64 days have come up with the worse fake names for those unlicensed teams' players it's funny. Apparently a Dwight Yorb plays for Trindad and Tobago with Hisetip in goal (Hislop) and the Touya (Toure) brothers play for the Ivory Coast only in this game Yaya is called Yapa Touya and Kolo is called Tone.. Oh and there's Snake Derick of Nothern Ireland
  21. New Pc from Dell!

    Dell are indeed overpriced. You can afford a even better PC than what they offer and the fact is if something goes wrong you're in trouble.
  22. TFT Mini Screens

    The last time I tried one it was awful, then I sold it on ebay. Enough said. Although they could of improved by now I dunno.
  23. New RAM, PC startup problems!

    It possibly could of been a incompatible RAM stick. Make sure they are the same brand.
  24. No DVD

    I have a DVD player, DVD recorder and a portable DVD player. I have no need for another.
  25. European Event- General Chat

    I'm glad it's this year at least. I'll probably end up buying it off gamestation and buying an extra controller or two online and maybe a game and third controller and a game for chrimbo?