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24 Video Games In 24 Hours Online Stream For Charity


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Hello everyone I figured that since we're all gamers here, maybe some of you would want to know about our charity event.


So we're hosting a 24 hour gaming marathon live stream on April 20th for the charity organisation GamesAid who spread out all money raised over the year to several childrens and young persons charities.


We'll play 24 games (one per hour) while also chatting with viewers live and giving away a variety of prizes all via Justin.tv. Should be a lot of fun and the more people who tune in the better the discussions should be.


Remember an amount as little as £2 can go a long way! Every little helps, so please sponsor us on our donation page:




Follow us on Twitter for updates too @FanCensus

Thanks everyone and I'll keep this post updated with news on the event as it happens :bouncy:

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