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About Copy_Cat

  • Birthday 04/01/1990


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  1. An exclusive BO2 for the wii u? I might hold out until then otherwise I will just get it for my ps3
  2. She'd understand handhelds but not dedicated home consoles; their game's on an entire new level Ok, ok, guys, the cats out the bag (or in game terms: the ravin rabbid's out of the mote :p ), so on-topicness from this point onwards and do forgive for my troll.
  3. Mate you didnt really sound like a fanboy (well you didish) but you did manage to sound like a wii owner (ten year old girl). Im the most wiiistest wiiist, so your post provokes me at an instant. To stubbornly express that the mighty 360 didnt do anything for you is just mega bs. well, ten year old girls wouldnt understand their fathers toys now would they?...
  4. MICROSOFT'S XBOX 360 IS TEH MOST HARDCOAR CONSOLE/MACHINE/PLATFORM EVAAAAAR. WHEN YOU THINK ABOUT IT, IT'S TO BE EXPECTED, SINCE IT'S EXACTLY THAT: MICROSOFT. Just for the ipod playlist, I am not exactly racist against Nintendo (Nintendoist?), I am more of a wiiist. The WIIU is another experiment as well as a demonstration to prove to the fans that third parties will not develope games for 'Nintendo' (partly because it's creating games for 10 year old girls) merely for the reasons of HD capabilities, robust online functionalities and fancy shmancy crowd-pleaser gimmicks - needless to mention the power of the system. Microsoft's 'Xbox 777' for teh win, I tell ya'z.
  5. you are full of contradiction because you always beg to differ
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