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there are somethings that you do, and somethings that you dont do. And whipping using the wiimote for the duration of a game, is one of the most stupidest ideas.


THANKFULLY IGA agrees with this


Wired News: So I'm wondering to start off, in an interview with EGM you had said that your opinions on doing a Castlevania for the Wii had changed, because he has interesting ideas. So I was wondering if this was true, what he could say about it…


Koji Igarashi: My opinions haven't changed since E3 where I said that using the controller as a whip throughout the entire game probably wouldn't work. So basically with the Castlevania design, I always wanted to have players to sit and focus on gameplay for an hour or so. With the Wii system it doesn't work. With the controller, whipping for one hour wouldn't work.


So I think I gave the media a comment that said if I'm to work on Wii Castlevania than I'd use the motion sensitivity for a special attack rather than an usual thing. So that might work on Wii. So I'm still on the same page.


WN: Do you think it's going to be important now to develop for the Wii, since it'll be a big deal in Japan?


KI: Let me talk frankly. I'm seeing the Wii as the most successful next-gen platform in Japan. But then again, Castlevania is US-driven. We have a lot of gamers from North America, so we want to focus on them.



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