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  1. im thinking if i should buy on play.com or get it from game on friday? are u sure play wont send the game on friday? cause otherwise ill get from game instead.
  2. Is play.com selling super paper mario?! or is my imagination? play.com/Games/Wii/4-/1020886/Super-Paper-Mario/Product.html
  3. im taking the information with a pinch of salt really, though considering IGN published these figures makes me wonder. It seems unlikly aswell that nintendo would release 3 of their good games in the space of one week at the end of september, let alone in one year.
  4. UK release dates accoriding to ign. Mario Galaxy - june 1st Battalion Wars 2 - september 22nd Metroid Prime 3 - september 27th Mario Party 8 - september 30th Super Smash Bros Brawl - september 30th
  5. i agree i hope they hurry up, i have to go in 10min
  6. later on in the day, can we watch the press conference? and if so were?
  7. ok, thx guys
  8. Can someone give me the link to the press conference!! anyone....
  9. were can i watch it can someone give me the Link!!
  10. were can i watch the press conference!
  11. Help someone were can i watch it!
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