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Everything posted by MilaGi

  1. Destiny

    About 7ish mate
  2. Destiny

    I can't believe you got one last night and that @DriftKaiser got 2!! I'll be on to see you dismantle your newest g'horn
  3. Destiny

    Cheers guys! We'll say 8pm just to be on the safe side
  4. Destiny

    VoG on Sunday @ ~7.00pm onwards (although I reckon closer to 8pm) MilaGi @Agent Gibbs @DriftKaiser @Deathjam (TBC) [sPACE] [sPACE]
  5. Destiny

    I can do the nightfall with you and @Deathjam on Monday. I'll be around from 7pm-ish. @Eddage - cheers from confirming that! Needless to say I'll be buying it. Will probs get Knucklehead Radar as well since I still need that one. Was hoping for Mask of the Third Man. Anyone up for VoG or Crota (hard or normal) over this coming weekend?
  6. Destiny

    I've been reading that Xur's selling RED DEATH today... could someone confirm that? If so... buy buy buy buy!!
  7. Destiny

    I have one more character to do it with
  8. Xpert 11 Season 34 - The Times They Are a-Changin'

    Will do fella! Got a couple of the questions answered, it's finding the time to do the rest, but hopefully by this weekend... hopefully! Well done @Aqui1a you jammy sod :P
  9. Destiny

    If you haven't done nightfall yet then I'll happily help you. I'm around tonight from about 6pm-ish. Are there any further Crota runs (normal or hard) likely to be taking place this week? Happy to either although would favour normal just to try and get the Hunger of Crota. Having said that, I wouldn't mind running HM to try and get the Word of Crota.
  10. Destiny

    Would love to but can't I'm around the rest of the week though, so that would be cool if any other runs will be taking place then!
  11. Destiny

    Ah unlucky mate @Map - are you still able to do this one if you're about?
  12. Destiny

    I can do anytime to be fair, so 8pm would be absolutely fine too!
  13. Destiny

    I wouldn't have minded one of those! lol On a brighter note, I finally lost my Crota killing virginity as the swordbearer. Got there in the end!
  14. Destiny

    Excellent! I've been waiting for that one
  15. Destiny

    Sorry about that guys! Got so close and then my internet connection turned into one big fail! We'd have had it done by half 9 had I not missed the bloody jump as well lol
  16. Destiny

    @Shorty - mine was in the vault too Can't believe you got another bloody Gjallarhorn though!!
  17. Destiny

    You bugger! :P Nah, that's cool, I'm happy to give it a go! At least there's less pressure since everyone bought few hundred heavy ammo packs... you'll all need 'em!!
  18. Destiny

    Friday - anytime after 7pm Saturday - Really not sure - poss from ~8.30pm onwards Sunday - anytime from about 3pm onwards
  19. Destiny

    I'd be happy to do that again on Friday if others are up for it too
  20. Destiny

    Yeah I'm up for that
  21. Destiny

    Only if you're really needing players and don't have to rely on LFG! I'll use Warlock although already done deathsinger & Crota with all 3 characters
  22. Destiny

    Would love to but can't I'm afraid! Darts league match I'm around Weds, Thurs, Fri and Sunday if any other raids/nightfalls etc will be taking place then...
  23. Destiny

    I know @Sheikah was interested in doing VoG today. Think he said he wouldn't be on until after 4pm-ish or so
  24. Destiny

    VoG please
  25. Destiny

    Yeah I'll be there!