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  1. Wii sports will be included with the system (i think)? anyway I will get, Zelda, Metroid, + another controller.
  2. 8 minutes fishing. http://www.gccafe.com/e3/2006/wii/zeldafishing_e32006.wmv
  3. I love the music http://www.gametrailers.com/player.php?id=10677&type=mov&pl=game
  4. I love the tri-force on Links supermove
  5. IT WONT BE A LAUNCH TITLE!! damn, oh well, we still have plenty games at launch
  6. I know that MP3 wont let me down. But I am still hoping for a 2D metroid game on DS though.
  7. I want a lock screen option on MP3, when you aim with the Wii-mote the whole body moves (whole screen) not juste the weapon.
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g8TwAyIdKI0
  9. Wooooho, this game is sooo awsome
  10. Yea me too
  11. OMG, I want the shotgun.
  12. I will probably only get Mario and Zelda at lunch.
  13. I have alredy posted this on the DS hardware section, anyway this game is gonna ROCK
  14. its ON!!!!!!!!!!11
  15. OMG this thread = Hyper speed
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