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Posts posted by liger05

  1. Was that MH as it sure didn't look like a MH game.


    Looks very much like some spinoff passed to a B team to develop while the real MH is something else.


    Going to have to see a lot more as that trailer did nothing for me at all to get excited about a PS4/Xb1 Monster Hunter.

  2. Shame about the price though.


    It seems many weren't impressed with the Microsoft conference. Not surprising, really. Lots of bland games and nothing really new from the 1st party side of things.


    Phil Spencer must be really struggling to get Japanese support for the console if all he could get out of his trip to Japan was getting Namco to bring the DBZ and that anime Dark Souls type game to the platform.


    It's very expensive but what's the PS4 pro £399?


    Scorpio is 50% more powerful, 50% more RAM, has UHD Blu Ray player. It was always going to be more expensive. I'm no expert but does the price represent the tech?


    Now will the market care about that? I am not so sure and it will be niche but I don't know think MS really see this a mass consumer product. They want to change the narrative and have the most powerful console on the market.

  3. Watching the Bethesda Press Conference just now and they showed Skyrim has amiibo support:



    I think they could of done a better trailer. Should of just used the game soundtrack. I didn't think the motion controls looked good either.

  4. Scorpio is a niche product just like ps4 pro.


    It's very expensive but it's what I expected. They are not going to put this out and lose money.


    Anthem looks amazing but they need a title like that as an exclusive

  5. Interview with Andrei Lazaresco on Eurogamer.


    Engine built from scratch for the Switch. So they have put a lot of effort in. But I'd still rather they'd have tried to get Frostbite to build for the Switch, at least then we'd have a shot at their other games.




    That interview confirms that it has the new crossing mechanic but not the quick substitutions.




    Not the Ignite engine but it is running at 60fps.


    Sounds like a good start. Very much sounds like a great portable game and will look more than good enough in handheld mode.


    For those that play on TV it might not be the game people want when there are better home console versions.


    If it sells well then I assume going forward we will see EA do more with the series on switch.

  6. 1: Has Serebii got anything right EVER?


    2: As somebody else mentioned, Switch is in desperate need of a single player game. Zelda is done, MK & Tetris were good for a short while for quick 10 minute blasts, but my Switch has sat in it's dock untouched for a couple of weeks now. Where are all the 3rd party games we were promised? They really need to drop some bombs at E3.


    Third party games promised? When was this?


    There was hope there would be 3rd party titles but I don't remember any promises.
