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Best Ntl cable splitter? and a few other questions

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Hi all,

I hope this is the right place to ask this...


I just wondered if anyone can tell me what the best cable splitter is for ntl? (Im splitting it for another ntl cable/TV box) I have seen so many on ebay but I have no idea what is the best splitter with the least signal loss.


Some of them mention that one output has a 'powerpass' but I have no idea what this is, or if I need it?


Is there a specific splitter that ntl themselves use?


Also, what type of cable do ntl themselves use? (ive heard its H109?)


Lastly, when the cable runs into my house to the wall socket its a thick black two-core cable. In the ntl wall socket one cable has a connector fitted and the other is just knotted up and left inside the box. If I were to fit a connector to this other cable would it be 'live' so to speak?


ANy help would be much appreciated :)

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