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Posts posted by Karl619

  1. One think I'm wondering, though: Why would a straight guy with a girlfriend flirt with another guy, a gay one at that?


    Thats yet another confusing element to it all! This guy he kissed has a twin who has been rumoured to be gay himself. Now this makes things twice as confusing to me. I do wonder if this guy is bisexual at least.


    What is his?


    He is a Taurus!

  2. I too am having a Jeremy Kyle style problem lol.

    My Girlfriends Family randomly started hating me and are trying to force us t split up, at the same time someone is texting her saying im cheating on her.

    We cant work out who it is, but we dont know what to d=[


    That isn't good to hear either! I hate when outsiders get involved in a relationship ( well not like in this thread, actually trying to make problems), all you can do is remain calm and hopefully they will believe you. If they believe some random outsider over you then what does that tell you about them?


    my star sign is Leo! fire away mystic Meg!

  3. Get on with what? The flirting?


    And why should the fact he's a gay programmer affect anything?


    You're with him for the money aren't you. AREN'T YOU.


    Noo...well..maybe..wel .... No!!! no no I'm not! I'm not sure his profession is that relevant but it does show he is hardly thick and should know better.

  4. Just to clarify the last bit, your boyfriend knew this friend felt guilty about the flirting messages/kissing/anal?, yet your boyfriend thought it nice to tease him about it, which I assume is the messages you came across?


    Precisely yeh! That doesn't hold with me though. Those messages don't come accross as teasing to me, they definitely come under the flirting category. I don't understand why he was flirting anyway, the guy is straight and has a girlfriend. I also believe him when he said it was just a kiss because the way the other guy said he can't remember anything controversial happening.


    Either way I'm thinking I should just let him get on with it! It is hard to leave though, he's a videogames programmer and I don't think you get many gay programmers : peace:

  5. How did you find out he kissed the other guy in the first place?


    He didn't pursue it did he? How often does he come into contact with this person? The messages seem to happen out of the blue.


    I had a feeling something had happened so I remembered he had given me his facebook password after he admitted going through my hotmail inbox once . So I logged in and found the messages. Now before the messages, he posted pictures of him and this guy messing about on a night out, u know hugging eachother and dry humping eachother (as you do). Now that hurt so when I found these messages a few months later I confronted him with them and thats when he admitted he kissed him too.


    I know I can make life difficult for him but I'd hope that when the going gets tough that he'd talk it through rather than get blindingly drunk and flirt .:shakehead



    I might post the pictures actually to see what people think about them , harmless flirting or again cheating?

  6. Again thanks for all the warm advice! I'm beginning to see a concensus being reached. The reason it hurt so much is because he is actually a very decent guy, thought he could be the one and I'm his first bf (he's 21) ,so I was very surprised. I think he's changed alot over the year and he has said he wants to re-live the teen years he missed . I wish he told me that before gettin with me though. How do I go about walking away do u think? Be harsh or amicable. I do want to remain mates with him but I also want him to know how much of a fool he has been. What do the resident gays think too?

  7. He didn't give a reason for the facebook messages, he says he doesn't know why he sent them and that be was an idiot for doing so. The kiss happened the night after we had a bit of a silly argument and when I said we should go on a break, the email happened much later when we were going good. Actually I remember what his reason was now- it was because he knew the guy in question was guilty about it so my bf was teasing him about it. Tbh I wouldve probably forgave him if he told me rather than me find out the wrong way.

  8. Have you had gay sex with him?


    haha well we are partners so I will let you guess that one, how is it relevant though?


    and Nicktendo...thanks for your response!


    What you say is pretty true actually, I feel like I have to punish him somehow and I have thought about cheating to level the plane and thats just not healthy is it, I would never cheat anyway, but when things happen to you like this then it makes you think of doing things you never normally would. I'm not perfect either, after the incident I decided to flirt with people just to get back at him.


    Is one drunken kiss cheating though? Even though it was a straight mate he kissed, I think it was because of the emails I found after :-/, he musnt respect me when he wrote that ....


    Have you actually talked to him about it?


    I have done yeh, I confronted him about it. And he did say he was profusely sorry and that he couldnt really do anything to make me trust him more. But he almost made me feel that its my fault he cheated. He rarely admits he is wrong ... lol


    It's a real mindf*#ck basically so I appreciate all the advice!

  9. Hello all !


    If you have ever wanted to be a budding Trisha type then here is your chance ! ( and lets face it who doesn't want to be Trisha)


    I don't post on here much but desperate times call for desperate measures :-p hehe . I'm goin through a bit of a confusing time regarding my relationship with my boyfriend. First of all I'm gay, but it shouldnt have any bearing on my dilema .I know that you guys and girls give good advice cos Ive seen it before! So I'm asking you all what should I do?


    Basically, I've been with my partner for about a year and have known him for 3 years but at Christmas I found how that he had kissed another guy back in October . Now we were going through a rough patch at the time but thats mainly cos we are in a long distance relationship. We are very straight acting people, dont go out on the scene or anything like that.


    It gets worse though because I was very suspcious and logged into his facebook ( yes my bad) and found out he wrote the following to the guy in question ( who happens to be straight)- 2 months after the event, when our relationship was getting back on track.


