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Posts posted by peterl0

  1. I work with a Mac [and have a PC at home] and I find that you do get used to to the differences relatively easily as long as you are not too hung up on the way things should be.


    I would love to have one for home use but they are just too expensive. I suppose you will be getting the educational discount to soften that blow a bit eh?



  2. I'm definitely gonna have a look/play at the range in a shop and then I may just do that! :)


    I am considering getting a net book as well.


    Samsung are just about to release the N510 which does have more of a widescreen display and is more geared towards doing HD. (It has an onboard graphics card and an HDMI port - apparently the NC20 can struggle with some HD decoders.)


    In the states it is being delayed until October for the release of Windows 7 (which sounds like a good idea to me) but it seems like it is releasing with XP here very shortly (like in the next couple of weeks).


    Oh and it will be a bit more expensive for a slightly smaller screen, so swings and roundabouts possibly.

  3. But everyone adored it - surprisingly Wakeboarding is a favourite for most people who play.


    I loved this when I played it last night - mini game it may be but it is a good one. I found it addictive and relaxing.


    Speaking of which the airplane mode is superb. I definitely get that Pilotwings vibe.

  4. Do you have a source on that?


    I point to Eurogamer:


    For those still struggling to comprehend a 0.3 megapixel camera - even though there are actually two - it's worth returning to something Shigeru Miyamoto told Channel 4 on a recent visit to London: "Nintendo's mission is to take advantage of improving cheaper technology to create reasonable and affordable entertainment."


    As we observed at the time, 'the lateral thinking of withered technology', espoused by Game Boy creator Gunpei Yokoi, is the inspiration for much of Nintendo's current success. The GameCube may have been withering technology, but it was the lateral thinking part that got Nintendo out of trouble with the DS and Wii, and the company hasn't forgotten it.


    In other words, it's not surprising to see a small, cheap camera - two small, cheap cameras, in fact - attached to the new DS handheld, because Nintendo isn't trying to compete with digital cameras and mobile phones. Like the two screens, the stylus and the microphone before them, the cameras are there for playing with.




    And 1up:


    One of the biggest changes to the DSi is the inclusion of two low res cameras. These cameras have provided for quite a bit of confusion since the system was announced, so let us clear the air.


    1. Both cameras are low res.

    2. They are low res so they can easily be used in applications.

    3. There is no flash on either camera, but there is compensation for darkness, much like any medium quality web cam. This also means that the video feed gets choppier and is more susceptible to blur in low light situations.



  5. I thought both cameras were 0.3 mega pixels and that this was just a mistranslation. Wikipedia agrees [i know, I know] but I am pretty sure that IGN and gonintendo did at the time as well.


    The only point of the camera then is the eyetoy/gb camera style games that you will be able to use. Personally, if they come up with a good game for that then I am on board.


    As for the music player, if you can play your own music whilst playing games then it would be worth it.


    Finally,l if they release a SNES/NES or even N64 emulator on the DSi shop and allow you to download your VC games onto the machine that would frankly be the best thing since sliced bread. They won't, but I can dream.

  6. it is because the alot of people own the license rights to tatsunko stuff.


    I knew why they would find releasing outside japan tricky I was juts wondering if they are going to help us that are keen to import. It had sounded like you had heard something. :smile:

  7. Totally agree. I see nothing that warrants a purchase.


    I also agree - they could do so much more [seemingly quite easily] to make the purchase more worthwhile and not just teh same game we played 10 years ago. A shame becauase I am quite tempted by Wiispeak - just need a better game to get the most out of it.

  8. 1) Playing Nintendo games online.

    I know the service has its problems and its unusual quirks, but playing Nintendo games online is a mjor plus. Just not that interested in other games played online. [Don't hate me 360/PS3 owners.]


    2) One handed controllers. And the wiimote simplicity.

    I know that there are twelve billion attachments but for the few games that only need the single wiimote tend to be my favourites. (Hand free to snack or drink.)


    3) Pick up and play games.

    I am also an aged gamer and have very little gaming time. Didn't think I would ever want it but there you are. Wiiware also good for this.


