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Posts posted by madeinbeats

  1. Ubisoft seem to be behind the tablet thing the most and they aren't bothering with making an app for the Wii U. It could be done. I'm just saying that it's likely not going to be done, based on how Ubisoft and EA are the main people talking about it.


    I don't think there's been anything to suggest it will be done, no. Time will tell on all accounts.

  2. Being able to observe and help people in a game is a bit more complicated than "cloud storage". In Battlefield 4 you have an interactive map, some in-game abilities and voice chat.


    But again, this is just basic multiplayer where the console is sending data over the net through a server to an app device instead of another console. The only geoundwork there is getting the app and console to exchange data.

  3. It's a good system with great potential. When a game comes along and uses it properly, it could be brilliant. We're just saying that the two systems are different.


    While the Wii U could do the remote stuff, there's a significant hurdle for developers to overcome: Nintendo have not done the groundwork. They would have to make the entire system from scratch. It could be done on the Wii U, but I don't think developers will be bothered to implement it due to the increased cost.


    Also, we should perhaps wait to see how good the Gaikai streaming is before dismissing it completely. If I can play my PS4 from my friend's house using my Vita (and their internet), I think it may do pretty well at being able to stream and control a game if I'm sitting in the same room.


    But what would be the groundwork to get an app to send what is essentially save data to the Wii U? Cloud storage. Nintendo said last year cloud storage is in the works launching sometime this year.



    Those two statements aren't mutually exclusive; just because the Wii U's set-up isn't fractured, doesn't mean it can't be. You're an idiot.


    Now you're just trying to sell me some idiot pills, aren't you. I'm not an idiot you know. (I'll take 12.)

  4. Jesus, take a breath ;)


    Again, you're taking about an app environment that the Wii U could also potentially have. The Wii U in that case then is both seemless and remote, whereas the PS4 and Bone are only fractured.


    It's pretty hard going trying to refute the beneffits of the Wii U and GamePad's 2nd screen essence, you should relax and give credit where it's due.

  5. UK advert



    UK advert trailer. ;)


    Hoping they just use the American ad with Brian Blesid voice over lol. Doubt NoE could top that ad. Maybe compliment it with a few lifestyle type ads.


    They should pay to have Pikmin just pop up randomly in Coronation Street, just pop up out of Norris Cole's half-a bitter or swinging on one of Deirdre Rasheed's fags. Everyone would be like 'what are all these Pikmin things'. Would go viral.


    Yeah, I am only joking!


  6. Really? It sounds incredibly useful. There's usually not enough time between matches to sort it all out and I'd rather jump straight into playing when I'm at home. Being able to sort out all my customisation and loadouts while on the bus would be pretty awesome.


    I just don't see anyone sat in work and suddenly thinking "oh, I just remembered, I'm nipping into larva village tonight to buy me the emerald armour, I better put on some shorts and flip flops so I can head straight out when I get back... save me all of 30 seconds" just nahh. :hehe:


    I don't think anyone said it couldn't be done on the Wii U.


    Custom loadouts is a pretty crap example and I don't think the latency is going to be anywhere near as bad as you think it'll be.


    Would be cool to have the ingame map available in a game like Assassin's Creed and set up a to-do list or work out a strategy for assassination before going through with it - doodle annotations and such. There are so many neat ideas for an almost passive second screen.


    Maps and infantry on the screen are incredibly useful, not shit your pants revolutionary, but indispensable. Again though, the Wii U will always do this better because it's right there always in your hands. Putting a pad down to pick up your tablet is even more long-winded than pausing the game and going through menus.


    The whole ethos of the Wii U doing it is that the gaming experience isn't as fractured, and something like Batman Wii U demonstrates that perfectly. Switching between pad and tab is doing the opposite.

  7. One interesting difference between the Wii U and XB1/PS4 (I'll just use PS4 from now for simplicity) is that the system can be used without the console present. Some games will allow you to interact with your game in some ways while out and about, like customising your character/vehicles.


    I expect a lot of multiplayer games to allow you to cusomise your loadouts from your phone/tablets.


    The Wii U system is designed for using it at the same time as the main game. The PS4 system is designed to be used by a second (incompetent) player or while out and about.


    Yeah, but that's almost as bad as touchpad horn on MK8. Totally worthless gimmick IMO. And even then, Wii U could get these apps as well as GP features. Eek.


    An example of the 2nd screen stuff the others definitely won't be achieving is the likes seen in Rayman Legends or NSMBU etc.

  8. US advert



    Jesus, they actually threw notes into the budget bucket for the advert. One of the best game adverts I've ever seen. That ad would make anyone feel thirsty for it. NoE, your move.

  9. 'High' latency and 'higher' latency are two different thing. Why would the latency be higher than it is between two consoles in a standard multiplayer game?


    I suppose there's a point there, controlling a turret or the like might only be like playing CoD over the net. Network latency is a thing though. Which brings up another point. I really can't see PS4/Xbone processing and steaming a dedicated feed to the device, surely the device app must be mostly self contained with graphical and audio assests which means large app sizes.


