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  1. hello to everyone! I've just finished cleaning my snes but during the proces a screw felt on a capacitor leaving a little scratch on it (it's not really a scratch.. just a point (really a point) of the varnish label covering it is gone) should I be worried? the snes is working.. should I change the capacitor? thank you
  2. I'm starting to belive that my wii is faulty if everyone here is telling me that no scratches are on their disks.. on my disk there are fine scratches and also strange marks on the external part of the disks.. (like fraction of concentric circles) I've contected nintendo that doesn't answer me lol
  3. maybe its dust on the dust cover? how should I clean it?
  4. not at all.. I put in the wii my game without scratches and I took it out with.. they are very thin scratches however.. maybe it's normal I don't know :S
  5. well I don't care too much about scratches.. I'd like to know if someone noticed the same thing on his own wii.. I belive that the 2 black labels in the entrance of the drive may harm the disk
  6. Hello to everyone! I have a problem: I noticed that my games are getting scratched more and more as long as I play with them.. I don't think those scratches are very problematic (very very very thin and noticiable only with a very strong light on the dvd and only in particulars point of view that said without pointing the light with an appropriate angle there isn't any visible scratch) however is it possible for the slot in driver to scratch even very softly the disks? or this is absolutely impossible and I have to replace my wii? thank you for the answer
  7. I have tried the damaged disk of shenmue 2 and it works great.. now I will try tales too.. tnx!!!
  8. up help please
  9. hallo! I have a problem: I noticed on a gamecube disk and on a dreamcast disc two odd things: on the gamecube disk I notice a black spot on the track side and it's not on the plastic sourface but within ot the dreamcast disk on the edge of the reflective layer I noticed a rientrance U sized in direction of the center of the disk.. I think it's not delamination or oxidation because the zone doesn't expand the two games works, but I have to sell them and I haven't got the time to play the entire game.. do you thing that the games might crash at a certain point? or do you think that because the game starts it will not have any problem? tnx
  10. Yes but.. it's rather impossible to find one :S
  11. Hallo to every one.. I've got this game, and I've got the magic game converter honey bee first model (not fx compatible) I'd like to know why this game doesn't work does anyone know if it is normal that with that converter the screen goes black? I have other games that doesn't work but I can hear or see something.. in this case.. nope.. Is the game broken?
  12. :P not at all! I need to manifest my joy.. It has been a long time since first I saw this game
  13. you know! thracia 776 in delux pack is 1000 copies limited.. that's my best collector piece.. now I only have to wait for the game
  14. Hi Guys.. Thank to everyone the transition for fire emblem is well under done!
  15. yes.. it's frustrating
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