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Big Red

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Posts posted by Big Red

  1. Arsenal still have a chance to gain that 4th position place if they try really hard, I still don't get how Wenger placed Song in the match the guy totally lacks ball handling skills and also why didn't Wenger take Cambpell off ealier I mean the guy was bleeding for a good 15 -20 mins and now hes got a broken nose.



    :cry: haha its quite funny but at least their still in europe and i hope they go all the way........................but come on united:bouncy:


    you can do it nickey chop their fuk@n heads of


    the smallest of chances but i would love to see it happen as fergie is a legend ;)

  2. If I had the chanse... Miyamoto...

    No doubt.



    hell yeh me too


    but siena miller mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm onlyi would have to approache her and ask her mmmmmmmmmm i make you mi wife.

    well thats tellin her but ither way it will do:indeed:

  3. exactly, i was doing comp sci this yr, however i had second thoughts ) and plus it was hard and i knew i was gonar fail :cry:) and i had several people saying that "they know people who have a degree in computer science and now work in a factory due to jobs being outsourced to India, so i changed to a business computing degree, since there are more jobs in the business sector side of computing, but it is quite sad to see people who work there ass off in computer science (yes its that hard!!!) Getting a 2.1/1st and still not getting a job



    in the same way not all kids who go to a private school and have a better better (more expesive) education will come out and be amazin it does have a lot to do with what you make of it and hoe you apply yourself

  4. i'll stop saying that david tennant is fit if you stop saying biliie piper is!




    seeing as everyone knows who's in the new series-what old characters would everyone like to see in the 3rd series of doctor who?? :D:D:D


    (please no more comments about billie piper being fit or stuff about me being gay. its a dr who thread after all! and maybe there should be two new threads about billie piper and being gay?!?! just a thought lmao)



    hey hey i never said she was fit i just said she gave me the twitch:grin:

  5. isnt this apart of being gay the fact that they dont think the same and say things that we dairnt.


    so if your not gay it will seem like they just dont care and its because they dont. so deal with it or go live in manchester, soho or brighton then it will be all so clear and no im not queer but have an understanding of life (my uncles gay) hehe and i live in brighton

  6. I don;t get it, are you taking the mick of him?


    and again @tellyn, the garlic bread/cheese cake voice is one of those that makes me want to stuff a big stick of garlic bread down his throat



    nor do i


    him me and any one else with a strong accent


    i am from the north not to far from mr kay



    i love that joke i havent heard it since i wore shorts and braces

  7. Do my ears deceive me? Cheese? Cake? The cake of cheese?


    Hehe, ok I'll stop now. COUGH GARLIC BREAD COUGH!


    Peter Kay is doing serious acting in this though. K9 makes a return in this series. The last episode in the series is called Doomsday... I can think of at least ten storylines in my head.


    peter kay gets squashed by a big alian pie


    is that one

  8. Oh yes bring on the smash robots. i mean robomen



    Please god no, have we not heard enough of PK's repetetive-smaey jokes already, and the 2 voices he seems to have that barely change no matter what character he's doing.



    think that because he has such a thick accent or just thick you decide:indeed:

  9. cheers guys much love i will post my new peice as soon as im done but its killing me why did i decide to add depth as well as detail.


    i do have a lot more but i cant post them as their to attached to my story line.but again thanks for the love

  10. i thought the last guy was brilliant.................but i never realy liked pilly piper when she first came about but for some reason she just looks so hot at the mo.................er what is this strange feeling in my pants towards pilly piper shes not even hot.................but the man down stairs does dictate now and then................why me

  11. Yeah I think the whole women rights thing is somewhat twisted. They can hit me but I can't hit them, I mean that isn't exactly very equal rights is it? The point of that women are weaker than men isn't 100% accurate. It's not my fault they don't train or anything.


    I mean I'm sure this lass could kick my arse





    mate she would brake you skoop you of the floor put you in a pan and eat you like a twinke:shakehead


    then you will become her sex slave

  12. What is wrong with shoplifters round your area? Who the hell steals meat?




    hungry people steal meat it means they are doing this to survive as the people who steal things like cans of coke and bassicly anything you can stick a pound to are more in it for the fun of it as they could probabley pay for it themselves.


    but meat theives are broke too the bone with not a pot to piss in


    or their about to take it to a pub and sell it for cheap to get some crack

  13. Close. ;)

    I don't drink, but i love parties. It's much easier to go out during the week, as it costs a lot to get into clubs at the weekend. You also have to wait longer to get a taxi home on weekends.


    So: Party during the week. :)


    tell me about it mid week is gravey audio allycats ocian rooms rikkitiks the eagle and the druids these places i love but west st needs to burn in hell have you checked out joogleberrys on manchester st thats also good if you like your live music and good food. although its best to do this on loan day:idea:


    It's the UPLS course. Upper Primary Lower Secondary English with Education. Basically, gonna be a teacher. :D



    hell yeh so you love to drink and get messey at the weekend:idea:

    as most teachers i no are hard ass ravers that put the medical lot to shame

  15. PS. I applied for Sussex, great science department before they shut down the Chemsitry labs for a Biochem institution, my interview for Brighton is later this month- probably wont go.



    i saw them protesting the other week put hadnt heard they had actuly shut it down yet.. they just needed more staff

  16. naw-a conditional offer means i need to meet the requirements of the offer to secure my place my offers are BBB from three a-levels so i need to get that to make sure i go to the uni i want to



    i deed things a little differntly tho i waited till ucas had closed the door then went to the uni ambushed the tutor he sent me away and sent for me for a real interview where i had to show a fool portfollio and they accepted me on the spot.........................but i never do thingss in life the right way

  17. Some left winged punk spat at me because I did not give him money even though I am rich capitalistic bastard according to him. Well it was a bad idea - my friend drove over his foot with the car for that and I slapped him a few times to teach him some manners. I know this is not the most intelligent approach to solve problems but he and his friends just pushed the line a few days ago my sister and taking her wallet.


    :bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown:


    you are my hero of the week seriously dude that fukin rocks:yay: :yay: :yay:


    this is why every one should learn akido the art of salpping some one around with maximum pain without a trace brilliant


    i dont think people should go around kickin the crap out of each other but if you step that line that ass is mine:mad:


    so for thoes whom are law obiding basicly not scally spitting theiving scruffy punks............you have nothing to worrie about but for thoes who want to step to the dark side :shakehead well you chose the wrong punk and you just made my day:yay:


    bow down to system error:bowdown:


    dabookermans got the right idea
