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About kcl91

  • Birthday 11/06/1991

Personal Information

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  • Nintendo Systems Owned
    Wii, GBA SP, DS, Gamecube
  • Other Systems Owned
    PS2, PSP
  • Gender

Game Info

  • Wii Console Number
  • Nintendo Wi-Fi Friend Codes
    MKDS: 210541-898027
    ACWW: 0688-0894-0853
    Pokemon Diamond: Coming Soon

kcl91's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)

  1. Wow thanks for the quick replies. I'll need a laptop as I will be moving around alot (train journeys etc.) so a desktop is out of the question. Right now, the above laptop might see a bit much for a first year student, but I'd rather invest in a great laptop that will last a good amount of years. As for the graphic chipset, I really dont mind (AMD, Nvidea etc.). For my budget of £900, the Sony Vaio E series seems good, but I'm just a tad worried about the delivery time of 4-5 weeks (as I'm off 4 weeks today!) But yeah, i still don't know. Gonna have a peek around PC World on Monday =]
  2. Hey, I got accepted into Uni to study Architecture and now I’m hunting for the perfect laptop for the course. Can anyone recommend me something? My preferred specifications are: Windows 7 Intel Core i5 Processor 1GB Dedicated Graphics Card 15.6/16 Inch Screen (HD if possible) 4GB RAM (or higher) 320GB HDD (or higher) DVD Drive Warranty The Acer Aspire Timeline X looked amazing, but it didn’t have the dedicated graphics which I need. I’ve looked at Sony, Dell, Acer, PC World, Curry’s etc. but I can’t decide, so I thought I’d ask for an expert opinion I’d prefer to buy it in person, but I don’t mind if it’s online. Thanks in advance, Kcl91
  3. Woo Hoo! Got It! Went into GAME at 9 and there it was. Even though I didnt pre-order or anything...I still got the special sleve cover and 2 postcard things (Zelda/Zero Suit Samus) which was just an added bonus! I've already got
  4. Do you think that on friday morning, if I go into GAME, they will have some waiting on the shelves....or will they only be giving out to pre-ordered people? What time does GAME open on fridays btw? Thanx
  5. cool thanx for the replies. So far I think im swaying towards Mario Kart Wii! But how long do you think the single player mode will last me? (Because i can be online forever..lol..but is the single player mode a letdown? )
  6. Heya Guys, Just a quick question. Im absolutely getting Brawl on June 27th, but until then I want a game to tide me over with. I can only afford one game before Brawl, so which Wii game of the following is the best for me to get? *Mario Kart Wii *Metroid Prime 3: Corruption I ask this because i've never played a Prime game before....so will I like it? I once played Super Metroid (SNES) for like half an hour at a friends house....i liked it....but the non-linear, back-tracking was a bit wierd for me. So overall....is MP3:C worth me buying? or shall I get MK:Wii or is it too repetitive? Advise please. Thanx in advance, kcl91
  7. Two quick questions about unlocking characters. 1) If for the 1st time you play Brawl, and you do the Classic Mode On Hard with Link and complete it with no continues, do you unlock (ie. challenge) Marth, Luigi and Ganondoft one after the other?? or would you have to redo it for each character?? The official site says to unlock each person: ●Beat Marth following the ending after beating Classic mode ●Beat Luigi following the ending after beating Classic mode with no continues. ●Beat Ganondorf after beating Classic mode on Hard difficulty setting or greater with Zelda or Link. 2) On the official site http://www.smashbros.com/en_us/gamemode/various/various35_list.html its says to unlock each character you need to play X number of ''brawls''. When it says ''brawls'' does it mean vs. a friend/online? or just like each battle in classic?...or something else??(Im a bit ) Thanx in advance!
  8. cool...thanx......but the macbook air has no ethernet port. I need a laptop with an ethernet...so are apple going to stop making the normal macbook's (which have an ethernet port, more than 1 usb port...damn air) lol
  9. Heya....recently i've been contemplating about buying a macbook laptop (air? hmm) But i've always been a windows user. All my documents for school etc. are all done in Microsoft Office 2002 (word, powerpoint, excel etc.) and if i move to a Mac...will i be able to open them and edit them, like school essays/presentions?? More questions: --my videos are in .wma, .avi, .DIVX...and others. Will i be able to play them? --will my psp be recognized by a mac if i hook it up by the normal USB? --Is there anyway to get a macbook laptop to output display from like a wii etc? --The website said that it has wireless 802.11g ..can i connect to any wireless area/ or ethernet...or just airport extreme?? thanx, Ro
  10. Heya guys, my mate is havin his 16th b'day round his house with a few friends and he asked me to recommend a good film for us to watch. Dunno what film to say! Any recommendations?? He likes a wide range of films like horror (hmm... scared girls?!), comedy/ chick-flick (lol) etc. *It has to be a DVD that you can rent from Blockbuster (UK)* Thanx in advance : peace:
  11. hey guys, i've played the 2d metroid games, but didnt buy the prime series on the cube because i didn't like the controls of 2 analogue sticks for walking and aiming. However the wii version looks really good. Would you recomend me getting it because i haven't played the other prime games?
  12. My computer is driving me crazy, and i want to completely redo it. I dont have a startup disc because my packard bell just came in the box with everything pre installed. How can i completely re-install XP? Thanx, kcl91
  13. Hey guys, I've had this problem for a while and it is driving me mad. I can go on the internet and go to normal sites (google, here) but when i try places like MSN, Hotmail, Facebook and even eBay, their home page loads perfectly, but when i try to login, i get 'Page cant be displayed'. Its not my internet browser because i tried firefox and opera and they cant login either, what should i do? Thanx, kcl91
  14. Heya guys. My mate is planning a party and asked me to name a few good party games for the Wii. There will be about 10 people and he has 4 controllers. At that moment, i could only think of Mario Party 8, (but is it good?). Could you guys recommend any good multiplayer games for a few mates to piss about with. (He's gonna rent 1 or 2 of them) So.....good games?
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