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Posts posted by Apple_NdiB

  1. I bought a bundle of games with my Wii (the stand-alone consoles had all been pre-ordered) and there were a couple of games thrown in that I have no intention of playing. The games are Monster Truck 4x4 and Splinter Cell, I tried to exchange them in Toys R for another game and a controller but they weren't having it, how much would I get for these games in GAME or on Ebay(bare in mind they are still in the cellophane)?



  2. Anyone know a good deal where I could pick this up? I think this game deserves to be played. From what I played, I enjoyed, so I want more.


    You can have mine if you want, I can't see me ever playing it again (not that I didn't enjoy it, it just doesn't have any replay value).

  3. "Hardcore" gamers, and by that I don't mean anyone who has a passion for games, I talking about the type who laugh when people say they're finding a game difficult, boast about having completed games in a quarter of the time reviews said it would take and generally treat games as a means of stroking their ego.

  4. You guys really ought to come to northern ireland, I think your heads would be completely gone listening to the way we speak.




    The Northern Irish accent is probably my favourite accent of all, especially when it's being spoken by that old dear (probably a phrase that annoys a few of you) on Blue Peter. My love for regional accents could probably fill a thread of its own.


    Anyway, I'd make most of you cringe with my broad Oxfordshire accent, liberal use of clichés and pepperings of "fuck" in most sentences, but I'm completely comfortable with it, and if someone was to judge me by the way I speak then I probably wouldn't want to know them anyway.

  5. How about Bob?


    Anyway, what will happen on my birthday this year, seeing that its on the 29th February, its not officially listed as 2008 is the next leap year, not 2007, so will I have to wait until 2008 for some N-Europe birthday wishes in the general chit chat section of N-Europe forums?


    What he meant to say was "many happy returns!"

  6. Traditional? That looks too modern/cool to be traditional.


    Where did you get it from and how much? Also what is it made from?


    According to the little booklet that came with it the first one was made in 1913, and since then the design hasn't really changed. I ordered from a website called Ecowool.com based in New Zealand for 80 quid, and it's made from very thick wool, so weighs a tonne.

  7. I agree. I liked the idea. I just didnt like playing that level. The ski section was totally frustrating. Enjoyed shooting in the dark tho!


    Possible spoilage!


    About that section, I've just cleared the room out the second time and I've been told to go back up on the cable cars. The game has twice crashed on me here, and I have no idea how to get up to the platform that lets you get onto the cars. What am I missing?

  8. I pre-ordered with Currys over a month ago, got a phonecall from them on Monday saying I was 99% certain to get one today, only for them to phone me up to tell me that the other 1% was going to be the case. I could've waited until the 16th, but on the off chance I phoned Toys R us who said they had 10 for general sale - I was working from 6, so I couldn't wait outside like I otherwise would've done. At about 9 I got a call from my mum, saying she had gone into Oxford at half 7, queued outside and got a ticket for a "Zelda mega deal", which included Red Steel, some shitty looking monster-truck game, Splinter Cell (which they didn't have in stock anyway) and of course Zelda. Came home at 5 and my Wii was waiting for me, sans Zelda (I've been told to wait until Christmas for that).


    So in other words, yay.

  9. I just watched all three karate kid films a few months ago. I think watching all 3 in a marathon on christmas eve would suit me just fine.


    Also, it's been years since i've seen the never-ending story.


    Was that on TV or do you own them?


    I forgot Jason and the Argonauts, and to a lesser extent Clash of the Titans.

  10. Does anyone know if an "EFT" number is the same as a serial number, I've pre-ordered from Currys and before I say what my number is I'd like to make sure that it's not going to allow anyone who reads it to find out my credit card details.


    No, you're the one who's paranoid.

  11. What you chattin' mate? I've been poking my head round these doors again recently, I'm suprised to see so many of my generation are still here. Anyway, cheers for the nod Flinky, and a shoot oot to everyone who remembers the days when simple, carefree pleasures, like creating fake profiles and getting banned for posting scat pictures were the order of the day.

  12. Hey, to anyone who's played this on pc or elsewhere, is it mostly stealth based or is it more of a twitch shooter? Cause it's seriously givin me a goldeneye vibe. I think this'll be the only launch FPS i'll get.


    It's very open-ended, you have a lot of choice as to whether you blaze it up or sneak aboot. The PC version was excellent though I can't comment on any of the console iterations.


    Like he ^ said.

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