    My boyfriend:

    07 December at 03:05

    Just come back from Nexus, couldn't help but reminisce of past times haha :p. Ohhhh that romantic night we had, lol!. x


    Other dude:

    07 December at 08:48

    haha yerrr that was rather awesome, i seemed to lose a lil bit of memory from that night but i dont think anything controversial happend in the time i forgot stuff lol

    asif i met you lol, i dont remember how it came about...just thort :s what am i doin lol


    My boyfriend:07 December at 13:02

    lol, totally random innit. i think sharon was doing a bit of matchmaking. one second i'm singing quite happily, the next i'm closer to you than i ever thought i would be lol. still, i'm not complainin haha :p



    Other dude :07 December at 16:40

    haha oh

    the important question...was i any good lol


    My boyfriend:

    07 December at 20:51

    i reckon i'd have gone back for seconds yeh, haha :p



    As you can imagine reading that was very hurtful. Now, despite all this, he is a lovely guy and he means alot to me and when we meet up we have the times of our lives but every day I cant help but think of that event and not only how he hid it from me but how even up to a month ago how he was flirting with this guy still! Even though he is straight. So, do you think he did what he did because i was getting on his back and threatening to leave at the time? Or do you think what he did was just wrong and shows no respect?! On top of all this , its the FOURTH time he's done something behind my back ( he's viewed my msn logs ) and it just feels like he puts no effort in us sometimes ( he didnt even get me a Christmas card lol) I'm really confused and unsure If im being walked all over. So I leave it open to you guys! Thanks for the help :-)

  10. I'm wondering if anyone else approached this particular mission any differently than me?... warning spoilers ( how do you use the spoiler tag anyway? I'm new lol) the mission with the ghoul Crowley where he wants you to kill all them people with headshots and take their keys...now i gave him the keys...does that mean i cant access fort constantine now?

  11. I love this game too! I'm doing the quest where I locate the rangers now in some hotel and its like something out of Resident Evil, with the mutants around every corner, its actually quite scary. I think the best thing about the game is the immersion.

  12. There's an important distinction to make between a regional accent or dialect of a native speaker (and all native speakers have to have some sort of accent), and the foreign accent that non-native speakers have. I'm a native English speaker, and speak with received pronunciation, perhaps with a hint of Estuary. I'd say the English accent I like the sound of most is probably some form southern Irish, but I'm not really sure why.


    Not being native in any other languages, I presumably speak them with mostly English accents, and my Japanese accent is probably the least foreign. (though still pretty poor I'd imagine) Incidentally, I'm told I speak what little Mandarin I know with a Japanese accent, which I found funny.



    Originally Posted by The Villan

    The thread title means something about "Kicking a ball against a wall and heading until it bursts." (I don't know what 'cost' could be, but 'bost' was the dead giveaway. But I reckon 'cost' is something easy.


    I'd guess it's the equivalent of "can", so:


    Cost keck a bow aggen a woe an y'ed it till thee bost it?


    Can (you) kick a ball against a wall and head it until you bust/destroy it?


    I like "y'ed".




    I will give you both that one! You got it right between you :-p. Nobody in Stoke really speaks like that except the older generation, I notice the accent changing gradually over the years. We also say "like" alot after every sentence like, its like totally pointless but we still do it like.

  13. The person who first translates this sentence into English wins.......nothing unfortunately!


    Now I'm a Stokie from Stoke-on-Trent. Yeh thats right that place you drive past as you go to either Birmingham or Manchester. We have a regional accent ...which seems to be a mix of every accent around us, it's really perculiar and this thread title is a common phrase which people in Stoke know :-p

    so im just testing to see if anyone else knows of it.


    The reason I bring this up is because at work the other day this guy had a go at me because I dropped a 't' when i was talking to him. He said that I should attack my 't' 's and speak clearly ...even though I was, ( i felt like attacking him, nevermind t's) soooo this left me thinking about the way we speak lol do you have an accent? What accents do you like/dislike best and do you think the guy who had a go at me is a jerk (because I do because i was speaking very clearly and heck, he'd probably have a go at a Glaswegian for speaking with dialect)


    Phew! Discuss!:bowdown:

  14. I'll have to try that new post thing! For me its weird, I feel like a voyeur. I just come on here for some light relief, i'm really familiar with all the main faces who post on here, even know users quirks and things yet i've rarely engaged in discussion with them. I feel a bit like a curtain twitcher really!

  15. Okay! I rarely post on this forum! But I'm one of these phantoms who just lurk in the shadows and reads the majority of threads on the front page, yet never I seem bothered to post! This is half the time due to me forgetting my password....or entering the wrong one 5 times lol


    Anyhoo.. what im wondering is this.... what are your forum viewing habbits? Do you just look at your favourite threads and then leave, are you the type of person who responds to everything resulting in a post count in the

    100,000's or are you like me -a spectator who just watches from the sidelines. Also , do you come on the forum at a certain time of day, like after work to de-stress etc? Do you like using the forum whilst sat naked with a picture of Pamela Anderson by you side whilst drinking Budweiser?


    I hope you dont see this as a boring geeky first thread to make, but it might be interesting to see what people's habbits are and then we can make fun of their obsession of n-europe.com !

  16. Doctor Who is one of the longest running British serials and is great because it isnt afraid to mix emotions with sci fi plots. Im sure lots of people dont like it because it does both> But, for me, ordinary science fiction is just yawnsome, at least dr who doesnt take itself seriously! Plus it has killing pepperpots.


    Oh, and it depends what episode you saw! Some are far worse than others lol but some are excellent in my opinion

  17. It strikes me how people have different tastes in music, I can appreciate the originality of Last Day of Magic, by The Kills and the video is cool. But i don't get any enjoyment from listening to it, it just sounds dreary to me! lol

  18. This game is probably the best game on the Wii I have played since Mario Galaxy! I actually prefer it in many ways, probably because I like these type of adventure games more than platformers. Sure it isnt perfect, but it very nearly is! and i love the little dude who rides around with you, hes such a laugh. Why havent more people got this game and are discussing it!? its a travesty that i saw it at number 14 in the GAME chart!
