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Everything posted by andrea987

  1. Got it yesterday, it's an awesome game, it deserves to sell well, if you can order it online you'll save few quids. Got mine from the hut for £34.
  2. In the last 4 years I only played the Wii version of PES, because of the pointer controls, which I think are the best thing that could happen to footy games. Fifa, imo, was only decent up until '09. I recently bought Fifa 12 for ps3 and I think is superior, if compared to the Wii version of PES played with CC. The only thing I hope is that they implement pointer controls and have dedicated servers for the online. What is ruining pes on Wii & 3DS, now, is how random the online is, thanks to the 'host' problem. They seems to be quite serious about the online for Wii U, so let's hope they do it right.
  3. Yes, edit options are pretty much the same, but everything else (Master League aside) is different, meaning it has much more modes and training options, etc. It has Be A Legend and World Player, for example, that the Wii version doesn't have.
  4. Why not? It's a nice diversion, quite satisfying when you pull them off. I can't play against AI stronger than normal with touch controls though, too difficult. It would have been fantastic if they did implement a control method similar to the playmaker style on the wii, but controlled with the stylus of course, maybe having the radar on the touch screen, and moving your players from there.
  5. TBH gameplay wasn't bad on 2011, so no, that didn't change much. But of course IS NOT the same game, it practically has all the modes of the home consoles now, and I'm talking ps3/360, not wii. Look on youtube under 'PES 2012 Nintendo 3DS - First look at the Menu', you'll see (I still can't post links, sorry).
  6. I did, it wasn't too bad, but not enough modes and NO ONLINE! Shocking, traded in after a week, lol. 2012 is waaay better in every aspect. Let me know if you buy it, then we can play sometime.
  7. You can manually in the edit mode, quite comprehensive. And there is the Copa Santander Libertadores, but no American Soccer League, at least in the European version. Fantastic game, though. Online is pretty good too. Lol, if everyone would think like that, nobody will get it! Just joking. I've got it, and I think it's an excellent game, online is very good too, but at the moment it's a bit hard finding matches, especially during the week. It'll get better once is out in the rest of the world, and more people find out about it. Btw, I don't have fifa 12, but I've been told framerate is not that good, and graphics are a bit jaggy, did you find that?
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