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Posts posted by Karl619

  1. I've got a part time job now but I'm beginning to get sick of it. After a few months I will have enough money to go on some sort of experience. I just think life is too short not to experience new things.

  2. Gap years.........what do you guys and girls think of them? Ever been on one? What was it like?


    I have just graduated from uni and instead of seeking full time employment straight away I'm seriously tempted to do a gap year of sorts especially as getting a job is relatively hard nowadays. I never took a year out of uni for example or college and so I'm 20 and I haven't seen much of the world or experienced independent living or had an opportunity to meet new people and do fun things I would not normally experience. Plus now would be the ideal time to do something really because once I've got a job that's it. I'm tied down with a career.


    I have got friends who travel the world as part of their uni courses because they study languages and I envy how cool they are haha.


    So does anyone have any tips or advice on what I should do? I don't necessarily want to go abroad. I just want to do something different. Where do I look for gap year experiences, I've been looking at these camp USA things , they look interesting.


    Anyway, your thoughts please :D

  3. lol it still looks like a Tardis. I don't get people who complain about small changes. omg the tardis is a new shade of blue! omggggggg they say. it looks very much "old doctor who" to me. But..I do agree the windows look weird haha. I like the look of the companion too. Cute and old schooly

  4. ha I saw this show ( despite it being given a 2.0 in the TV guide on iPhone) and to be honest I think these people are better off without wor. I wouln't stay in a hotel with them on the payroll ! That argument they had in the house was funny. These people do annoy me though , one of them said something along the lines of why would I work when I could just ask mummy for £200? They have a point, I blame the parents !

  5. This game is amazing! All you guys moaning about 3 guns... "3 guns SUX! hahaha!"... remember it is an arcade game. The simpler class system evens the playing field I think and I have no problems with the guns at all. If you want more guns go play call of duty ! the maps, whilst being all tropical in theme are vastly different too.

  6. This in my opinion is most definitely a stealth tax. By all means put people who come into schools on a register, but charge £64 for the privilege? Are they really saying that the animal man who used to visit my school is a threat? The animals were more dangerous .And, the police and firemen who visit the school do a good job, why charge them? I also fail to see how putting people who come into contact with kids is actually going to limit the number of child abuse cases when it's often the closest family and friends who in fact abuse kids.

  7. My days been one of those 'days off work days' , where all you feel like doing is recovering from work, a day of procrastinatin where you get nothing done at all!However, I've been reading a book by Malcolm Gladwell called "Blink" all about the power of snap judgements and hunches and how we should spend less time thinking and just go with these impulses! It's been scientifically and psychologically proven too So..if you ever have a feeling about something , go with it! It's something mysterious in your subconcious speaking :D

  8. Can everyone add me pleeeease, Xbox Live- Karl619 . It would be cool to play with a squad of people who actually know what they're doing and teach me a few things rather than playing constantly with a bunch of idiots

  9. How come I can't find the game available in the Arcade section of the marketplace? Does it become available at different times depending on where you live in the UK? hmmmm I really want to play this because I love bad company

  10. This story and that other story about the girl with the 56 star tatoos reminds me of a story I read in which this school teacher is attempting to sue the Environment Agency for £10,000's or £100,000's for a branch which fell on her head. Like the Environment Agency can make sure ALL trees are safe. What a load of bollocks. I don't know why this story reminds me of that, must be the idiocy of it all

  11. I would have said "You're very much like a dick, but you're not literally a penis. Now fix my phone."
    Damn right, just because he is an apple technician. It's always so busy in that store, so many people at that genius desk. Apple products must break down alot

  12. Just got back home from a shopping trip in Manchester! Bought a nice blue cardigan type thing and a cool H&M summer shirt :D I went to get my iPhone replaced or fixed, its obviously a dud iPhone but they still insist on me booking in an "appointment". I asked the guy if I could leave it with them and he said "no , we are much like your GP, you wouldn't leave your leg with your GP if you had a problem with it would you" , and i thought if it was a prosphetic then yes and anyway its not my leg its my phone! HMPH So I've gotta go back on Saturday now

  13. FeathersMcGraw.jpg


    Feathers McGraw


    The sinister penguin which plagued Wallace and Gromit in the Wrong Trousers. Looses his penguin appeal because he is transpenguin.. dressing up as a chicken . Moreover he looses points on the penguin scale for eventually getting caught and thrown into captivity in the local zoo.


    Penguin score- 3 penguins out of 7

  14. Thanks for the replies! They were all very useful. It's for a Geography module for my degree finals, called "Inspirational Landscapes", it's what we call "extreme Geography" and when you think about it landscape is what Geography is founded on. So I thought I'd write about something interesting. I was either going to write about landscape of death or videogames and I plumped for videogames lol I'm surprised nobody has mentioned Bioshock yet.... also I don't suppose anyone knows of any websites on the topic?

  15. Yo'all! I am doing a Geography module called "inspirational landscapes" and for my essay I'm looking at landscapes represented in videogames, what makes them inspirational etc...the importance of Geography and landscapes in videogames ( i.e use of maps, GIS, the programming of videogames is often very Geographically based) and so I wondered what people who know more about games than me think about this?


    What are your favourite landscapes in videogames? Why? Is landscape important in videogames? Do you think landscape is an important feature in other digital mediums? Any comments would be appreciated. Also do you mind if I include some of them into my project, they will remain anomynous of course!