    If the consoles do process and stream visual and audio data, then yeah, that's where high latency would come from... just can't see that as an option though.

  10. But there's a difference between streaming what is going on on screen and having another player use a tablet for complementary gameplay - like in The Division.


    I think this article is kind of twisting his words. No, they won't work like the do with the Wii U so the Wii U will be unmatched in that way - but I don't think that's how second screens will be used.


    Whaaa :confused:


    ~0 sec latency gameplay aspects only possible on GamePad. Disjointed, isolated, nonessential aspects available on all 2nd screen devices.


    No one really knows where the Wii U stands on remote iOS/Droid apps ATM.


    I heard The Division has 2nd screen ability for another player to control a remote flying turret to provide cover fire, yadda yadda - but with high latency, how the hell will that realistically workout?

  11. Why do people keep bringing that up? It is bloody irrelevant


    Kinda. Not if you want to critique technical aspects. The Wii engine could be a reason why there's no on-line etc... But at this point, yeah, sounds like a great game, looks over-all graphically stunning, 1080p upscalled, 60fps - could have been N'th degrees better if developed on a mature Wii U dedicated engine... (TBH, Wii U engines are probably still being heavily worked on at this moment and won't be fully mature until who knows when).


    But yeah, not relevant at this point. Just enjoy the game.


    Some more shots.







    @Serebii, your last reply was post number PNF-404!! It's a sign (^o^)


    Speaking of lovely, here are some screens that have been posted on Miiverse. :bowdown:



    But dat grass texture man. :blank:


    I'm planning on being at the top of the leaderboards out of you lot too, so don't be gettin' any funny ideas :-p

  13. From Ubisoft's Yves Guillemot. Something we really already knew about, but still...


    Guillemot added that working with the Wii U GamePad as the secondary screen, Ubisoft learned a lot about the second screen experience, something they’re applying now to development of mobile and tablet games. He said that they’ve learned enough from working on the Wii U GamePad to better integrate tablets as second screens in the upcoming next consoles from Sony and Microsoft.

    However, he pointed out that the Wii U GamePad is still superior because of its much lower latency. Second screen gaming on the PlayStation 4 and the Xbox One will only be “complimentary”, he said, and won’t affect the gameplay in a big way.



  14. Wow it's turning into the WiiU thread here but since we're on the subject.... I don't give a stuff what the WiiU gamepad costs but what concerns me greatly is that the great minds at Nintendo chose to put basic Tablet technology into a gamepad and then thought the best use for the tech in Mario Kart 8 was to turn the gamepad screen into a horn!









    Nothing was really done with it in MK7 or DS either. When a game requires your focous on the track, what can you do? I'm pretty sure Sonic and NFS are largely the same. NFS used it for some interesting co-driver options and I'm willing to bet the touchscreen will find a larger part to play in some of the multiplayer modes. Though I'm sure most gamers will find simply playing MK8 off-tv quite the luxury.


    Point being 2nd screen will be employed in varying degrees depending on the individual game and that the horn feature in mk8 isn't a measure of the creative peak of 2nd screen, the GamePad or the developers.

  15. The screen is a relatively crap one in the Wii U, too.


    Not as crap as the ones in your examples it seems.


    The screen itself is just as you'd expect from a bargain basement product like this; colours are washed out, brightness is lacking and viewing angles are poor.


    Sounds nothing like the GamePad screen.


    I don't see why people are pretending like GamePads are available in shops and its offical RRP is £100.


    Seeing as no one should really need to buy a GP until November arrives at the earliest should people just not wait until then to see how much the charge.


    Personally, I don't see how any PS3/360/Wiimote+ cost as much as the do at the moment... I think they're all a complete rip-off.


    The GamePad has a lot going on inside it though with gyros, NFC, BT, accelerometers, speakers IR blaster, camera, battery etc, etc... BoM of £30-£50 perhaps, then there's factory labour costs, logistics, licences etc, etc.

  16. Those grassy textures are just a remnant from Wii development. Game would probably see more large delays to get them updated. I'm so over it. By enlarge the good textures far outweigh the single bad texture lol. Anyone sub to lukemorse on YT? He was flabbergasted when he first stared playinging and it looks amazing to me too.


    Here is his reaction playing the first into level. There isn't anything spoilery in it.



    I just love the way the foliage moves and sways in unison, with the shadows and depth of field effects.


    Rubbish grass texture what??? :)

  17. I've existed through the entire past/current generation on a 60GB PS3, trust me... I'll find a way to make that 500GB on the PS4 last even with PS+ and mandatory game installs. ;)


    Unless the eShop sees crazy Steam-like sales in the future, I may just scrape through on my 32Gb U. I've got 13Gb spare right now, and that's with around 10Gbs of demos that need deleting.

  18. When PS+ goes into full swing, 500GB won't last long.


    It supports USB drives - USB3 I assume - and you can upgrade the internal. Can't upgrade the Xbone internal drive, only plug externals in. Regular HDDs are dirt cheap these days.