    4) Unexpected good games.

    Never happened in the N64 and GC eras to me but the following games came out of the blue and were actually fun for me: [Endless Ocean, Links Crossbow Training, Bomberman on Wiiware...]


    5) Quietness.

    Someone said that they thought it was the loudest console they have owned. Not me. Louder than a cart based console but still pretty quiet. The wife won't allow a 360 in the house due to noise.

  9. I have a prob: If i want to join a friends game, i get a data transimission ( error 86420 )prob, if he wants to join a game of me, he gets te prob too, but if i search a game with anyone theres no prob.The wifi community says if i can join a game with anyone but not a game of a friend, the friends firewall settings are wrong or my firewall settings because he cant join in my game too, but what exactly do i have to do ? can some1help me PLS?


    I have now been having exactly the same problem, but with 40830 instead. Actually it is almost the same. I have a friend (Patch) on these boards that can never connect to my frined rooms and I to his. However I can play with other friends, no problem, with them connecting to my room and me connecting to theirs.


    We have now tried this on Mario Kart, Bomberman and Metroid Prime Hunters on the DS. No one on the web seems to have ever come across this before though.


    It does sound like it might be his problem, and possibly with his firewall settings. Anyone know a good router settings troubleshooting guide?


    Any other ideas?

  10. I will pre-order japanese version ASAP. the MP3 player does not interest and the camera is pointless. 0.3 megapixel is really bad!


    DSWare is why I am buying this baby!!


    Surely the reason the camera is so limited is so that it can be used like a web-cam, eye-toy, or the pocket camera on the original GB. I.e. a gameplay accessory and a bit of a laugh rather than a serious alternative for taking photos?


    After all it won't have a flash either (clearly) and so it would be redundant as a serious camera.


    Having said that, it alone would not be reason enough to get the new DS.


    I also want to listen to music as I play. Hopefully the coin has dropped for Nintendo (after the feature was not included as standard for the Wii.

  11. I just got this game today. I've loved the series since I got the GBA game. Completed POR not long ago, brilliant from start to finish. This new one though, i've heard it was hard but what the hell! I consider myself a veteran so I stuck it on Normal, thinking now maybe that was a mistake. I died about 6 times on chapter 1...


    Tell me about it. I have completed all the GBA games on hard and was about half way though PoR on hard without many restarts (then gave up) but this is on another level! I have (just) completed the first chapter of the second part without dying which is the first level I have played iwthout a restart.


    The extra difficulty is cool however.

  12. Just finished chapter 3 of normal. Of course I now have found there are bonus experience points - must have read that there were not in a review I think.


    Still seeing the game over screen a few too many times for my liking, but things are gradually getting better. I think the thing that makes the game more difficult is my need to build up the weaker characters. On chapter 3 I left

    Ilyana and Aran(That knight that you talk to with Laura)


    at the back and used Nolan and Sothe as my tanks.


    One thing - nice to have a thief at the start of the game, who is so strong. I use him only for stealing. :-)

  13. I heard that the starting characters include an archer, a thief, a magician, a cleric and a myrmidon. Yeah, those are fragile classes.


    About the soldiers, is your myrmidon using an iron sword? A steel sword is definately not recommendable in the first chapters. Especially in a myrmidon.


    Seriously? I found it easier to level up characters in PoR, thanks to the bonus exp. Healers could level up more, instead of relying solely on the staves.


    You're right about Rhys, his low Strength and Speed made him bad for combat (and he was the only one capable of using Light magic). Mist was good at combat, but only after being able to use one of the magic swords.


    And that battle in the spoilers was annoying. You really had to rely on your luck.


    Sword of Seals is cool. Underrated soundtrack, and the story/characters are a bit more serious (although some parts are boring/uninteresting).


    But the difficulty was punishing. Roy's rapier was weak, many characters were useless, the enemy had strategic ambushes waiting for you, and luck hated you (a Hit percentage lower than 80% meant you would most likely miss. A dodge percentage of 40% meant you would certainly be hit.).

    Plus, in order to get the real ending, you had to complete every single Side-Quest.


