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Everything posted by s3k

  1. Ha! Was just wondering through the wonderful newsnow and found this: Madness Its the funniest thing ive read in ages! But i dont know if its intentionally written to be funny!
  2. Good god i hope this isn't it. Is this the Revolution?
  3. No i can totally appreciate your point, the purpose of the post was to see if it's the same in other places. Seems there is a switch in your town. Its interesting - when i worked at GAME i tried to conduct the same approach, make nice comments and try and offer genuine help instead of just selling them something I think they should have. I guess I'm just disappointed that things can change in such a way...
  4. The thing that i do like about shops though is being able to go in and have a look at what you're getting, maybe even try it out on a pod and being able to walk away with it right there and then. Even if you do pay that extra fiver for it
  5. I've just been reading this, (specifically the comments thread where a guy from GAME has gone completely off the wall over the writers jokes about him) and its brought to light something i've been semi aware of for a while. Some of the stores in my town, and we have four! Are unfortunately staffed with people who act just like this, they don't seem to care about what you've actually come into buy and will instead talk about some dull samey XBox or PC game they're playing. Failing that they'll try and sell you some own brand stuff or that bloody loyalty card. Now i'm not saying all GAME stores or indeed all of their staff are like this, but there does seem to almost be one for every store. I used to work there a long time ago, just before and after it changed from EB, and it never seemed like this, it was a fun place to work with nice people. I've noticed GameStation seem to be this way currently - putting customer service as a number one priority and being genuinely interested in what you like playing. Am i the only one who feels this way? Is there anyone from GAME or GameStation who thinks similarly. Sorry to rant, i just thought i'd air my thoughts - its what the internet is for!
  6. Has anyone this picture of Samus before? Is it a proper Nintendo picture? The story is pretty good too if you follow the link, they've had a rather excited look at Metroid Pinball! They certainly convinced me to go buy my copy anyway. :bow:
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