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Posts posted by peterl0

  1. The online mode for this sounds weird:


    If the Wii U console is connected to the Internet, the game will automatically connect online.


    Right. Each game connects with up to 32 players randomly, including the main player. Most of the time, you will not see other players or what they are doing, even if they're in the same field.


    Correct. And sometimes, there are random missions assigned to the 32 players who are connected, such as "Go defeat 10 bugs!" and "Go gather 10 pieces of fruit!"


    Right. And if the mission is completed, a reward goes out to everyone connected.

    Um...so even the players that didn't participate in the mission get a reward, too?

    Yes, everyone is rewarded.


    If players clear missions like these, sometimes a special mission like a boss battle is activated. This is the only time when up to four players can actually connect and complete a mission together.


    So this is when players could actually see the people they are connected with for the first time.


    So from this it seems like they are saying:

    - That you will only be able to team up with randoms. (I guess it could prefer friends and they just not have mentioned this option)

    - And that you will only be able to do the 4 player quests once you have completed some of the unconnected side quests.


    This seems very strange. Some of it is necessitated by having a large open world and a plot driven RPG, but it seems very un-user friendly and the weirder elements seem (again!) to stem from a fear of voice chat:


    I believe that RPGs in general are made to play alone. But this time, we felt that playing all alone in an open-world environment might feel a bit lonely.


    Right. So, to make the atmosphere of the world livelier, we thought that it would be better to add an online mode so players can feel connected. However, we had to take into consideration that there might be players who are scared to communicate with other players. I'm actually afraid to do so myself! (laughs)


    That's right. It's unpleasant to meet mean players online, but on the other hand, there are times it feels too troublesome to communicate with players with good intentions, too.
  2. No, never touch the brakes at all on 150cc

    From the sounds of the patch notes you can brake during drifting which is probably when it will be used. It will change how the game is played I think, but that is a good thing.


    How do you think it will give the fire hoppers a bigger advantage?

  3. This makes it sound like you can only play online once you have permission/access to the dolls.

    That is a bit weird, I am not sure if I will be able to convince my mates to play online if they have a signficant chunk of the single player to get through before they can start.

  4. The new challenges being separate per amiibo is a tough pill to swallow and I was even planning to buy one of the Splatoon amiibos. I am not getting the super pack with all three amiibo just to get that DLC though. This is pretty low - unless the challenges are all basic variants on the same level - complete this time for this existing course - in which casde I can take or leave them.

  5. I don't think you need to grind as such - I found if I just explored the land (you get exp for this) and did some side quests it would generally be enough to best a monster I was previously having difficulty with.


    EDIT: And it never took that much exploring or side questing, at least not until the latter parts of the games.

    Where I did grind was looking for those **** items

  6. Have there been any rumours at all of new 3DS game announcements? (I mean games that only work on the new 3DS). Trying to decide if I should buy one or not but the sale ends tonight so I cant wait to watch the Direct.


    I don't think there are any that are exclusive to the New 3DS that I am aware of, even in rumour form.


    I guess a lot of games might just be better with the new 3DS - Monster Hunter 4 had better textures I believe.

  7. Where is this supposed direct then? Wouldn't we have heard by now?

    With all of the bad news about delays and the resultant doom of the console, I could do with knowing what Nintendo's plans are beyond May 8th (Kirby's release date).


    Particularly interested in Splatoon and the DLC contents and dates for Smash and Mario Kart.

  8. I think there are separate unlockables for multi-player and single player that you can only get by playing that mode.

    Nintendo doesn't want people who ace the single player to have an unfair advantage in multi-player. I think that is the rationale.


    If anything the single player unlockables seem greater in numbers than the multi-player ones.

  9. In this interview the Nintendo Treehouse guy is directly asked:



    He says it was a design decision.


    So we have had:

    - Mario Kart - Ehh we just didn't (*)

    - Smash - It would cause lag.

    - Splatoon - It was design decision.


    (* They may have given a reason, please enlighten me if they did)


    The latest reason just seems stupid. They rolled out the same stupidity about the game not needing it but were never pressed about what the real reason behind it is (also the reasons specified also kind of only apply to Turf War). In fact, looking at the journalists doing the interview I think they knew they were on dodgy ground.


    To be honest,I will probably still get it because I am weak. I don't want to, in order to protest the decision, but I probably will.

  10. Yeah, Mario Kart 8 is the best game on the Wii U for me as well. In fact probably my favourite game since Xenoblade on the Wii for a home console experience. I am still playing it online 8 months since release and don't plan to stop anytime soon.

    (Use my phone for voice chat of course)

  11. I take ages at games and I did not fancy MH4 or Majora's Mask, so yes I am playing quite a bit at the moment.

    - Finally finished Mario Kart (all 3 stars)

    - Turning the air blue on Smash difficulty 9

    - Trying to enjoy the Hyrule Warriors adventure mode but getting overwhelmed.

    - Recently tried out Mass Effect 3 online mode to play with mates.

    - Still have not finished Bayo 1 or even started Bayo 2


    Time is the problem for me!

  12. I was only really citing the example of the Wii as a case in which sales of consoles encourage third party developers.

    The next console might have a USP that means it initially floods out of the gate or Nintendo might manage it by just executing everything about the launch well and building momentum. A new system usually generates some good will and interest amongst gamers and the media and it is up to the company to build on that.


    At this stage of the consoles lifespan I don't think something like this can be ruled out definitively. Nintendo building games for mobile does at least show that some level of change is possible at the company.

  13. For third parties - I think if you kick off a console with strong 3rd party support and you moneyhat it at the start you could change perspectives. The Wii did continue to have 3rd party support for quite a bit (brilliant compared to the Wii U) and it could have had better with performance parity.


    As for VR, I want it to be as good, and I agree that the excitement is palpable from people who have played it, but I have not read of a killer app game yet. I thought VR was the dream as well, but trying to get any of my gaming mates excited about it is proving very difficult - hence my previous comment.

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