    Give it a shot someday, anyway. :heh:


    Haha. I remember now. There was some kind of hack in the original for extra experience. It was a boss that healed itself on a throne (and a shop with infinite weapons to buy) so you could just keep pummelling it and not killing it, raising the level of your characters. I think I got most characters to level 20 before the end of the first main part. Deathly dull mind you. :)


    (I miss shops in the maps.)


    Bonus experience was definitely something that made the game slightly easier though, you are right. None in this game though.

    Soldier is using an iron sword, so no troubles there.


    How can you actually play Sword of Seals? Has there been a fan translation or something?

  14. Funny, in difficulty, I think:


    Sword of Seals > Fire Emblem GBA > Sacred Stones > PoR


    Let's see if RD tops SoS...


    It just seems easier for characters at the start to be OHKOed in the GC/Wii ones. In the other games, even for weaker characters they could usually stand one hit.


    One of the starting characters in this game starts with a sword and can be killed by some bog standard guards that will double hit him in the second level! (Admittedly they are lance carriers, but still.)


    Another thing is that it seems to be hardder to create super characters in the Wii GC games. In the original FE I could make a healer using light magic that I could use on the front row to take blows protecting other characters! It seemed to be much harder to make level 20/20 characters in the GC game and when you did, you still had to watch out for a high powered (but not 20/20) enemy of the opposing type.


    Final thing is the black knight. Even if you have Ike at 20/20, unless you have made him very powerful (using restarts if the stat gains were not good enough) you actually need luck to beat him as it relies on Aether being activated!




    Have never played sword of seals, but I agree that the original FE was harder than sacred stones.

  15. Hm, I keep hearing people say the game is f*cking hard. Is it really that hard? I mean, I've been hearing people say that about every FE game that's been released since FE6 on GBA.

    Yes, the games are hard, if you rush out to the front without planning. Yes, then it's hard. But hard as in... not playable? Hm... I think it's part of the gameplay. There are some battles that take several efforts to complete without somebody dieing. It's really frustrating, yet it's so enjoyable when you manage to get to the end.


    I'm ready to get my ass kicked come in a few week's time :D


    I have also not found the GBA games hard but this really is quite hard. I have only playe dthe first few levels but I have seen the game over screen more times than I would usually like to admit.


    I am playing the game on the Normal rather than easy difficulty mind you.


    Also I am trying my hardest not to use the characters of advanced level (as you get more exp for characters at lower levels).


    I would have said that PoR was harder than the GBA games (in the west - they are easier than the jap ones) and that RD is harder than PoR.


    However I love it. It really is like the game is a continuation of the previous game, in difficulty as well as story.

  16. Apparently, this is the hardest Fire Emblem in the west thus far. Also, there is a localization mistake that confuses a lot of people:


    -In the Japanese version of PoR, there was "Normal", "Hard" and "Maniac". In the western localisation, they got rid of "Maniac" and added "Easy".


    -In the Japanese version of RD, they still have the same system. In the western localisation, they decided to keep those difficulties, and just changed their names (Normal became Easy, Hard became Normal, Maniac became Hard)


    -Due to this confusing adaptation, Normal PoR corresponds to Easy RD, and Hard PoR corresponds to Normal RD. If you're transferring PoR data, keep this in mind.


    Thanks for that, Jonnas. I am still a bit confused - what does using your PoR save file actually get you in RD? Can't remember if I got round to completing RD on hard. Can you only use your save data for the corresponding difficulty?


    Looking forward to the game loads now - especially given the difficulty.

    Mine still has not come from Amazon. :blank:

  17. Hey, do you guys remember the rumoured release list (that I think Nintendo did then eventually release more or less)? It was in this news item:




    Well, it did not have a release date for Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn, despite the fact it has just been announced as being released on March 14th only a month away.


    I guess what I am trying to say is that it shows Nintendo could still surprise us by pulling a reasonably-soon release date out of their hat.


    [i realise this is completely against my previous negativity on the subject, but hey, I get to play the latest Fire Emblem next month. :) ]
