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Everything posted by MilaGi

  1. Destiny

    @Blade what time you hoping to get the Raid started tomorrow? My bro's won a couple of corporate hospitality tickets for the Newcastle match and has invited me to go with him. It's a 2.05pm KO but I don't know what time I'll get home after the game. Feel free to get someone else to take my place if you want to get it started. In other news, I'm glad I finally got the Vex Mythoclast. Was enjoying using it in PvP earlier on
  2. Destiny

    Yeah that's cool with me too
  3. Destiny

    Yes please
  4. Destiny

    @Eddage @Deathjam - I should be online from 7pm tonight since I have a 4pm finish from work. What time you guys free? I'll use my warlock @Zell - will you be online later? Happy to run the nightfall with you if you're online. @Sheikah - count me in for Thurs! @Blade - Sunday afternoon is fine with me
  5. Destiny

    I'm available for the nightfall with 3 characters tomorrow (Weds) if anyone's interested!
  6. Destiny

    Aye it's the Archon Priest with all three burns. As for the raid, I'll wait until @Blade has decided which day would be best and can go from there
  7. Destiny

    All those days are fine with me - no preference Haha yeah that was quality. I'm not a huge fan of crucible but really enjoyed that last night!
  8. Destiny

    I won't be on I don't think, but thanks Hopefully! I'm not due into work until half 12, so can actually stay longer than half 10 tonight... but hopefully Crota will be downed long before that!!
  9. Destiny

    I'm regretting not buying more heavy ammo packs the last time he sold them. Isn't it something like 1 strange coin for 5 packs? I think I have only 15 packs left now @Blade what time is the Raid tonight? 8:30ish or earlier?
  10. Destiny

    yes to VoG @Shorty I still hope to get the Vex or a Gjallarhorn (or both if I'm being greedy!)
  11. Destiny

    @Blade yeah pretty much what Eddage has just said really. Priorities lie with the original Raid groups I'm available for the Raid tomorrow, so that's cool! @Eddage agree with you that normal and HM can both be achievable on Sunday with @Sheikah et al
  12. Destiny

    I don't mind running it twice on normal. My warlock is only L31 so not really too arsed about running that one through hard mode unless I get carried through it!
  13. Destiny

    All those days are fine with me! Is this for HM or normal Crota? I'll happily do normal with my warlock All days fine too Anyone up for Nightfall/weekly later tonight? Maybe x2 @ ~7.30ish?
  14. Destiny

    Haha it was inevitable it was going to happen after I'd left :P I still have a Crota HM checkpoint I guess!
  15. Xpert 11 Season 34 - The Times They Are a-Changin'

    @Aqui1a totally got lucky against me
  16. Destiny

    I'll be on, yeah. I'm up for nightfall as well (possibly x2) before the Raid too.
  17. Destiny

    fine with me, but i won't be on too long... maybe half 10 latest
  18. Destiny

    It was very difficult lol. We did the thrall pit, but didn't get past the bridge section. How far did you guys get? I should be around if you still need a player for this
  19. Destiny

    Reached L32 last night As for Raid. I'm free tomorrow and Sunday night. Can't do Sat
  20. Destiny

    I'll have that set up soon enough (hopefully tonight). Just need 3 more shards and I'm sorted
  21. Destiny

    I'm hoping to be level 32 by the weekend so I'd be interested
  22. Destiny

    I'd like to take your spot if you want to go out
  23. Destiny

    I'll help if you want
  24. Destiny

    Holy shit! Xur is actually selling the Ice Breaker this week @Map was it Glasshouse that you want? He's selling that too, but no engrams!
  25. Destiny

    I can do whenever so that's cool with me