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  1. Ojiari


    But before II World War Lviv was in Poland & before I World War Lviv was capital city of Galicja, polish province of Austia-Hungary ;]
  2. Ojiari


    Maria Lengyel- afaik Lenyel Orsak means in hungarian "poland" & the action will be placed in slavic county. Maybe Poland? One of desinger's said in interview for N-galaxy, action will be placed in city, which was very important for the culture of Central Europe (or sth like that). Cracow? Warsaw? Prague? Lviv?
  3. Funny... And very japanese at all. Nintendo wanted create something, which sounds simple & characteristic. So they did.
  4. In the strange slavian country, named Poland (at oryginal Polska) Nintendo market is preparing to die. Prime and official distributor isn't taking serious gamers and competitors. Actually, they didnt takes serious enything and enyone In Poland official distributor is firm named Lukas-Toys, whose are a part of austrian Stadbauer company. That firm is the worst thing what could met us, poor gamers from post-communist country. I heard from many sources, Nintendo gives rabats to many distributors. Lukas toys has haved 60%! Let's take the prices from Lukas-Toys and Swiat N (on-line shop, who takes games and consoles directly from NoE). Nintendogs Pack (649 zloty's in Lukas-Toys) -producer's price: 240 zloty's -Tax and costs of work: 100 zlotys (tax 70-80) -profit: 309 zł the same product in Swiat N (639 zloty's): -producer's price: 500 zloty's -Tax and costs of work: 120 zloty's -profit: 19zł We (polish gamers) send many petition to Lukas-Toys, Stadbauer and Nintendo of Europe. Everything gives nothing. What did you think?
  5. http://cctgamecalendar.com/content.php chek it (Raid over the River). What did you think about it? In my opinion that could become nice space shoter. Revo's Controller gives many possibilities...
  6. usually I use Raphael, becouse doing combo's with him is simple ok, but seriously I've loved Ivy, her moves and japanese voice roxor :>
  7. 1.Super Mario Sunsine 2.Wreckless: The Yakuza Missions 3.Metroid 4.Wario World 5.F-zero 6.Luigi's Mansion 7.Zoocube (lol) 8. The Legend of Zelda: tWW 9.The Legend of Zelda: Collector's Edition 11.The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventures 12.Star Wars: Attack from the Clones 14.Pokemon Colloseum 15.Mario Kart 16.Bond 007: Night Fire 17.Soul Calbur 2 18.Super Smash Bros
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