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Well, it would seem we now have two shows to look forward to every year. Let me explain


E3 has always been made up of two elements, the confrences where the developers devulge all the hot news, and the show floor, where everyone previews the up and comming (or already come) games.


Now, as we know, E3 still exists in the "confrence" form, developers will still be devulging all the gossip as par usual, what we are missing is the show floor. It seems however, a previously existing, smaller event has taken up the slack.


That event is PAX, due to the fact that E3 is kinda smaller, developers are now all jumping over to PAX, making it much larger then it previously was, the big three are already signed up for it. Best news is it hasn't even occured yet this year, so look forward to it end of august, and just like E3, it lasts for 3 days.


Well acctually I lied, thats not the best news, the best news is PAX is open for the public as well as the media. So although your going to have to miss out on sitting around for hours listening to company reps drone on about sales figures (ahem, Sony), you will be able to partake in all the gaming that previously occured at E3. Also unlike E3, you won't be set back $600, the 3 day PAX outing comes at the very affordable cost of 35 bucks.


So guys, see you at PAX I guess!




After looking at the PAX website it appears to be a huge tournament gathering not a media event..


Edit: .. With a few unimportant speeches and what nots.


Just as long as I get my news, impressions and videos I'm happy.

Edit: PAX is pretty big, even Nintendo goes there and takes demo consoles. I believe last year they had Zelda there.


yah but it's set to get MUCH bigger this year. With E3 gone, PAX is now the only place for companies to demo thier upcomming games to the general media.


You can expect next gen consoles to feature prominently.

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