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Everything posted by khilafah

  1. Region Lock

    I still have doubts it will be. Iwata is making it sound like region free is some major headache and lots of work.
  2. Kirby and the Rainbow Curse

    Playing this on gamepad stopped me buying it. Looks a great fun game but I know I will be disappointed not seeing the beautiful HD visuals. Will get it someday no doubt.
  3. Splatoon Direct - 7th May

    Sorry but you have failed to understand what my complaint was about. I prefer using the controller pro and would like the option to use it.. Some of us don't like using the GamePad.
  4. UK Election 2015

    never voted in my life and havent changed this election. actually looking forward to seeing the labour/SNP coalition just to see the crazy doom and gloom merchants out in force!
  5. Splatoon Direct - 7th May

    So you can only play with gamepad. Fck you Nintendo!!! I bought the pro controller as I don't want to use the GamePad. Give me a choice.
  6. Wii U General Discussion

    So Tony hawks 5 is skipping Wii U I see..
  7. Puzzles & Dragons - Super Mario Edition

    I am getting murked on normal difficulty on the demo.
  8. Shovel Knight

    why is it that shovel knight gets released in the same week on PS4/Vita, Xbox one in US and europe while EU Wii U/3DS gamers had to wait months for shovel knight. Is it nintendo that causes these delays as it never seems to be the same on the other consoles.
  9. Guitar Hero Live

    Not sure if people are gonna jump back on the music game genre again. It died big time. Wish there was new DJ hero game coming out instead though.
  10. Rhythm Tengoku 3DS!!

    I will double dip. No way I can not import and wait for the EU release. Both versions all the way.
  11. 3DS Console Discussion

    isnt even cheaper if you order from amazon france?
  12. Shouldn't have to. Nintendo don't get a free pass just because we can use Skype or mobile phones.
  13. I will still be buying it but I totally understand why some people have decided enough is enough. After the Mario Kart and Smash Bros debacle regarding voice chat is it any surprise that some people have decided to give Nintendo the finger. No voice chat option is inexcusable. Pretty Pathetic that people have to worry about this feature every time Nintendo announce a new game release.
  14. Are we all confident that Nintendo will be definitely sticking with dedicated handheld hardware. When I see people saying that they would love to see advance wars for example on mobile that really does worry me. How do you sell dedicated handheld hardware to people when you go and put a game like advance wars on mobile. If Nintendo fans are actually calling for games like AW to be on mobile over dedicated hardware then God damn.. Nintendo is gonna have a tough job resisting these calls. If Nintendo decide to develop one traditional handheld IP for mobile over dedicated hardware then for me that's the day it is game over. Once the gates have been opened there will be nothing to stop more.
  15. I think the whole help bringing people over to Nintendo hardware should just be ignored. These people are already not interested in Nintendo hardware and releasing Nintendo IP's on mobile/Tablet won't change a thing. Will people who buy Nintendo hardware suddenly stop now that some Nintendo games are on Mobile?
  16. yeah but some games will just not be playable on mobile. just think about what games you currently play on the 3DS at the moment. how many of them do you feel could actually be replicated and playable with no buttons or control stick. lets not forget the whole pricing model also. tell you what though, this news already had a friend at my work telling me that she wont have to buy another nintendo device for he son as she is under the impression that all nintendo games are going mobile.
  17. Only thing that worries me is if this is a huge success for Nintendo then how much of the resources will start going more and more to mobile. Nintendo struggle as it is with development of games. How they gonna support handheld, console and smartphone gaming.
  18. Any tips for the tipping the scales quest. This gore magala monster is battering me.
  19. Thanks so much for this.. Big help.
  20. Currently fighting zamtrios and see his is weak against Thunder and fire. I am using the charge blade at the moment and seen vids on YouTube with the charge blade having fire as a weapon. How do I get that Upgrade? Do I need to hunt another monster?
  21. 3DS Console Discussion

    Went from XL to N3DS and don't miss the bigger screen at all. Actually nice to have a console that fits in my pocket again. Also the cover plates and SNES buttons are just too damn nice. I know for a fact I would have regretted buying a N3DS XL.
  22. Kirby and the Rainbow Curse

    really think nintendo should have released this on the 3DS instead
  23. Kirby and the Rainbow Curse

    review http://www.nintendolife.com/reviews/wiiu/kirby_and_the_rainbow_curse
  24. 3DS eShop Thread

    trying to find matches online outside of the trial map seems difficult. tried yesterday and had no luck. think the developers should remove it soon to be honest.
  25. When do you get access to the best weapons? Am I being stupid. Wanna use the new charge blade but dunno where to get it from.