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Reggie wants ideas!


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*Cough*Sonic*Cough* (Had to mention it because it's a good example of how bad a game can get becuase the developers try to make it all story based a shit)


Mario to me has always been about Mario saving the princess. I mean Galaxy was awesome, but I hope in Galaxy 2 they get rid of everything that was a cutscene and just let me rip right into looking at the stunning level design. and getting stars.


Besides, Mario games have really good stories...but made in other games, hence why Mario has RPG games because those types of games are better in telling a story, plus the people who buy it know they will get more of a story driven game. And so far I have yet to be dissapointed by any of the Mario RPG's out there.


Pretty much agree with your entire post!

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You have got to be kidding, right? That is just not how games are made - or for that matter how any company makes big decisions. Let's get real here. Twilight Princess was essentially a fan service game that Miyamoto designed because he wanted to make it but also because he felt the audience wanted it. He clearly wasn't satisified with it as he has made comments himself that Zelda needs to evolve/change and that's what the Wii version will do.


And the Mario deep story thing is a joke. It's a platforming game in a universe that does not, by any stretch, suit deep storytelling. Mario platformers are a pure form of gaming - that's why they're loved, they're just sheer fun and (hopefully) challenge.


twlight princess was a fan service? fan service is like a collecters item or a christmas special of a tv show.. Not a game that took about 4 years to make.. They made the decision to make it gritty and dark to differienate it from wind waker,.. not because you fans want it..

Since when has nintendo been one in fan service in the last 10 years. Very little.? If we had our way the wii wouln't even be called the wii..


Nintendo makes decisions to suit themselves not because their fans would want it.. that makes about 10% of their final decision I would say..


... you Seem very sure that the wii version won't have a toon shaded link and that it will as revolutionary ... I hope you're right....


As for mario story...miyamoto HATES storylines in videogames anyway.. Wasn't he the one who said if you want a story read a book?...

This is why every game he's involved in has a bad story... Zelda's included.

The story in galaxy was perfect.. it didn't get in the way.. I was more referring to the fact that galaxy 2 will have LESS of a storyline...


*Cough*Sonic*Cough* (Had to mention it because it's a good example of how bad a game can get becuase the developers try to make it all story based a shit)


Mario to me has always been about Mario saving the princess. I mean Galaxy was awesome, but I hope in Galaxy 2 they get rid of everything that was a cutscene and just let me rip right into looking at the stunning level design. and getting stars.


Besides, Mario games have really good stories...but made in other games, hence why Mario has RPG games because those types of games are better in telling a story, plus the people who buy it know they will get more of a story driven game. And so far I have yet to be dissapointed by any of the Mario RPG's out there.

you think sonic games are bad BECAUSE they have a story?.. Well i'll admit it doesn't help.. I was more referring to galaxy 2 having less of a one than galaxy 1..


Funny you should mention sonic though.. take sonic 3... that's a perfect classic example of how a story could be told in a classic videogame.. the storyline was told completely without text and managed to have an impact in the game.. i can remember dying to finish the game to find out the ending... Storylines do this for games..


I would hate to see the game get interupted by cut-scenes like sonic these days however ..however... Sonic games are shit because the devs are shit AND they are aimed at a young american audience, who need an in your face story to get anything..


I don't like mario rpgs...but that's my opinion.. they try to be too wacky and zany for my liking..

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I was more referring to galaxy 2 having less of a one than galaxy 1..

Which in the end was very little in galaxy 1 anyway. Galaxy 2 can still have a story, it's just I think Miyamoto worries that when more and more story gets put into a game it becomes more of a focus rather then the gameplay itself.


Mario Galaxy at the start was good, but even the cutscene where the Princess was being taken away...I did not care much about that scene. And not seeing it in Galaxy 2 will be all good to me.

Yet, I still think that if they had a little side story, an example was that picture book that was read throughout the entire game of galaxy, it was an optional choice for you to go through it. Which I think more games need to do more of rather then making you sit down and make you watch boring cutscenes.


Funny you should mention sonic though.. take sonic 3... that's a perfect classic example of how a story could be told in a classic videogame.. the storyline was told completely without text and managed to have an impact in the game.. i can remember dying to finish the game to find out the ending... Storylines do this for games..

Which I believe is something Nintendo do well, I love games that Nintendo make and you can see a story through the games. Zelda does that very well, when you go through it and talk to characters and such but has real no effect on the story itself, as I said above, I think Miyamoto likes stories, but it's something I don't think he wants as a main aspect of a game.


You buy a game to play.

You buy a book to read a story.

You buy a movie to watch something.


Those aspect I always think to myself when thinking of a story and such. Hence why I sometimes think it's pointless in making an epic story in a game when most of the time your just watching everything happen then once gameplay starts, press a couple of buttons for the next scene to happen. games like Final Fantasy are now having gameplay that's on par with a DVD menu.


I would hate to see the game get interupted by cut-scenes like sonic these days however ..however... Sonic games are shit because the devs are shit AND they are aimed at a young american audience, who need an in your face story to get anything..

It doesn't help when Sonic always has a new friend each game that joins in every game afterwards either. I mean just look at Sonic 2006, the game was messed up and they tried to make a story(And they must have been high to have humans in the game) out of it forgotting that it was not a movie but a game so the gameplay was very crap.


I don't like mario rpgs...but that's my opinion.. they try to be too wacky and zany for my liking..

I love them :D perhaps it's the charm of them, but I feel they make a lot of those RPG's that try hard look bad...all because it's a simple story that works well(Come on intelligent System bring me Paper Mario 3 xD )

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